... moment Pip meets her, he feels an attraction towards her. At the same token, Estella’s outward feelings towards Pip are confusing and cruel. From slapping him in the face as hard as she can, to making him feel as low as dirt saying he has coarse hands and thick soles and such, Estella is able to crush Pip inside. He feels as though he cannot let Estella know how he really feels besides telling Miss Havisham and Estella her self that she was pretty, yet mean. As time goes on, Pip learns all about Estella from her attitude and appearance. This attitude and appearance is what Pip wanted to attain so that Estella would love him. In chapter 17 Pip tells Biddy ...
Words: 1512 - Pages: 6
... pay no attention to her, and instead, try to keep her as far away from themselves as possible. If people could just look closer, they might see the beauty in the dandelions and in Pecola. However, Pecola knew that this was not likely because of society's hate for her and she knew that, "Nobody loves the head of a dandelion" (Morrison 47). Pecola soon realizes that she will never be beautiful just how she is. As she looks affectionately at the dandelions, "they do not look at her and do not send love back" (Morrison 51). Pecola realizes that the dandelions are ugly and like them, she is merely an unwanted weed because she cannot be beautiful, like people she ...
Words: 784 - Pages: 3
... revealed before the crowd...On the breast of her gown, in fine red cloth surrounded with an elaborate embroidery and fantastic flourshes of gold thread..."(50-1). Many people there to see her when she reveals the “A” on her chest. Most of the town people are astonished and startled on her beauty still shone. Even though the big red letter on her chest stood for adultery. As the novel progressed the meaning as the "A”" made a change for the better in Hester's life. In chapters before of the novel the letter "A" on Hester's bosom had negative meaning, but this time Hawthorne turns the meaning around in the story to mean able. Now that she has given many ...
Words: 624 - Pages: 3
... his poetry. In particular, Dante's ideas of love were focused upon a single person in his life: Beatrice. Dante first saw Beatrice when he was only 9 years old (Dinsmore 69). She became his inspiration for almost every major work he created and he viewed her as his savior, first temporally and later spiritually (Fergusson 165, Inf. II, 109-114). His La Vita Nuova is a collection of poems and prose commentary inspired by Beatrice and collected after her death in 1290. Dante's love, however, was unrequited, as he himself says in a conversation with a lady recounted in La Vita Nuova: "What purpose have you in loving this lady, when you cannot bear her presence? Tell u ...
Words: 2661 - Pages: 10
... is an example of the excessive pride because he feels that he can sin and meet with the Devil because of this promise that he made to himself. There is a tremendous irony to this promise because when Goodman Brown comes back at dawn; he can no longer look at his wife with the same faith he had before. When Goodman Brown finally meets with the Devil, he declares that the reason he was late was because "Faith kept me back awhile." This statement has a double meaning because his wife physically prevented him from being on time for his meeting with the devil, but his faith to God psychologically delayed his meeting with the devil. The Devil had with him a staff that ...
Words: 2425 - Pages: 9
... More accepted the Chancellor position, King Henry began badgering him to help him with the affair. The badgering and erratic behaviour became more violent towards More as he perpetually declined to comment on the divorce. Despite that King Henry promised again to More, “There, you have my word – I’ll leave you out of it” (56), he hired Cromwell to pressure More into making a statement. King Henry became so obsessed with trying to achieve More’s acceptance that it was said he “Wants either Sir Thomas More to bless his marriage or Sir Thomas More destroyed” (119). King Henry with his lust for new love took his unrelenting ...
Words: 810 - Pages: 3
... took aim on their quest and was reluctant to aid in their cause. Gandalf had departed them to seek the wisdom of another wizard. With Strider and the remaining party they traveled the broad expanse if terrain. Where they would befriend new adventurers along the way. Many a time would they be tempted to misuse the ring. But Frodo's will held strong. Up unto the climax of events, when the ring raids came to take what once belonged to them. In a moment of weakness, Frodo placed the ring on his finger. He vanished from his party's sight. "Take the ring off Frodo!", they yelled. But he was frozen in his steps. Determind to get it they approached him. In a brave ...
Words: 484 - Pages: 2
... actually operates as a huge business machine, whose operators’ primary concern lies in that of personal advancement instead of the well-being of their country. Although the title of General, Sergeant, or Major may make one seem distinguished and well-learned, Heller offers a different perspective. Major Major Major, Scheisskoph and co. share one common characteristic: they are more fit to be clowns than leaders. Through portraying Major Major Major as an inefficient Major (he is unwilling to meet with those who wish to see him) whose promotion was a direct result of his name, one is inclined to believe those in military leadership actually do not belong in ...
Words: 2358 - Pages: 9
... special relationship with his younger sister Phoebe. He admires her very much and says that she is one of the few people that he can really take to. He does not want to see her grow up. It is Phoebe who ultimately saves Holden. Holden Caulfield is a confused sixteen-year-old who refuses to grow up. He is frightened to face his approaching adulthood and often thinks of killing himself so he doesn’t have to. He often thinks of his deceased brother Allie who will always be remember as a child, and he realizes the price one has to pay to remain a child is death. Holden’s fear of growing up and his love for children is an important aspect of this personality and cau ...
Words: 313 - Pages: 2
... dominant characters: Catherine Earnshaw, Edgar Linton, and Heathcliff. Catherine is in love with both men, but for different reasons. Heathcliff is a vengeance ridden, cold, wild tempered, working class man who destroys the lives of everyone around him in seeking restitution for the injustices against him as a young boy. Edgar Linton is well-mannered, considerate, financially secure gentleman who sought only the love of Catherine. Many of those who read this novel would support the blatant obvious; Edgar Linton as the unsung hero of the story. That though is the blatant obvious and the easiest choice to consider within the novel. But the true hero of the novel ...
Words: 1268 - Pages: 5