... they attempt, as Huck says, to "sivilize" him. This process includes making Huck go to school, teaching him various religious facts, and making him act in a way that the women find socially acceptable. Huck, who has never had to follow many rules in his life, finds the demands the women place upon him constraining and the life with them lonely. As a result, soon after he first moves in with them, he runs away. He soon comes back, but, even though he becomes somewhat comfortable with his new life as the months go by, Huck never really enjoys the life of manners, religion, and education that the Widow and her sister impose upon him. Huck b ...
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... the Jondrettes. He promises them that he will give them money for the payment of there house. He brings them money, and because of him, they have the fortunate opportunity to stay under a roof. In another incident Jean Valjean, receives a exclusive letter from Marius, a young man that is in love with Cossete. The letter is addressed to Cossete, and even though Jean Valjean regrets the possibility of Cossete leaving him, he turns the letter over to her. Jan Valjean proves that he does not have a mind of a criminal and could be trustworthy. Jean Valjean shows that he does not care about himself, and that he has only a dedication on helping others. When Je ...
Words: 611 - Pages: 3
... be demonstrated through the symbolism of the rat, the poster outside of Bigger’s apartment, and Bigger’s encounter with the “nut” in jail. To Bigger’s chagrin he is not in control of his life. His life is dictated by a large group of white people’s false belief of superiority. With every cause there is an effect, and the effect that this burden has on Bigger turns him into an animal, living for only one thing, survival. “There he is again, Bigger!” the woman screamed, and the tiny, one-room apartment galvanized into violent action. A chair toppled as the woman, half dressed in her stocking feet, scrambled breathlessly upon the bed. Her two sons, barefoot, sto ...
Words: 1215 - Pages: 5
... Marx (1 xi-x). This government was soon divided into two fractions. One, the Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir llich Lenin, favored establishment of a centralized communist society. The other faction, the Mensheviks favored establishment of a constitutional government because they believed Russia was not ready for revolution. In reality, neither party held a real majority, and many political figures became powerful and then were expelled. Leon Trotsky joined the Bolsheviks and supported plans that would be for the good of all Russian people. Joseph Stalin built consensus with the members of several factions. In the final stages Lenin and the Bolsheviks seized power a ...
Words: 954 - Pages: 4
... to their King but to one another. King Arthur is given the Round Table as a wedding gift by Gwynevere’s father. It consists of one hundred knights. Often the knights join together to defend the honor of another knight by killing the one causing the dishonor. The Fellowship bands together with the common purpose of destroying the Ring. The Ring can only be destroyed by throwing it back into the Cracks of Doom in Orodruin, the Fire Mountain, in Mordor, home of the Emperor of Darkness known as Sauron. The Ring should Sauron get it would give him the power to control the world. The obvious difference in the make up of the Round Table and the Fellowship is ...
Words: 2421 - Pages: 9
... had to wear in their ears. Technology would come to a stand still with the gifted not being able to finish a complete thought because of the sharp sounds produced by the mental handicaps. With the handicaps imposed there would not the breakthroughs that are needed to improve the population's way of life. Suppose someone did not have the ability to invent the automobile. It would be difficult to commute to school or work. Imagine if you had to walk to work every day no matter how bad the weather is. Now-a-days people complain about having to simply walk out to their car in the morning and wait for it to warm up. Many jobs would have never been created if ther ...
Words: 516 - Pages: 2
... obscene. The terms "mother" and "father" are extremely offensive and are rarely used except in science. Huxley uses Mustapha Mond, the World Controller, to portray the vulgarity when he explains the obscenity of life before Utopia to a group of students: And home was as squalid psychically as physically. Psychically, it was a rabbit hole, a midden, hot with the frictions of tightly packed life, reeking with emotion. What suffocating intimacies, what dangerous, insane, obscene relationships between the members of the family group! (37) In an earlier passage, Huxley shows the effects of Mond's explanation on one boy, "The Controller's evocation was ...
Words: 1162 - Pages: 5
... near the end of his stay at the Ospidale Maggoire. The nada concept had been a part of Henry's life from the beginning. Henry stood up nights because the night is a representation of evil and death to him. If he is not asleep, he can avoid having to deal with it. Henry also is accompanied by Catherine during nights at the Ospidale Maggoire. To Henry there "was almost no difference in the night except that is was an even better time" with Catherine. Catherine, who is already a code hero, has values which transcend onto Henry at the Hospital. During the day, Henry sleeps but Catherine has to work, so she stops coming to him on nights. Henry is left t ...
Words: 902 - Pages: 4
... with the law. Dally helps them by giving them some money, a gun, and a place to hide. They hide in a church outside of town for a week until Dally says it's okay to come out. They go out to eat and when they get back to the church they find it burning. When they see that there are kids inside and the fire could have been started by their cigarettes, they run inside to save the kids. Johnny and Dally are hurt in the fire and taken to the hospital. They are hailed as heroes in the local paper. Dally breaks out of the hospital to fight in a rumble against the Socs. While the Greasers beat the Socs, Johnny dies in the hospital. When Dally finds out he goes o ...
Words: 524 - Pages: 2
... anyone violating any of these is forced into slavery under the Tor which the city is set upon, where Cutter is mining to find the crypt of the Shadowking, where the nightstone, an ancient artifact of great and evil power, believed to be. Caledan finds this out through a connection within the slums and goes to find his old traveling companions who once made up the Company of the Dreaming Dragon. After reuniting, the company goes to find the tomb of Merrimeck to find the secret of the shadow song, the known power against the Shadowking and the nightstone. As the company travels to toward the Fields of the Dead, they encounter a shadevar, a horrifying and powerful fo ...
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