... for years and the only man around, sexually abused her. Imagine yourself in a similar position and ask yourself “what would the effect be on me?” The effect on Dorothy Allison is portrayed in the book. She writes about having mixed emotions that for people who have not had such an experience seems quit strange. For example on page 48 (I knew; with fury) she describes the first time making love to a woman. When she makes love to her the smell reminds her of her stepfather. She feels both desire and hatred. The desire was what scared her, but by making love to this woman it made her feel more comfortable with that emotion. The desire resulted in a process of healin ...
Words: 1285 - Pages: 5
... and it was understood that each looked after it’s own, unless a situation go to big and then outside help might be called in. Although many did not exhort their religion it was known by all who was of what denomination and what they stood for. Dunstans up bringing had an immense impact on his life style. To a certain degree, religion isolated people within the community from one another, however Dunstan’s mother had a tenderness display and was always open armed to anyone, despite their denomination. This influenced Dunstan’s disposition because he was raised to accept people for who they were, not merely for what they were, and despite his strict Presbyter ...
Words: 825 - Pages: 3
... and Laius pierce the child's ankles and leave him on a hillside to die. Unknown to them, a messenger finds Oedipus and nurses him back to health. Eventually, Oedipus is adopted by the King and Queen of Colonus. When he grows up, unknowing of his adoption, he discovers his doomed fate from an Oracle. Seeking to escape it, he flees from Colonus. Once upon the road, Oedipus discovers his path blocked by a man, whom he perceives to be a robber. He kills this man, who turns out to be his father, and unknowingly fulfills the first part of the prophecy. Soon, he comes to Thebes, which is being terrorized by a terrible monster, the Sphinx. The Sphinx wanders th ...
Words: 1009 - Pages: 4
... Flatland to the circular or Priestly order who control Flatland. Priests in Flatland are a certain type of polygon. A circle in fact, "that is considered a polygon because of the large number of small sides that the polygon contains. As the number of the sides increases, a polygon approximates to circle; and, when the number is very great indeed, say for example three or four hundred, it is the most difficult for any delicate touch to feel a polygonal angle." It is also safe to say that ii is very improper to feel another shape in the higher classes, so it is almost never done except in some cases of disrespect and rudeness. The average perimeter of the circumfere ...
Words: 767 - Pages: 3
... on the other hand is more to the point and is comparing the norm of the time to his actions and what he compares others too. such as when he says " Look honey, we're going to the theater-we're not going to be in it...so go change, huh? " (80) He likes to toil too though, such as when he calls Walter prometheus as they walk out the door to the theater. (86) Also another example of Asagai's return to his youth was when he had the conversation with Beneatha after her brother had lost the remaining of their father's money. His theory on the matter, saying that the money basically should not have been relied on, would probably differ than George's relative to w ...
Words: 315 - Pages: 2
... the human tendency to sin, and it also symbolizes penance. Hester is forced to spend time in jail for committing the sin of adultery, and it is the starting point of Hester’s trek of shame to the scaffold in the market place. The scaffold itself is another symbol Hawthorne uses. Like the prison, it also symbolizes sin and guilt. “The very ideal of ignominy was embodied and made manifest in this contrivance of wood and iron” (60). It provides the setting of several important scenes in the novel. It is where Hester is forced to stand for three hours as punishment, where Dimmesdale, Pearl, and Hester stand in the night, and where Dimmesdale reveals ...
Words: 878 - Pages: 4
... obsessed with the nursery room wallpaper with “sprawling, flamboyant patterns committing every artistic sin” (64). Her days and nights are so uneventful that she finds relief in writing a journal which becomes more tiresome as her sickness progresses. In every few paragraphs in her journal, she analyzes the wallpaper. Through the imagery she evokes from the wallpaper, it can be seen that she is really analyzing herself and her illness subconsciously. For example, she begins to see “a strange, provoking, formless sort of figure that seems to skulk about behind that silly and conspicuous front design” (67). She describes her illness (as seen in the wallpape ...
Words: 512 - Pages: 2
... come to his face, and it was not a bitter smile. Not bitter at all"; this is the first instance in which Jefferson breaks his somber barrier and shows emotions. At that point he became a man, not a hog. As far as the story tells, he never showed any sort of emotion before the shooting or after up until that point. A hog can't show emotions, but a man can. There is the epiphany of the story, where Mr. Wiggins realizes that the purpose of life is to help make the world a better place, and at that time he no longer minds visiting Jefferson and begins becoming his friend. Mr. Wiggins' relationship with his Aunt declined in this story, although it was never very strong ...
Words: 962 - Pages: 4
... places. He is very supportive and help full to Alvirah in her interest of helping others with there crimes. He also enjoys helping the poor or just those people that can't afford to hire a plumber so he dose the job for free. 3. Brian who is somewhere around his twenties, he is an up and coming famous play writer. Brian is the nephew of Willy. Brian is first introduced in the first story called "The body in the closet". He was staying at the apartment of Willy and Alvirah were a body was found in there closet at there return from there trip to England. He becomes the main suspespect in the murder because he was the last be in the apartment. This was not a good th ...
Words: 1075 - Pages: 4
... When the reader believes that they have something pinned he puts in another twist that sends your senses spiraling. A specific instance in the novel is when the reader finds out that Mrs. Waters is actually Jenny Jones who is Tom’s mother. He sleeps with Mrs. Waters not knowing this. Fielding does not unveil this secret until the end of the novel. The major problem in the book is simple. There is a deceitful man named Blifil. He and Tom are going after the same woman, Sophia Western. Blifil is a kaniving person and besmirches the reputation of Tom. He makes up lies that hurt Tom’s chances with Sophia. Tom is also a bastard and Sophia's father does not want ...
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