... King Hamlet, the now deceased King of Denmark, held sole responsibility for the death of King Fortinbras, young Prince Fortinbras seeks vengeance toward the entire country of Denmark. Horatio, a friend of Hamlet’s, said, “As it doth well appear unto our state, but to recover of us by strong hand and terms compulsatory, those foresaid lands so by his father lost…” (I.i.101-104). By this, Horatio is saying Fortinbras plans to forcefully regain the land King Hamlet took from King Fortinbras. Fortunately, King Claudius, the new King of Denmark, intervenes and sends two courtiers, Cornelius and Voltemand, to Norway in hopes of convincing the new King of Norway, Forti ...
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... Janvier drew up a will leaving everything he now owned to his sister and mother. The next morning he was executed. The story then shifts to months later in Paris where Chavel, who name has been changed to Charlot, is looking for a job since he gave every thing he had away. Charlot then returned to his old home where he meets Janviers's sister and mother. Because Janvier's sister, Therese, did not now who he relay was, she gave him a job because he knew her brother. While working at the house Charlot had several run-ins with many childhood and adult friends but managed to fool them in some way or a another. Later, a beggar comes along and acts as if he is the ...
Words: 1806 - Pages: 7
... and tried to make them happy. Mr. Pignatti acted like a big kid, but the problem is he's 50 year's old. He goofs around, drinks wine, buys them anything they want. Their parents never did that. As time goes on the Lorriane and John grow more attached to Mr. Pignatti to the point of love. While he is fooling around in his child like way Mr. Pignatti over exerts him self and has a heart attack. Mr. Pignatti must stay at the hospital to recover, amazingly he gives the keys to John and Lorriane! Their parents would never let them have the house for a week. Mr. Pignatti comes home and day early and finds his house a mess he is very devastated. The next day John, Lo ...
Words: 337 - Pages: 2
... job that he could move 50 miles north and live in a school dorm while he got an eaducation.He missed his family,and was having a hard time.He had to be in a club similar to 4h to pay tuition.He hated it.He was anxious to leave the school and make a living on his own.When his sister got married,he heard that her husband was moving them to New York city.He went with them to find a job.His brother Wesley soon moved there as well,so he and John lived in the same apartment.They shared expenses,but rarely saw each other.Wesley’s schedule was a normal one,but John’s often had him staggering home at 5:50 A.M.He was always searching for a permanent job,but al ...
Words: 1272 - Pages: 5
... for gentleman callers to enter their lives. Laura's view is different from her mother and her brother. Her escape seems to be hiding inside the apartment, not out. The fire escape separates reality and the unknown. Across the street from the Wingfield apartment is the Paradise Dance Hall. Just the name of the place is a total anomaly in the story. Life with the Wingfields is as far from paradise as it could possibly be. Laura appears to find solace in playing the same records over and over again, day after day. Perhaps the music floating up to the apartment from the dance hall is supposed to be her escape, which she just can't take. Often in the play the mus ...
Words: 849 - Pages: 4
... don't have to worry about having a job. One must remember that being born and raised in Utopia, one does not know what freedom is and therefore does not know what is missing. Freedom leads to happiness, and if one already possesses happiness, then there is no need for freedom, especially if your government is making sure that all your needs are satisfied. Religion plays an important role in people's lives. It represents our principles and values. Religion guides us, gives us something to believe in and a set of rules to live by. However, who is to say that one hundred years from now people will still believe and practice religio ...
Words: 1704 - Pages: 7
... the world. The second point is that the character must be good-natured, very brave, has a good reputation and is well respected. As well as this however the tragic hero must have one tragic flaw with in him, in his personality or in his temperament. The tragic flaw cannot be from the outside it must be contained with in him. For if he did not have a tragic flaw he would merely be an ordinary, run of the mill hero. This tragic flaw could be almost anything for example it could be that the character was too greedy that then led him to want too much. Alternatively, it could be that the person was too gullible and so was easily drawn into traps. The third essentia ...
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... move to directly over the ghost casting a shadow onto his face to make him look even more menacing. Also, lights all over the stage would begin at a low red glow and slowly rise to a bright red engulfing the whole stage when the ghost finishes off the quote saying, “murder”. If you manipulate the light in another way the ghost can be presented as a caring father. By using a white or a blue light would portray him as good because the colors of white and blue are connected with things such as heaven and angels, both of which have good connotations. For example, when showing the ghost, a white light could be coming at him from all angles, following w ...
Words: 734 - Pages: 3
... revealed the fate of Macbeth, the plan in which to gain power of the throne is brought up. The only way to gain power of the throne was for Macbeth to work his way to the throne, or to murder King Duncan. Murdering the king was an easier plan since the motivation in his dreams urged him on. Lady Macbeth also relied on the supernatural by her soliloquy of calling upon the evil spirits to give her the power to plot the murder of Duncan without any remorse or conscience(Act I, Scene V, ll.42-57). The three sisters are capable of leading people into danger resulting in death, such as the sailor who never slept(Act I, Scene III, ll.1-37). Lady Macbeth has convinced ...
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