... has to fend for himself, because he is the only survivor on this abandoned land. His main concern is survival. He has no idea how to use tools, but from his own determination to live, he learns how to make things on his own. With nothing but his bare hands and a couple of hatchets, he starts out building a shelter for himself. From acquiring these new skills, he adds onto his house and learns to form his own tools. Out of new experiences with these tools and his vivid imagination, he now has the ability to build anything that he wishes for. Later, he builds a table, chair, shelves, a summer home, canoe, and a boat. Robinson Crusoe shows us that a pers ...
Words: 713 - Pages: 3
... very hard time doing this. She feels Jane was forced upon her family after the death of her parents. Against her husband’s request, Mrs. Reed does not treat Jane like a human being and is constantly criticizing and punishing her. In one example Jane was keeping to herself, reading a book when her cousin John Reed decided to annoy her. John then grabbed the book and threw it at her knocking her down and cutting her on the head, which bled and was very painful. Mrs. Reed then punished Jane by sending her into the red room, the room her uncle died in, for the entire night. While in the red room Jane became terrified and thought she saw or heard the flapping ...
Words: 1667 - Pages: 7
... quite often to inform the readers on her own personal opinions. The comic techniques caricatures, irony, and satire, not only helped to provide humor for Austen's readers, but they also helped Austen to give her own personal opinion on public matters. When an action is exaggerated on stage by an actor, it becomes all the more noticeable to the audience. An author can exaggerate a character in order to make fun of them. Austen exaggerates many of her characters and therefore makes caricatures of them in order to emphasize their ridiculousness. Mrs. Bennet is such a character. Her extremely unpleasant manner and reactions causes readers to delight in the situ ...
Words: 1135 - Pages: 5
... tired. As the Rabbi falls farther and farther behind his son, his son runs on, pretending not to see what is happening to his father. This spectacle causes Elie to think of what he would do if his father ever became as weak as the Rabbi. He decides that he would never leave his father, even if staying with him would be the cause of his death. The German forces are so adept at breaking the spirits of the Jews that we can see the effects throughout Elie's novel. Elie's faith in God, above all other things, is strong at the onset of the novel, but grows weaker as it goes on. We see this when Elie's father politely asks the gypsy where the lavoratories are. Not only d ...
Words: 657 - Pages: 3
... the house Tom pretended that he was a cat to get Hucks attention. If he hadn't done this the widow might have caught them leaving in the middle of the night. Twain shows their resourcefulness when he writes, "Directly I could just barely hear a me-yow! me-yow! down there. That was good! Says I, me-yow! me-yow! as soft as I could, and then I put out the light and scrambled out of the window on to the shed." This shows the boys resourcefulness and intelligence. I think it is sick that the group of boys made their own gang. The gang planned to rob people, kill people and take people for ransom. Twain illustrates this when he writes, "We ain't burglars. That ain't ...
Words: 371 - Pages: 2
... state their opinions and facts using various literary techniques and devices. From reading other Thoreau works, such as excerpts from Walden and Excursions, I was able to infer that he has his own unique, unmatched writing style. Most ordinary and banal writers start their essays with long, tedious descriptions of the point they are trying to convey. But like all great writers and thinkers, Thoreau begins his essay with a strong, captivating sentence: "That government is best which governs least" (222). Thoreau's opening line grabs and lets the reader know what topic(s) the essay will be discussing. As it turns out, this opening sentence is the basis for ...
Words: 932 - Pages: 4
... these, one author may write many novels with a similar theme, plot, setting, or characters. This is extremely true in Great Expectations. The main character in the novel, Pip, portrays a life that is similar to the life of Charles Dickens, his creator. It is evident that Charles Dickens drew on personal experiences in Great Expectations. Pip and Dickens have numerous similarities beginning in their childhood and ending in their adulthood. Both appear to be unloved by their mothers. Both of their mothers died when they were young. Their fathers did not help the situations. They both were abandoned by their fathers. Pip’s father died also when he was young an ...
Words: 1336 - Pages: 5
... his companion, which makes it evident that something similar will happen to George. Lennie is like Candy's dog. He is even described by Steinbeck with animal-like qualities. His hands are described as "paws" and he drinks water like a "horse". Lennie's passion for animals makes him more animal-like as well. The death of the mouse, puppy, and Curly's wife all help to foreshadow the death of Lennie. When George finds out that Lennie has killed Curly's wife he knows that Curly will seek revenge. George alone finds Lennie in the brush and assures him that he is not upset about what he did. With Lennie's back turned, George tells him about their dream one last ...
Words: 344 - Pages: 2
... father was a Nazi and forbade her to keep any contact with Inge, but the two girls would always find a way to see or write to each other even when things were rough. Inges father also began to disprove of their friendship and pretty soon if either one were to mention the other’s name she would be punished. Yet the girls refused to forget each other. One day Inge received the news. She was to move away to Yugoslavia to escape Hitler’s regime. The girls promised to never forget each other and they never did; even long after the war was over. I think Doris Orgel did a wonderful job in portraying these girls as people who would forget their differences and what others ...
Words: 2306 - Pages: 9
... insited on fighting Joe Starrett Shane is forced to go back to his violent past. Shane dresses back up in his all black clothes, just as he wore when he first arrived. Shane grabed his gun and met Stark Wilson for the final showdown. By having Shane return to solving problems with a gun, Jack Schefer implies that a man can not changed, there is no breaking the mold. In A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens expresses his belief on changing ones personality. The moral of A Christmas Carol is "People can make changes in their lives whenever they really want to, even right up to the end." Charles Dickens shows the moral by haveing Scrooge change his personality. ...
Words: 791 - Pages: 3