... is being questioned upon the scaffold, her virtue shines through when she refuses to name the partner of her sin. In the next example, Hester�s pride and stature both seem to dwindle in accordance to her appearance. Within the next seven years, Hester has gone through a change both physically and emotionally. The book describes to have absorbed all the rebellious and fiery qualities of Hester, leaving a cold and lonely woman, her tenderness �crushed so deeply into her heart that it can never show itself more.� At the same time, Hester started �hiding� her beautiful rich hair in a cap, therefore practically eliminating her beauty and femininity. As Hester becomes ...
... and found that the novel was based on a political matter, and I
thought that the title was just a metaphor, and there were no "animals" in the
story. As I read I discovered the whole thing was a metaphor.
The five topics I'll be covering are:
1. plot structure
2. conflict
3. point of view
4. symbolism and figuration language
5. theme and author's vision
I hope this essay shows the ideas of Eric Blair and the freedom we have
under government control.
1. plot structure
The story starts off in a form called "Manor Farm." An old white boar
called "Old Major" tells all the farm a ...
... Through the whole trial, he did not retaliate at the white people, he did not get mad because he was improperly accused, he just showed the level of respect which everyone deserves. He handled the injustice with a manner reserved only for gentlemen, which is a good description of what he really was.
The third person to suffer injustice in the novel was Boo Radley. Many accusations were claimed about him even though they were untrue. Just because he didn't leave his house, people began to think something was wrong. Boo was a man who was misunderstood and shouldn't of suffered any injustice. Boo did not handle the injustice because he didn't know about it.
In conc ...
... The members of his crew follow a set daily
routine. According to Conrad, the captain narrator questions his self
confidence and authority �I asked myself whether it was wise to interfere
with the established routine of duties even from the kindest motive.�
Since he has not overcome the problems facing him, his everyday life is
vague. The captain narrator begins to face his problems when Leggatt, a
stowaway, arrives on the ship.
When Leggatt arrives, they immediately have a psychological link.
Leggatt�s first appearance shocks the captain narrator, but he senses an
instant bond between himself and the stowaway. The captain narrarator
states � I had ...
... first. I don't believe this terrible incident has any relation to my experiences because I have never experienced being on a cruise ship and then suddenly realized that my worry free vacation is going to turn out to be a horrifying nightmare.
Walter Lord writes, "I cannot imagine any condition which would cause a ship to founder. I cannot conceive of any vital disaster happening to this vessel. Modern ship building has gone beyond that." (Pg.21) I chose this excerpt said by Captain Smith because it proves how people can be so ignorant when it comes to dealing with mother nature. The "Unsinkable" Titanic met its match when trying to go through a massive iceberg ...
... shelling
resulted in the severe wounding of a recruit that Paul had comforted
earlier. Paul and Kat again strongly questioned the War. After Paul's
company were returned to the huts behind the lines, Himmelstoss appeared
and was insulted by some of the members of Paul's unit, who were then only
mildly punished. During a bloody battle, 120 of the men in Paul's unit were
killed. Paul was given leave and returned home only to find himself very
distant from his family as a result of the war. He left in agony knowing
that his youth was lost forever. Before returning to his unit, Paul spent
a little while at a military camp where he viewed a Russian prisoner of war
c ...
... cheated out of ownership of Wuthering Heights by Heathcliff. This crime parallels another: Heathcliff’s abhorrent abuse of both Hindley in his weakened state and Hindley’s son Hareton, who is made the stablehand instead of the rightful owner of the Heights. Heathcliff also trespassed when he imprisoned Catherine upon her visits to his son Linton. He coerced her into marrying Linton while her own father was dying, and so gained ownership of Thrushcross Grange as well as the Heights.
These corporeal sins are not without their spiritual counterparts. One of the most prevalent crimes committed in the novel is not by Heathcliff, but against him. Partly infl ...
... In the end of this investigation the rumor was proven false and no spies turned up. The word �McCarthyism is the unfairly accusing other of disloyalty and subversion.� (DiBacco et all, R47) All this person did was just scare many Americans just like in the Salem Witch trials. I guess that was McCarthy�s crucible, to make Americans think that a large amount of Communists worked for the State Department. Luckily we had a good congress and they didn�t let McCarthy�s ideas spread around. This relates to �The Crucible� by how one man tried to gain power by making false accusations. This is like when Parris saw the girls dancing in the woods he assumed that they were prac ...
... pleased, half plaintive murmur" and outstretched her arms toward the Reverend. The action clawed at a soul already in turmoil from guilt and fear. Pearl was meant to be a symbol of Hester and Dimmsdale's sin, and as Hester's punishment. What is overlooked is that Pearl offers salvation to Dimmsdale for the first time.
Dimmsdale's second chance for salvation comes from Pearl at the second scaffold scene. While Dimmsdale walks with Pearl, she asks him, "Will you stand with mother and me to-morrow noon-tide?" That sterling moment is disrupted by Dimmsdale's refusal to join Hester and Pearl upon the scaffold. A few minutes later, Pearl berates him. Her omniscient ...