... example of human actions controlling the plot is Juliet. In those scenes she acts in ways which seriously affect her life and the rest of the play. First, she comes to the Friar looking for help. "I long to die, if what thou speak’st speak not of remedy" (Act 4, sc i, ll 66-67) is her attitude towards her situation. She then accepts the friar’s solution and decides to take the poison. "Give me, give me! Oh tell me not of fear" (Act 4, sc 1, ll 121) are her words spoken to the friar. Her actions here are to be brave and to rush into the plan. Her actions are more important than the friars in this scene because she has all the control. The friars actions a ...
Words: 539 - Pages: 2
... the beginning of a great career”(Whitman 732). Walt believed that Leaves of Grass had grown with his own intellectual development. Calamus, a section of poems in Leaves of Grass is a section talking about love and friendship. Poems in Calamus have been put in and taken out through the years with the revisions of the book. Two poems that can be found in Calamus today are “I Saw in Louisiana a Live-Oak Growing” and “To a Stranger.” These two poems have not been Calamus together since the beginning of the book, but now they are together and very similar. Since love and friendship are two major aspects that Whitman was looking for in life. He wrote many poems on ...
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... some may still have difficulty. The greatest challenge about meeting people is not only the hoping that they will keep a conversation with you, but also there is the fear of rejection. Yes, it may sound weird but many people are afraid that if they go talk to someone, they will just be blown off. One fourth of the university’s population is freshmen, this makes the hip process that much easier. If you think about it, that means a whole bunch of new people, in a new place, just wanting to meet new that they can talk with. When the target person to talk to is chosen, it is all downhill from here. What is the easiest thing about a person that you can learn? ...
Words: 633 - Pages: 3
... uncle that he might know he killed his father. Later in the play a troop of actors come to act out a play, and Hamlet has them reenact the murder of is father in front of his uncle Claudius. The actors murder scene also make Hamlet question himself about the fact that he has done nothing yet to avenge his father. Hamlet says ' But am I Pigeon-livered and lack gall To make oppression bitter, or ere this I should ha' fatted all the region kites With this slave's offal. Bloody, bawdy villain! ( Act II scene 2 page 84 line 577- 580 ). During the play Hamlet watches is uncle Claudius to see his reaction when the actors perform the murde ...
Words: 2900 - Pages: 11
... finds herself in the end. She lives on as a wise, self-actualized, strong woman who has found peace. Thanks to Tea Cake, the man who knew himself and was happy, hence making Janie peaceful and satisfied. Janie matures with each life-lesson. She grows mature into a woman, but her soul remains as a child. Janie's light colored skin was contributed by her father, a white teacher who raped Janie's mother as she was a student. Janie's smooth, black hair is kept at a very long length, tied in a rope draped down her back. This symbolizes her life, long and eventful. Her clothing was mainly of overalls, useful to Janie when she was working in the Everglades with Tea Cake. ...
Words: 556 - Pages: 3
... benefit/ In animal farm napoleon uses this technique to brainwash the animals into thinking that they need to serve him alone. napoleon does not care if the animals are hurt or if they need rest. He wants for himself anfd himself only. naploeon uses the propaganda technique in an uncaring and very negative way/ An example of this in the novel is when napoleon blatantly runs a rival pig, snowball, off the farm./ napoleon even uses his trained dogs to scare snowball away. from this point on, he would blame snowball for everything that went wrong on the farm. The animals are so brainwashed that they believe snowball has actaully done all these things. This is how ...
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... despised, "Mother, monogamy, romance. High spurts the fountain; fierce and foamy the wild jet. The urge has but a single outlet." (Huxley 41) The comparison to a wild jet is intended to demonstrate the inherent dangers in these activities. Many of the Brave New World's social norms are intended to 'save' its citizens from anything unpleasant through depriving them of the opportunity to miss anything overly pleasant. The society values, ACOMMUNITY, IDENTITY, STABILITY," (Huxley 1) supersede all else in a collective effort. Soma, the magical ultimate drug is what keeps the population from revolting. "What you need is a gramme of soma... All the advantages of Chr ...
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... each other. The older man has a record player that he brings out once a week for the listening pleasure of the group. He is very proud of this treasure. It has sustained through these hard times just as he has and he limits his use of it to make it last. He owns only three steel needles and he gets one out to use because on this particular occasion, their is a musician visitor with them. The other men act as excited as children. They listen to the record and then leave the doctor's house. Doctor Jenkins is nervous and suspicious at the end of the story when the other men leave. "With nervous hands he lowered the piece of canvas which served as his door, and pe ...
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... Gatsby involves himself in unlawful activities, and prospers in turn. But debatably, his thirst for the Dream had not yet been quenched. He had money, he had power. He "was overwhelmingly aware of the youth and mystery that wealth imprisons and preserves." He wanted happiness. His dream was that money and power could buy him happiness. Obviously, he didn't understand society, and that was his downfall. But he was a believer, and he kept to the idea that he could be happy now that he was "somebody." His true happiness would only come via Daisy, his love from long ago. His dream was kindled nightly, when the green light at the end of her dock was turned on. ...
Words: 446 - Pages: 2
... as one proves difficult and Morrison allows them to pursue different paths. But the two women's separate journeys and individual searches for their own selves leads to nothing but despair and 's death. Nel's realization that they were only truly individuals when they were joined as one allows them to merge once again. Morrison portrays and Nel as binary opposites at the beginning of the novel. In our first view of Nel she is as conventional and conforming as a young lady can be: Under Helene's hand the girl became obedient and polite. Her mother calmed any enthusiasms that Nel showed until she drove her daughter's imagination underground. (p.18) In this pass ...
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