... to try to get on a first name basis with Marx for a familiarity that Marx did not want. Grossbart suspected Marx was Jewish by the spelling of his last name which he spelled out as “M-a-r-x”. Grossbart led Marx into believing he was interested in going to church instead of cleaning the barracks. Marx knowing it was unfair that they were denied the chance to attend service told Grossbart he could “attend shul”. By calling the service shul and not church Grossbart knew Marx was Jewish. When Grossbart tried to correct him by saying, “You mean church, Sergeant.” Marx was furious that he had given himself away and relented by s ...
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... and intelligence contrast to the wretched traits of his creator, making the horrible references much more suitable for Victor. Unlike Victor, the monster shows great compassion despite his appalling appearance. For instance, he demonstrates his love for others during his time spent observing Felix and Agatha while in the village. He wishes “to return to the cottagers, whose story excited in [him] such various feelings of indignation, delight, and wonder, but which all terminated in additional love and reverence for [his] protectors…” (106) Even though the monster had never actually met the De Lacey family, his ability to feel compassion is prove ...
Words: 1127 - Pages: 5
... man wanted to marrt her".(P113) Mrs.Dickinson is a widow because her husband died in a plane crash. That makes her to be a independent person. After the death of her husband, she has no help in anyway. She tend take care of the family by herself. Financially, she has to go out and work, she has two jobs which will earn her money to live. "She helped a friend with a little hat shop......bred puppies for sale". Emotionally, she is independent. Her son, Frederick, is the only one lives with her. She hasn’t marry any other man in five years after the death of her husband. "It was five years since her tragedy and she had not married." (P112) She also try to raise ...
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... a doctor's fee. Before she dies Addie requests to be buried in Jefferson. When she does, Anse appears obsessed with burying her there. Even after Addie had been dead over a week, and all of the bridges to Jefferson are washed out, he is still determined to get to Jefferson. Is Anse sincere in wanting to fulfill his promise to Addie, or is he driven by another motive? Anse plays "to perfection the role of the grief-stricken widower" (Bleikasten 84) while secretly thinking only of getting another wife and false teeth in Jefferson. When it becomes necessary to drive the wagon across the river, he proves himself to be undeniably lazy as he makes Cash, Jewel, an ...
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... A blind man in my house was not something I look forward to”. (Page 98). The narrator felt that being blind was like being in a type of prison and the preconceived notion of self-imprisonment was frightening to him. He felt that blindness was exactly like being a prisoner in Plato’s Cave, a scary world where no light ever penetrated. Unfortunately, the husband is imprisoned in his own ignorance. His view of blindness had come from Hollywood’s portrayal of blind people. As far as he is concerned, his situation is completely normal. He knows there are lots of people just like him. In “The Cathedral” the extent of the husband’s ignorance or naiveté is extremely irri ...
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... to Athens, Icarus decided to try to challenge the sun, even though his father had warned him that if he got too near to the sea his wings would dampen and fall apart, or if he got too close to the sun, the wax in his wings would melt, and he would lose the ability to fly. Ignoring Daedalus' warnings, Icarus flew too high and the sun melted the wax that held his wings together. Icarus fell into the Aegean Sea and died. Solomon, a slave, had been a leader when he worked in the cotton fields in the South. One day he decided to fly back to Africa with his youngest son, Jake, leaving behind his wife Ryna and their twenty other children. Black lady fell down on the gr ...
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... the fate of man. Golding's work are, due to their rigid structure and style, are interpreted in many different ways. Its unique style is different from the contemporary thought and therefor open for criticism. The struggle between darkness and light is a major theme in all the works of William Golding. Strong examples of this are found throughout Lord of the Flies. The most obvious is the struggle between Ralph and Jack. The characters themselves have been heavily influenced by the war. Ralph is the representative of Democracy. Elected as the leader he and Piggy his companion keep order and maintain a civilized government. The strength of Ralph's characte ...
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... weather and eating nothing but bread and gruel. Deep down it seems Shukhov never really expects to get out of the camp, but yet he still maintains hope and keeps a very strong personality. He took pleasure in small things that would be irrelevant to us in our daily lives, such as eating a meal. One would have to be a strong person to get true happiness just by eating a meal. Shukhov didn’t daydream about getting out of the camp or about anything in the future. He lived for that particular day and moment. Shukhov stated, when eating a meal, “It was great! This was what a prisoner lived for, this one little moment.”(p. 169) Another example of Shukhov’s emotional s ...
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... her can not be dissuaded by anything; not her words, her wishes, or her marriage. He holds on to Hatsue because of his feelings for her, even after he gains the knowledge that it is extremely improbable that he could ever be with her. Hatsue is much more logical and rational with her feelings. She saw her love with Ishmael for what it was. She realized she did not really love him and that she was still learning what love really is. She moved on with her life, whereas Ishmael could not. Ishmael's view of love did not change throughout the novel. He met Hatsue as a child, and formed the idea that he loved her through his limited knowledge and through his adolesc ...
Words: 1005 - Pages: 4
... on religious ideals and laws. It is a society that relies on the guilt that comes from the violation of the laws of its religion and the punishment of these transgressions. Puritan society was one such theocracy. It based its ideals on the bible and used fear of sin to dominate the minds and lives of its people. This concept of theocratic domination is presented in the novel in several different forms. It is shown in the actions of town officials, enforcing the laws of the bible and punishing those who go against biblical law. This is shown when they punish Hester Pryne for committing the sin of adultery. Theocratic Domination is also presented by how the t ...
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