... than important or trifling. Torvald doesn’t want Nora spending too much money at Christmas. Nora wants to borrow against his upcoming promotion and subsequent raise in salary. Torvald states on page 1565 ‘Are your scatterbrains off again? What if today I borrowed a thousand crowns, and you squandered them over Christmas week.’ On the rare occasion when Torvald gives her money, he is concerned that she will waste it on candy and pastry. Nora asks Torvald what her most sacred vows are and he responds ‘And I have to tell you that! Aren’t they duties to your husband and children?’ Later on he states Before all else, you̵ ...
Words: 574 - Pages: 3
... fancy house makes a visitor think of the sophisticated homes in town, however they are still back country people who only view their home as having style for the things inside. In the parlor of this house "there [are] beautiful curtains on the windows, white with pictures painted of castles."(101) The curtains painted with castles give the family a false feeling of being elite. When you think of castles you think of queens and kings and aristocracy. Ironically they think of others who lack the few finer things like curtains with castles on them to be lower class then themselves. These minor details make them think they are above everyone else. Along with this fa ...
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... nectar and ambrosia; and not the least delight of the entertainment was the smile of gratification of our hostess regarded us, as we satisfied our famished appetites on the delicate fare she liberally supplied” (65). Another example is Jane’s first morning at Thornfield. A positive mood was foreshadowed when Jane described the weather as, “The chamber looked such a bright little place to me as the sun shone in between the gay blue chintz window and carpeted floor, so unlike the bare planks and strained plaster of Lowood, that my spirit rose at the view” (90). Thus, this not only foreshadowed the positive mood of Jane, but also the experience she’ll have in the ne ...
Words: 537 - Pages: 2
... to become a place for the salting and smoking of Herring, and a great dock for boats. This attracted many fisherman from all over the continent, including the Clique Port fishermen. After awhile silting became very useless and migration began to occur towards the south part of the town. In the royal domain, Yarmouth was known as a borough, in which they had to pay "every third penny" of revenues to the Earl. Yarmouth was a very small town compared to others in the region. According to the Doomsday survey, it had at least seventy burgesses by ten sixty six. Yarmouth was known as a frontier town due to its lack of role of administration in the area. In addition, ...
Words: 1563 - Pages: 6
... a great relief to my mind-) perhaps that is one reason I do not get well faster. You see he does not believe I am sick!"(507) The men are under the impression that what they say goes and therefore the woman has no choice but to follow. "He knows there is no reason to suffer and that satisfies him."(508) This quote illustrates that the men are in control. If they strongly believe nothing is wrong, then nothing must be wrong. It is a feeling of self satisfaction the men feel w!hen they are superior to the woman. The main character knows John loves her, but it is the oppression she feels that bothers her so. Her husband expresses his love for her but at the same time ...
Words: 1503 - Pages: 6
... the fact that he has the one thing he can’t buy, Daisy. Also, Gatsby is extremely envious of the people that he invites to his house. He knows that he is not old money like the people he invites to his parties. This makes him a man of who, is “Green with envy.” In like manner, green is also used to symbolize money. In the story, money controls the life of the people in the story. Gatsby feels that he needs green money to live and to impress Daisy. Symbols of Gatsby’s money included his large green lawn and the green ivy growing up his house. Also, in his car, it depicts the passengers sitting “in a sort of green leather conservatory.& ...
Words: 677 - Pages: 3
... by coming in from the sea when the waters began to get rough. However, there was nothing that Conrad could have done to prevent the boat from capsizing. His attempt to commit suicide is one of the things that makes him unordinary from normal teenagers. In the real world, many teenagers attempt suicide. But, this is not ordinary. It is unusual for a teenager to attempt or commit suicide. Society does not look at this sort of behavior as ordinary. If a teenager does attempt suicide, they are usually seeking attention and looking for pity. As a result of these actions, they are seen as having some sort of mental incapacity and are treated for it. There ...
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... so many years, wondering where on earth all the dust came from “(4) (sic). Eveline’s life is a fearful one, which resembles the dust constantly, mentioned in this story. The way objects can constantly build up dust time after time no matter what environment its in resembles her. Eveline is constantly being involved in problems and stress time after time. So who’s to say that if she changes her environment that other problems wont build up again like the dust. A promise is supposed to be something that is sacred. It’s something that is not ever to broken and this is what Eveline’s mother asked out of her. “ Strange that it should come that very night to remind her o ...
Words: 446 - Pages: 2
... other birds' songs. Because the mockingbird does not sing its own song, we characterize it only by what the other birds sing. Hence, we see the mockingbird through the other birds. In the novel, the people of Maycomb only know Boo Radley and Tom Robinson by what others say about them. Both of these characters do not really have their own "song" in a sense, and therefore, are characterized by other people's viewpoints. Throughout the novel, Scout, Jem, and Dill are curious about the "mysterious" Boo Radley because he never comes outside of his house or associates with anyone in the neighborhood. The children are, in fact, afraid of him because of all the stories ...
Words: 1230 - Pages: 5
... save books for others to read and enjoy. However, Montag’s wife, Mildred, does not care for books as much as Montag because she knows books are illegal and she fears for her life. Mildred tells Montag how afraid she is by saying, “They might come and burn the house and the family. Why should I read? What for?(pg.73)” Montag is upset when he hears this because he sees that there is a problem with burning books. Indeed there is a problem because books allow people to express themselves, learn, dream, and have fun. In a society such as the one found in , people are not allowed to experience any of these things and they are less individual. Another problem found in B ...
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