... that Jane is terrifically self-willed and possessive of a fiery temper. An example of this is when Jane stands up to her aunt saying, "You think I have no feelings, and that I can do without one bit of love or kindness, but I cannot live so: and you have no pity" (Bronte, 68). Here, Jane makes her first declaration of independence, contending that she will no longer be a secondary member in the Reed household. At Lowood, Jane is repulsed by Mr. Blocklehurst and his "two-faced" character and coarseness. However, while at Lowood, Jane finds her first true friend in the form of Helen Burns, another student ...
Words: 1001 - Pages: 4
... is spoken of hundreds of times in the Old Testament through symbols and prophecies -- all pointing to the future and the coming of Someone. The Old Testament cannot be read without being aware of that constant promise running through each page. Someone is definitely coming. In opening the Gospels, that Someone comes forth in the fullness of his glory, and it is absolutely fascinating. We get a chance to see Christ as he is. Because what Christ was, is what he is, and what he will always be. We are given a view into the depth and fullness of his character and being and life. That is why the Gospels are so important to us. The word gospel means "good news. ...
Words: 2232 - Pages: 9
... come out of the house unless it was to do something - hang out the wash or dig potatoes in the garden. She looked out of place, with her bare lumpy legs, not touched by the sun, her apron still on and damp across the stomach from the supper dishes.1 The narrator had problems coming to terms with the role in life that she was expected to lead. She wanted to work outside with her father doing the work that she deemed important. The mother tried to get the narrator to work inside doing work deemed appropriate for a lady, however it was not something she enjoyed. "I hated the hot dark kitchen in the summer" (p. 530). The narrator was not considered ...
Words: 1050 - Pages: 4
... is to it’s on species over worthless matters. Killing another human being over love is meaningless, and this is just one of the very many examples that take place in this story representing the horrible cruelness that humans do bestow. Also in as another example, a man by the name of Thomas Putnam bestows his very cruel side over wanting more land. Thomas has his own daughter accuse all of his fellow neighbors of witchery just to receive their land. Selfishness is yet another one of humans’ worthless immortalities. So instead of buying or just inheriting his own land himself, he would have innocent people killed to benefit from their life. Thomas Put ...
Words: 539 - Pages: 2
... convictions of democratic Socialism." (Zwerdling, 20). Lenin became leader and teacher of the working class in Russia, and their determination to struggle against capitalism. Like Old Major, Lenin and Marx wrote essays and gave speeches to the working class poor. The working class in Russia, as compared with the barnyard animals DePalma - 2 in Animal Farm, was a laboring class of people that received low wages for their work. "Like the animals in the farm yard, the people is Russia thought there would be no oppression in a new society because the working class people (or animals) would own all the riches and hold all the power." (Golubeva and Gellerstein 168) ...
Words: 1505 - Pages: 6
... asserting that ambiguities themselves are significant and may point to the invisible core of life. Tan may weave elements of Taoism into the narrative to locate the "invisible core" of Chinese women's culture, of the immigrant family--and of the novel itself--within apparent conflicts or ambiguities. Tan's use of Confucianism may reveal her hypothesis of how a women's version of that patriarchal ethico-moral-ritual tradition might be passed down from mother to daughter and carried to America. Just as in the Confucian ritual system, very little of the mother-tradition in the text is told explicitly from mother to daughter: ritual actions are supposed to be ...
Words: 5048 - Pages: 19
... She scorns people from her own class and loses all sense of morality. Myrtle never finds a place in Tom’s higher social division, and what reveals her impertinence most is that she thought she would succeed in the first place, giving up all her morals for the wealthy. Undoubtedly, Tom and Daisy Buchanan exceedingly demonstrate the wealthy class’s lack of integrity. Their lives are filled with material comforts and luxuries and completely empty of true purpose. Daisy’s lament is especially indicative of this: “What’ll we do with ourselves this afternoon? And the day after that? And the next thirty years?” Daisy also exhibits ...
Words: 670 - Pages: 3
... travel west with all twelve members of the family and Casey piled into an old truck. The trip to California proves to be hard when their grandpa dies just days after their departure. Truck problems are regular occurrences and the penetrating heat tires the migrating family. They have very little money and they have many family members to feed as well as gas to buy. Tom is warned by families going back east that there are no job opportunities in California. They say the Joads will be forced to live in Hoovervilles, which are temporary shanty towns, and they won’t have enough money for decent meals. This news is disheartening to Tom, but the family’s only choi ...
Words: 861 - Pages: 4
... Hamlet replies, "Seems, madam? Nay, it is. I know not "seems" (1037, line 76). This relates the idea that Hamlet is 'what he appears to be'. Later, he clearly makes a statement about his mental health when he commits himself to avenge his father's murder. This quote allows the reader to follow Hamlet's train of thought in regards to his role as student, mourning son, and Prince to the throne: "I'll wipe away all trivial fond records, All saws of books, all forms, all pressures past That youth and observation copied there, And thy commandment all alone shall live Within the book and volume of my brain" (1054, line 100). Hamlet is stating his utmost co ...
Words: 2103 - Pages: 8
... Shakespeare is Lady Macbeth. Upon the introduction of Act 1 Scene 5, Lady Macbeth is brought into the plot of the play. In this soliloquy, Lady Macbeth comments on her thoughts after having read a letter from her husband, Macbeth, informing her about the witches’ prophecies on the possibility of Kingship. A variety of outstanding topics are explored, including the revelation of the true traits of characters such as Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Her first thoughts are based on the reaction of the realism of Macbeth being Thane of Glamis, and possibly Cawdor as the witches predicted. This is expressed through the words “What thou art promised”. ...
Words: 1818 - Pages: 7