... of her identity, and tries to conceal it by changing her name. She explains, “My real name was Rachel, which in Yiddish is Ruckla, which is what my parents called me--but I used the name Ruth around white folk, because it didn’t sound so Jewish ”(80). Ruth’s attempt at acceptance is in vein, however; it never stops the children from teasing her. When Ruth leaves Suffolk and moves in with her black, soon- to- be husband Dennis, intolerance follows her like a hungry dog following the scent of a steak. Dennis and she live in a predominantly black neighborhood in which Ruth is less than welcome. Many black people dislike her simply because she is white. Onc ...
Words: 1188 - Pages: 5
... bond. If there was a search for a distance, yet similar relationship, it is possible to end the search on the doorsteps of the Halloway’s. Inside, is a man waiting to reach out to his one and only child, William, and William does not know that is expected of from his father. They are two distinct individuals who live in the same place, the same planet, and the same house. There is a barrier that seems to exist whenever they are faced with one another. For Charles, it is a constant battle to wonder of the difference of age, and William is unable to release the true feelings which he dearly holds for his father. Charles, an old man who is unable to tolerate th ...
Words: 1133 - Pages: 5
... "My Old Man", which is entirely in the first person , and "On the Quai at Smyrna", which is only possibly in the first person, there is just one instance in In Our Time in which a character speaks in the first person. It occurs in "Big Two-Hearted River: Part II", an intensely personal story which completely immerses the reader in the actions and thoughts of Nick Adams. Hemingway's utilization of the omniscient third person narrator allows the reader to visualize all of Nick's actions and surroundings, which would have been much more difficult to accomplish using first person narration. Nick is seen setting up his camp in "Big Two-Hearted River: Part I" in intimate ...
... the Cyclops tears off a hilltop and hurled it at Odysseus's ship. "The blind thing in his fury broke a hilltop in his hands and heaved it at us". The Cyclops is cool because he can beat up despicable people such as thieves and outlaws. The Cyclops is a gullible character. First off, the Cyclops believes Odysseus when he tells him that his name is Nohbdy. "Nohbdy is my meat and then I eat his friends". Moreover, he accepted wine from Odysseus and his men, people he was continuously torturing. "Three bowls I brought him and he poured them down". Also, the Cyclops leaves Odysseus and his men, who were complete strangers to him, alone in his dwelling w ...
Words: 501 - Pages: 2
... him to change too. Tennessee Williams artfully depicted this. The fire escape. A downtrodden red thing off the sides of buildings showing societies ineffectual escape from itself. In this case it served as a passageway between the real world and the dream one that Laura and Tom were living in at home. Both somehow stumbled both physically and mentally. When Laura said “I'm all right. I slipped but I'm all right”(47). She was trying to pass to the real world to do a real job and couldn't because of societies “inability” to accept her and her ways. She wasn't strong enough to make the trip by herself, but needed the moral support of the other dreamer in the ...
Words: 1065 - Pages: 4
... illegitimate son that he neglects. His girlfriend has to threaten him to get him to pay for something as little as milk. Willie believes he has the right to treat his son the way he was treated, coldly, without love and attention. His son was actually the lucky one compared to the way Willie treated his girlfriend. Although Willie's son was neglected, the baby's mother was beat. Willie's father had more influence on his life than he wanted to. Willie treated his girlfriend as if she were beneath him, as his father did to him. On page (9) Willie shows his disrespect for women. The best thing that could have happened to Willie was the accident his father w ...
Words: 605 - Pages: 3
... the explosive Industrial Revolution, massive economic growth and the birth of a new middle class in the early part of the nineteenth century, Northern women were experiencing a total reform of society. Nancy Woloch states in Women and the American Experience “middle class Americans had rising incomes, expectations, and living standards” (p.67). The atmosphere was charged with growth and transformation. It was out of this shift in society that the “cult of true womanhood” was born. This idyllic view of women’s appropriate sphere “celebrated the new status of the middle class woman, along with her distinctive vocation, values, and character” (Woloch, p.68). True ...
Words: 1793 - Pages: 7
... between Hester and Dimmesdale, both her soul and her body are untainted and flawless. Hester notices that Pearl has no physical defects, but Pearl's character has an unexplainable aspect of oddity and unpredictability. When she plays near Hester's cottage, Pearl "[smites] down [and] uproot[s] most unmercifully [the] ugliest weeds"(87) which she pretends are the Puritan children. Hester believes that Pearl is so emotional and temperamental because the passion which Hester and Dimmesdale experienced during their sinful act somehow transferred into Pearl's soul. However, Pearl's antipathy for the Puritans is justified; the children often torment her for no ...
Words: 1794 - Pages: 7
... is a tremendously moving novel, guaranteed unforget-table. The book instills in one's mind what a battle fought during the Civil War was actu-ally like to be apart of for the soldiers. The setting for the book takes place in Pennsylvania, where the Battle of Gettys-burg is fought. The author provides many detailed maps of both army's positions. Throughout the book, the reader is shown the pain, difficulty, anguish, and other dilemmas the armies face leading up to the final confrontation. In the beginning of the book we learn about the North from a spy for the South. His job was to scout the North's position as well count the number of troops. He reports to Gene ...
Words: 579 - Pages: 3
... let her life have been the way it would then, it was certain that my life was very uneasy to me; for I liv'd, as I have said, but in the worst sort of whoredom, and as I cou'd expect no Good of it, so really no good issue came and all my seeming prosperity wore off and ended in misery and destruction;..." Whenever Moll would have kids she would sell them or give them away. Moll saw children as a biprouduct of having sex. The choice of going to whoredom, however, was only because she felt the need to survive. Most animals have this instinct to survive. Whenever she would marry a man he would pay her to have sex, but his life wou ...
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