... large cash payment. The defense was Pynex, a tobacco company, and they had very deep pockets and were willing to pay for the correct verdict. A verdict for not guilty. The story starts with the very laborious job of jury selection. The tobacco industry has on their payroll a man by the name of Rankin Fitch. Fitch foresees the selection of the lawyers and consultants. Fitch and the consultants foresee the selection of the jurors. Each perspective juror is investigated and watched. The defense as well as the plaintiffs want to secure a verdict so they only want jurors sympathetic to their side. Fitch along with Rohr, the plaintiff’s lawyer, also had hi ...
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... not (“O’Donovan, Contemporary). Frank O’Connor portrays Jackie as an assertive character. He tries to have things done his way. “I was too honest, that was my trouble…”(O’Connor, 335). This quote is referring to Nora “sucking up” to her grandmother for a penny every Friday. Jackie couldn’t do this because he expresses what he is feeling. He’s always battling with his sister. An especially memorable moment is when Jackie gets under the table and tries to stab Nora with a butter knife because she is trying to get him to eat grandmother’s food (O’Connor, 357). O’Connor was also a battler: he just fought on a more adult scale. For example, he fought an extra y ...
Words: 551 - Pages: 3
... he ended up dropping out of school after one semester. "He instead pursued a variety of jobs, including teaching at his mothers private school and working in a textile mill. In 1894 he published a few poems in The Independent and began corresponding with its literary editor." (Bloom p.12) In December 1895 he married Elinor. "In the early years of there marriage, Frost attended Harvard as a special student but withdrew in 1899 and took up poultry farming to support his growing family. The Frost's family life, often strained by emotional and financial anxieties, was marked by a series of tragedies. Their first child, Elliott, died of cholera at age three. Anoth ...
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... Moses, as well as Jacob, represent epic heroes that could appear in any culture at any point in time and in any form. Epic heroes are not always flawless. They occasionally commit a crime, lie, or do something of questionable moral action. Though married to faithful Penelope, Odysseus continually rapes and pillages, has affairs and even sacrifices his own men. Similarly, young Moses killed an Egyptian who was pestering a Jewish man (Exodus, 45) and Jacob forced his starving brother out of his birthright by giving him some food. These actions do not tarnish the hero, but they are necessary for the development of their character. In Moses’ case, the murder serve ...
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... that way that she is disconnecting herself from any responsibility. One could immediately say that this is because of her position at the time. Behn, being a woman, faced many prejudices from male writers and critics, although she was praised by some. Yet the anthology introduction states that she openly signed her name and talked back to critics. If this is true why would she be afraid to take a more open stance towards the question of slavery. Why does the antislavery perspective have to come from a slave, someone who is obviously going to be antislavery and not that of someone with a higher rank in society whose feelings toward the issue would be more cons ...
Words: 623 - Pages: 3
... willing to provide for her, she must somehow provide for herself. It is like she has been thrown into a pool of melancholic acid and every day she sinks deeper and deeper, the satirical substance eating away from the inside out, until she hits the bottom and is consumed by the phlogiston. She has so many hardships that her caustic circumstances drive her to schizophrenia: “Ever since I got my blue eyes, [Mrs. Breedlove] look away from me all of the time. Do you suppose she's jealous too? Could be. They are pretty you know. I know. [Soaphead] really did a good job. Everybody's jealous. Every time I look at somebody, they look off. Is that why nobody has told y ...
Words: 713 - Pages: 3
... women were in the kitchen discussing the fact that Minnie was concerned about her fruit preserves. The County Attorney makes the statement: "I guess before we're through she may have something more serious than preserves to worry about." Mr. Hale responds with: "Well, women are used to worrying over trifles." Because the women were concerned with cleaning and tidying the kitchen, which men considered trifle, the men overlooked that area and went out to find some real clues. However, the real clue to solving the murder was found in the kitchen. Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters find a birdcage in the kitchen cupboard. They discuss the fact that Minnie must have had a bi ...
Words: 781 - Pages: 3
... subsistence. The boys first stayed with relatives who could not afford to keep them and eventually were raised by a black woman, Miss Dora, who had no kinship relation with them, but believed they deserved a chance. Greg Williams was singled out by his family and his father to excel, to leave Muncie, and to make his fortune through his brains and academic prowess. This came true, and he is now the Dean of the College of Law at Ohio State University. His brother Mike, however, missed their mother terribly, yielded to their father's vision of him as "just like me" and lived a hard and dangerous life. Part of the significance of the book is the author's ability to ...
Words: 389 - Pages: 2
... darnel, and all the idle weeds that grow in our sustaining corn." [Act iv, iv, 1-6]. This gives a great description of King Lear's state of mind. Cordelia gives a description of King Lear dressed in flowers, and weeds, and she explains to the guards that he is singing aloud. All of these characteristics are unfit for a king, thus, leaving one reasonable explanation of him being mad, which Cordelia states in her speech to the guards. King Lear's madness is further illustrated in act 4, scene 6. Although King Lear had shown signs of madness in other act's such as 3, he had really shown the extreme of his madness in this scene. King Lear is shown comple ...
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... various techniques of dictatorship, one being controlled participation. This provides the proles with the “appearance” of a voice. In many communist nations, people have been given the right to vote but the communist party is the only choice on the ballot. In a democracy, such as that which exists in Canada and the United States, there are various parties to choose from, but it tends to be a choice of whose promises may be the least false. Choices are made for the good of the party so they will be able to maintain power for a longer period of time. The opinions of the impressionable, little proles are talented, not conceded. Contro ...
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