... he lacks the mental strength to do things, so his wife questions his manhood and calls him weak. After she insulted him, he thinks that he is wrong and she is right, so he go against his own conscience, in the end he was right and Lady Macbeth wrong. Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth when the king is in their castle to “Your hand, your tongue: look like th’ innocent flower, but be serpent under’t.” What this meant was that Macbeth looked and talked like an innocent little flower, but under that fake mask he was an evil serpent. I agree that Macbeth was unimaginative to a degree but then again he had an imagination because he saw the daggers ...
Words: 773 - Pages: 3
... Polynices but she refused to listen. Since she had so much respect for her brother, she didn’t care what her uncle’s orders were. Therefore, she was going to do anything she could to bury him, even if it meant that she had to sacrifice her life. She knew it was the right thing to do. As she says here, “I know my duty, where true duty lies,” (1.1.78). Ismene was the other sister of Antigone and Polynices. She however, did not think that her family was important to her. Antigone told Ismene, “is he not my brother, and yours, whether you like it or not?, I shall never desert him, never,” (1.1.39) but still Ismene didn’t ...
Words: 879 - Pages: 4
... side of of a romantic heroine, is a women who is involved in events out of the ordinary, that the average person either wouldn't or couldn't do, for fear of what may happen to themselves. But it is not just bravery that defines a heroine. Trustworthiness, putting others before themselves and not being afraid of speaking out for something they believe is right, are just a few different qualities of a heroine. When people associate a romantic heroine with literature, they sometimes get a different impression of the woman. In most books she is the lead part in the novel. And as well as having the characteristics of an ordinarily thought of romantic heroine, she ...
Words: 3916 - Pages: 15
... into something forbidding." Roger was an authoritative big'un that didn't seem to care about the consequences of his actions. Not only was his appearance gloomy, but his personality tended to be as well. "Roger, uncommunicative by nature, said nothing." His physical appearance led the reader to believe that Roger was a completely corrupt character, inside and out. Roger seemed civilized near the beginning of the novel. Even though he was civilized, he still had the tendency for evil. While he threw rocks at Henry, he aimed to miss. "Roger gathered a handful of stones and began to throw them…Here, invisible yet strong, was the taboo of the old life." This ...
Words: 512 - Pages: 2
... believed that whatever an Oracle predicts was bound to happen. Oedipus does what he can to evade his destiny, he resolves never to see his supposed parents again. But it is quite certain from the first that his best efforts will fail. Others would argue that because Oedipus was a tyrannical ruler and didn't make the best choices in life, he deserved to suffer. E. R. Dodds states that, "Oedipus' behavior on the stage reveals the man he always was: he was punished for his basically unsound character." It was unavoidable and was his destiny to suffer in life. It was certainly not his fault that he reacted to his circumstances as he did. One of the most o ...
Words: 1103 - Pages: 5
... was noble and honorable because she was standing up for what she believed in. Antigone was trying to do what she felt was the right. She was standing up for her family. I think that many people would feel the same way in her situation. Antigone wanted to offer her brother the burial that she felt he deserved. Although it did not seem as though she agreed with what her brother had done she did believe in family loyalty.When Antigone approached Ismene with her proposal, Ismene said no. She justified her decision by telling Antigone that they were already punished and that there was no need to make matters worse for the two of them by defying Creon’s law. ...
Words: 1421 - Pages: 6
... He doesn’t need her at the beginning, only giving her literature lessons, and after a while, feels very attracted to her and will find it extremely hard to keep on living without her. "Rita. Don’t go." In the beginning of the play, both characters start out living with someone else. Rita is married and lives with her husband, and Frank lives with his girlfriend. This is unusual, because a love story never starts this way. In a love story, the couple usually agrees on every point discussed, however not always, or generally shares all of their common interests. These two characters do not share all the same common interests. One loves the drink, the other ...
Words: 1427 - Pages: 6
... end of the group disagrees with the rest of the class. On the following trial, he disagrees again. Asch and his colleagues describe the person as becoming more worried and hesitant as the experiment continues, and he may do things like pause before he speaks or speak in a low voice..... According to the author (338). The subject does not know that the rest of the group has been instructed by the experimenters to purposely give the wrong answer six out of the eighteen times. Asch and his colleagues placed a total of one hundred and twenty three college males in the experimental situation. Under ordinary circumstances, Asch had found that a wrong answer is gi ...
Words: 495 - Pages: 2
... heart entranced with pleasure” (154). The story proceeds to describe the goddess as having a “breathtaking voice” (154) and being “lustrous” (155). Yet, when the story describes Odysseus, he is “wrenching his heart with sobs and groans and anguish” (156). Even though, Odysseus resides on a beautiful island with a goddess who takes care of him, he still wishes to be at home. Odysseus recognizes that fact that the island is beautiful, but he still longs to be at home. Additionally, Odysseus remains faithful to Penelope, not by modern day standards, but he chooses Penelope over the goddess. When Calypso questions Odysseus, he ...
Words: 1080 - Pages: 4
... in a dignified way, Othello never fully realizes or takes responsibility for what has happened. These two last orations of Othello are noble in speech and purpose, but lack comprehension. He uses the first to attack himself for his horrible deed; certainly this is the first reaction of anyone who has wrongly killed his beloved. He delivers condemnation upon himself with eloquence and anguish. The latter speech he gives in his final role as a leader, directing the men who remain about how to deal with what has happened and showing them he has purged the evil. In his initial self-loathing and remorse at realizing the truth of Desdemona's innocence, Othello is genu ...
Words: 1210 - Pages: 5