... they attempt, as Huck says, to "sivilize" him. This process includes making Huck go to school, teaching him various religious facts, and making him act in a way that the women find socially acceptable. Huck, who has never had to follow many rules in his life, finds the demands the women place upon him constraining and the life with them lonely. As a result, soon after he first moves in with them, he runs away. He soon comes back, but, even though he becomes somewhat comfortable with his new life as the months go by, Huck never really enjoys the life of manners, religion, and education that the Widow and her sister impose upon him. Huck ...
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... dug his knees deep into Holden’s chest to keep him from moving. This seemed to go on for “around ten hours”. When Stradlater finally gave in and let Holden get up, the struggle started again, ending with a bloody nose for Holden. Afterwards, although Holden was somewhat offended by the actions, he did not seem to care about his dripping nose. He went directly over to Ackley’s room, not even stopping to wipe up his nose. He also did not seem to care about the overall fight, because he talked of it like it meant nothing to him. “I had a little goddam tiff with Stradlater,” he explains to Ackley. “Do you feel like playing a little Ca ...
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... himself in the mirror for the first time as a black man. "The transformation was total and shocking. I had expected to see myself disguised, but this was something else. I was imprisoned in the flesh of an utter stranger, an unsympathetic one with whom I felt no kinship. All traces of the John Griffin I had been were wiped from existence. Even the senses underwent a change so profound it filled me with distress. I looked into the mirror and saw nothing of the white John Griffin's past." (pgs.15-16) The theme of isolation is first discovered in this quote. Griffin feels imprisoned in a body other than his own. He does not like the person he sees before him and feels ...
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... modern version of The Odyssey is a combination of all these scrolls that could have existed as separate stories about Odysseus’ travels, his encounters, and how he obtained his status as a hero. Ancient Greece has always been an interest of mine. In 6th grade a teacher that I had know for my whole schooling showed a movie every week. One week we watched “Jason and the Argonaughts”. Ever since then I could never get enough Greek mythology. In freshman year of high school we read the annotated text book version of The Odyssey. Lucky for me, I transferred English classes at the semester and I was able to read The Odyssey twice. And sin ...
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... (168). Finny's outburst causes his second injury, which is rooted in Gene's spitefulness towards him. Gene's feelings and their effects are linked together by the Assembly Hall. Finny's anger toward the events of the trial eventually leads to his own death as he storms out into the corridor. As Finny runs down the corridor, the marble staircase that he approaches is symbolic. Finny storms out of the Assembly Hall in which Gene's trial is being held and begins running down the corridor. At this point, Finny fully realizes that Gene intentionally shook the limb, which made Finny fall out of the tree. Finny is in denial, thus causing him to storm out of the room. When ...
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... in a perilous situation involving the elements. The man was faced with weather that was 75 degrees below zero and he was not physically or mentally prepared for survival. London wrote that the cold "did not lead him to meditate upon his frailty as a creature of temperature, and upon man's frailty in general, able only to live within certain narrow limits of heat and cold."(p.1745) At first when the man started his journey to the camp, he felt certain that he could make it back to camp before dinner. As the trip progressed, the man made mistake after mistake that sealed his fate. The man's first mistake was to step into a pool of water and soak his legs to the kne ...
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... image he claims he is the son of some wealthy people in the Midwest but educated at Oxford; traveled to Paris, Venice, and Rome; collects rubies, hunts big game, and paints; and received many awards and medals for his outstanding effort in World War I. Gatsby created this “ideal image” in order to impress those people who were curious about his background such as Daisy and Nick, and to make sure no one thinks he was “just some nobody”. This “ideal image” was a complete lie; his real name was Jay Gatz, which he changed when he was seventeen and witnessed the beginning of his career through Dan Cody. As Dan Cody pulled his yacht into the shore of Lake Superior, he ...
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... jealousy. Othello takes every word Iago says like it is truth, and whenever he does question Iago, Iago's quick wits keep him uncovered by weaving all his lies together. Iago was capable of bringing Othello into killing his own wife without ever have Othello question his wife or anyone else. In Othello's mind, Iago was so trust worthy that anyone elses word would not be truth, and all of Othello's faith was placed in Iago. Iago calls himself trust worthy in Act II Scene I Line 196, Iago is quoted saying "As honest as I am", which everyone knows is far from true, but Iago is still capable of bringing Othello. Othello believes in the honesty of Iago untill the bi ...
Words: 542 - Pages: 2
... he desired were basic animal needs. He hunted for fruit and nut to stop the pangs of hunger. He slept in the forest under the stars. He sought meager shelter to keep him dry. These were all he desired before he knew of man. Only after silently observing a family for months did he learn of the ways of mankind. He became self-aware and learned common knowledge. He tediously acquired a written and oral language. Then he yearned to meet his benefactors. For years after his creation, the Creature was innocent. Throughout his bitter life, the Creature was dealt one blow from humanity after another. After spending time in the cold, wet woods, he sought ...
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... four irregular lumps of limestone. Its windows were merely open spaces in the walls, which in the summer were covered with greasy strips of cheese cloth to keep out the varmints that feasted on Maycomb's refuse." This description paints a very vivid picture of the cabin and also tells a little bit about the Ewells themselves. From this we can infer that the Ewells took very little (if any at all) pride in their home and it's appearance. Later in the passage Lee adds, "What passed for a fence was bits of tree limbs, broomsticks and tool shafts, all tipped with rusty hammer heads, shovels, axes and grubbing hoes, held on with pieces of barbed wire." By now it is ap ...
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