... to me. I felt tension not only on my body but also mentally. I looked back. The second runner was running at full speed to me. I saw the baton. It looked like a monster. My mind shouted at me. 'Drop and Die.' I looked forward again. I could see my way clearly. It was short distance to go, but it seemed the finishing line was miles away from me. I opened my eyes with a fierce glare and I decided to run to death. Every thing looked different from a second ago. I knew my team was about to be the victor. "GO!" The second runner shouted. I darted forth. I put my hand back. I felt the monster in my hand. I grabbed it as hard as I could and then I accelerated. The ...
Words: 475 - Pages: 2
... chocolate covered peanuts and caramel were very tantalizing. Then we were allowed to open the wrapper. I opened it, careful not to rip the wrapper. The second it was uncovered, the sweet smell got stronger. That chocolate and caramel aroma was now increased with the glorious smell of roasted peanuts. Oh! How I longed to taste that tempting Snickers bar. The top of the bar itself looked like an ocean wave just before it crashes onto the beach. It was a perfect picture, frozen in time. It felt smooth, yet gooey at the same time. Then I heard those magical words. "you may now take your first bite." I then bit into it and my taste buds went berserk with admi ...
Words: 275 - Pages: 1
... Within seconds the stall horn began to blow and the plane rolled onto it's right side and plummeted to the snow covered ground. Bob awoke, not knowing how long he was out, hoping that some one had received his frantic calls for help. After a day he decided to try and hike out, he took everything he could carry. He made good distance during the day but at nightfall he knew it was over; the temperature had fallen below negative fifty mark. The rescuers sent out search parties and finally found him in his sleeping bag next to a burnt out fire. They had been looking for weeks, this is what they had expected. ...
Words: 301 - Pages: 2
... perservere, hoping to be switched to another bunk. Alas, no such switch came, and I was driven to the brink of insanity by these innocent looking young devils. These kids saw nothing wrong with playing sports inside the bunk (and breaking three windows while doing so), going weeks without showering, or with not going to sleep. I soon realized that however insane these kids seemed to be, they were not as unreasonable as I had originally thought. They just had to be given suitable reasons or alternatives. And it was up to me to come up with these reasons and alternatives. I knew that I could not adhere to conventional wisdom while dealing with these kids, so I ...
Words: 556 - Pages: 3
... His diversity, talent, and his ability to be ferocious and graceful at the same time would make me want to invite Billy Corgan to dinner. I would invite Jimi Hendrix because he was one of the greatest guitarists of all time, despite his drug habits. Hendrix was ahead of his time with the music he played. He introduced a whole new style of rock guitar. His lyrics were simple and were almost always about love, but his guitar talent and unique playing style always made up for it. I would love to have a jam session with him and maybe have him teach me some things I do not know about playing guitar. It would be a great honor to learn from a teacher as grea ...
Words: 513 - Pages: 2
... in hospitals. They are watered and fed in our corridors and rooms and in our cafeterias and chapels. We find friends in many ways, but we often solidify our friendships in adversity. During illness we see the real caring and concerns of others. Being present during the adverse times often permanently bonds humans together. Of course, not everyone can maintain friends from our childhood as I have been able to do. People are mobile, they move from city to city or merely change neighborhoods. Yet, regardless of the length of the relationship, we all have a need for friendship and continually strive to make close and true friends in our lives. If our immed ...
Words: 618 - Pages: 3
... the aircraft. "Ready to rock n' roll." Steward pulls the Blackbird out of the hanger like a cumbersome Oldsmobile, but only this special Oldsmobile can travel over twice the speed of sound undetected by enemy radar. With a push of the throttle the twin-turbine engines roar with authority. The bird takes flight disappearing into the night skies evanescently. The only sign that it exists is the trademark sonic boom as it passes the sound barrier. After approximately seven hours flight time and two in-flight re-fuelings, the Blackbird reaches its destination, Moscow, Russia. The thermal imaging camera, located in the bird's hull, depicts the rad ...
Words: 927 - Pages: 4
... as the Egyptians. But that is pure fantasy. Then again... Apparently the discovery of microscopic bacteria has greatly inspired Hollywood with already ten extra-terrestrial movies in the works including five based on the planet mars with titles like "Mars lives!" and "The Creators". What I find a bit strange is that the NASA announced the discovery just before the government decided where to place its annual funds. Makes you wonder if the announcement was not "rushed" a little. If that is what it takes for the government invest more money into space and SETI (Search for extra-terrestrial intelligence) programs than I thank the NASA personally. Sky is no ...
Words: 451 - Pages: 2
... fact that computers and the Internet were not easily accessible there. But once I came here, I immediately fell in love with web surfing and online chatting. I love flirting with guys, however I understand the importance of studying so I tend to have little time for that. Therefore, I gave them a Chinese riddle. I said I would talk to anyone who could answer it. The riddle is: What can walk without legs, eat without a mouth, pass through a river that has no water, and die without a soul? The answer is Chinese chess. The next day I got an email from someone who got the correct answers. She also said “Making friends is a very serious thing, why are you using a ridd ...
... the doors and I could only get into one of them. I walked into the one that I could get into and heard someone yelling and pleading. I grew scared but then noticed it wasn't a person. It looked like a hologram, but you could see and hear him. He seemed to be pleading for his life. I could not see whom he was talking to, but I don't think it was a person. The man was balding and looked like he was in his upper forties. He was saying, "I am sorry for coming into your house. I thought it was empty. Please! Please! Let me go. I won't say anything; I didn't see you murder him. No! Don't! Ahhhhhhh! Stop..." Then he fell to the floor after I heard a sickening crack. I rac ...
Words: 873 - Pages: 4