... Caesar for their king?et I love him well."(act 1, scene 2, ll.85-89), as he is speaking to Cassius. Brutus loves Caesar, but would not allow him to "climber-upward?e then unto the ladder turns his back?(act 2, scene 1, ll.24,26). As the quote says, Brutus would not allow Caesar to rise to power and then turn his back onto the people of Rome. After the assassination of Julius Caesar, Brutus talks to Antony about Caesar? death. "Our hearts you see not; they are pitiful; and pity to the general wrong of Rome?(act 3, scene 1, ll.185-186). Brutus says that Antony cannot see their(members of the conspiracy) hearts, which are full of pity. Again, this shows how Brutus ...
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... never got married, because of lacking money or looks, she would go and live with a married sister or brother. If she did not have any brothers or sisters to live with, she would become a governess. ‘Pride and Prejudice’s’first sentence, ‘It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife,’ introduces the theme of marriage, and money, in an ironic way. Jane Austen starts off using intellectual sounding words to introduce the hunt for a rich husband. The sentence contains a mixture of comedy, humour and irony that will continue throughout the novel. In ‘Pride and Prejudice’ we see two establish ...
Words: 3400 - Pages: 13
... group otherwise. The group hurriedly rushes to the mountain and collects wood for a fire, which breaks up the meeting. At first the boys have nothing to light the fire, until Jack robs Piggy of his glasses and uses them to magnify the sun's rays to heat the tinder-dry wood. The fire, although majestic, unfortunately only generates a tiny amount of smoke, so the boys stack green branches on to get more smoke. At the next meeting, Ralph decides that more rules should be introduced, including groups to be set out for specific tasks (e.g. Shelters, Fire, Hunting). Also, Piggy brings up a subject of concern. He reveals that one child is missing, and the group fear for h ...
Words: 1467 - Pages: 6
... read why? Wow. Is Song of Solomon really all that bad? It's got some rough parts, yes, but my personal opinion is that the examples she cites are a bit exaggerated. Still, those things are in there. I'm fascinated. What happened then? Well, as per the rules of reviewing a challenged book, the director of English for the school district, Deanna Norad, assembled a five person committee made up of two administrators, one teacher, and two parents. The comittee deliberated, and unanimously recommended to keep the book on the reading list. They also suggested some changes to the way the book was taught. From then on, they said, Song of Solomon should be taught du ...
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... With the new saying of Carpe Diem in his mind, Knox ignored the rules and ensued after Chris. In his wooing he attended parties and even met her at her public high school. If the Headmaster found news of this, Knox would have been expelled. Despite all the consequences Know decided to seize the day and forget the whims of society to follow his dreams. Another student of John Keating’s was Charles Dalton. He was more laid back than Knox but he still adhered to the academy’s rules and regulations. Charles was completely taken by the saying, and changed his lifestyle. At the boys illegal Dead Poet’s Society meetings in which they read aloud poetry, he brought t ...
Words: 574 - Pages: 3
... but it has serious flaws. Although political correctness was founded with good intent, it does more harm than good. The most noticeable example of harm is how PC proponents try to please everyone at the same time. The burning of the bruin was just one of many activities held during the week before the big UCLA game. The idea being that everyone could find something that they could identify with and rally around their school. If the burning was intentionally created to represent or oppress the offended students, the event would have been banned long ago. However, as Matt Hutaff stated in his editorial in the Daily Trojan: "It’s about school pride. It’s love for ...
Words: 1431 - Pages: 6
... Joe Gargery, the husband of Mrs. Joe. Joe was the Village Blacksmith and was very fond of Pip. The story begins with Pip at a graveyard visiting the tombstones of the parents he has never met when suddenly a convict, later identified as Abel Magwitch, threatens to kill Pip if he doesn't bring him a file and wittles (food) the next morning. Pip did steal what the convict wanted, with much fear of his sister, and brought it to the convict the next morning, but found a different convict who ran away, soon after, he found Abel. Subsequently that afternoon, the convicts were captured. Later on, Joe's uncle Pumblechook introduced the boy to Mis ...
Words: 3445 - Pages: 13
... him, and perhaps regarded as an outsider or ostracized because of his deformity. His separation from is family is emphasized when he says "Dive, thought's down to my soul" when he sees his brother approaching. He is unable to share his thought with his own family as he is plotting against them. Thus, we are given hints of his physical, social and spiritual isolation which is developed throughout the play. But despite these hints, he still refers to himself as part of the House of York, shown in the repeated use of "Our". The concept of Richard's physical isolation is reinforced in his dealings with Anne in Act I scene ii. She calls him "thou lump of foul deformity ...
Words: 1210 - Pages: 5
... anymore because he recognizes her as his niece, so she wanders the earth for eternity. The woman is the daughter of a demon. Sonia tells Yossi - " I love you more than anything", when Yossi asks her if she loves him more than God. Yossi tells her she is a sinner and will end up just like the woman in the story, wandering the earth for eternity, like Cain. Yossi then gives her a fake ruby, which she immediately recognizes and rejects. Perhaps the jewel symbolizes her soul, what makes her complete, and she won’t accept a fraud, something in place of the real thing, even at that young age. The film goes forward a number of years, to when Sonia and he ...
Words: 2294 - Pages: 9
... in my life, many people that have made a huge difference. If someone changes your entire life or your outlook on it, your can definitely testify to the power of one. I think someone that can reach out to just one person's life is just as important as someone who can change the lives of millions. One last thing I think is important to note is that, in recognizing the power of one person to make a difference, we must also note the contributions of others to help put that person where they are. A further explanation of this would be to go back to our other scenario. When, in the last inning, someone hits a game-winning grand slam homerun, that person is very impo ...
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