... just fun to twist, and Little Debbie has been on the rise and is taking away a majority of business from these wonderful people. So, like immigrants back in the 1800's, the cookies want to get out of their homeland and onto a better place. So, this is where the Cookieland Government comes into play. They have proposed a "plan" which reads as follows... "All cookies wanting to move away from Cookieland at this time of hardship are to apply at the Central Government agencies. Upon approval, your cookie family (3 generations) Will be put in a three part boat, each part for a generation. From there you will be shipped to a secluded place which we ...
Words: 773 - Pages: 3
... giving us a means to pass more information in less time. Nevertheless, there are certain situations making an interpretation difficult or even impossible, mostly when we only get chunks of information and therefore lack context. If, for example, a person tells a story and forgets to give the essential information a deictic term refers to, we will grow aware of the weakness the deictic system features. Or if the fax machine just receives the second page of a letter, beginning with "Then he was quite embarrassed about it " - the adressee will never be able to guess what "then", "he" and "it" stands for. Similar gaps arise if we read about an utterance made in the ...
Words: 3318 - Pages: 13
... breeding of the children who are to be consumed, assumes that the mother has no emotional attachment to her children and would be happy to give them up to be slaughtered for the profit. And yet the emotional thinker says that those mothers who abort their children do so for emotional reasons, namely shame. It follows then that those who give birth to their "bastards" must feel enough love for them to raise them in spite of whatever shame they may feel. Also the emotional narrator describes begging as dishonest, whereas the rational thinker uses the term "lawful" to describe it. In this way Swift shows how the two thinkers reach opposite conclusions, neither of which ...
Words: 1439 - Pages: 6
... not really fully understand what was happening to her race. The novel recounts the struggle of Naomi’s Aunt Emily to ensure that her family would be together in whatever place they were sent to. Aunt Emily wanted to head east to Toronto, but was unable to get the documentation for the entire family which included her sister children, who she was taking care of. The novel discuses the camps that the Japanese families were sent to in Hastings Park during the war. It described the treatment the families received while there, including the lack of food and the smell of manure. Naomi during this time was being sexually molested by her next door neighbor and did no ...
Words: 741 - Pages: 3
... Zeus to let Odysseus live even though he shamed Poseidon by blinding his son the Cyclops. Athena begins to tell the story of Agamemnon, connecting it to what may happen to Odysseus in the future. Agamemnon had been away from his home for many years and his wife takes a lover, Aegisthus. She is disloyal toward Agamemnon and when he returns back home he is expecting his wife to still be loyal to him and that he will still be King. However, since he returns home blindly and openly, his wife and Aegisthus kill him. Orestes, Agamemnon’s son is told that he must seek revenge for his father and he kills Aegisthus. This foreshadows what may happen to Odysseus be ...
Words: 864 - Pages: 4
... arised during the reading, and I will not go into Arthurian considerations, either. Concerning both the subject of a yearning, introverted young lady and the bleak solution, Tennyson's poem may be readily compared to two other, albeit larger scale, masterpieces of the early 1830's – Balzac's "Eugenie Grandet" and, even more notably, Pushkin's "Onegin" –, each dealing with the same kind of pastoral, embowered, dreamy, grave and generally misunderstood girls or young women. This 'caste' sticks out of its rustic environment like a sore thumb, often being regarded by their own relatives and acquaintances as hopeless misfits, spinsters or nuns to be; b ...
Words: 1844 - Pages: 7
... about the whole idea. At one point, trying to justify his actions to himself, he says, "You understand it was a continental concern, that Trading Society; but I have a lot of relations on the living continent, because it's cheap and not so nasty as it looks they say" (12). Marlow finally takes the job, however, and tells himself that the pain and unusually harsh treatment the workers are subjected to is minimal. During the tests and the requirements that he has to undergo before entering the jungle Marlow feels that he is being treated like a freak. The doctor measures his head and asks him questions such as, "Ever any madness in your family?" (15). In this part o ...
Words: 674 - Pages: 3
... live. So Sherlock Holmes went to investigate. Holmes investigated the whole house and he build up a plan to catch the murderer! Holmes had found out that there was an air-vent that was inside the house betwenn the sisters room and the stepfathers. Holmes now was in the room that Helen was supose to be in and sudenly the light was light in the stepfathers room, and then Sherlock jumped and hit the bellrobe under the air-vent. Then there was a little whistle and then a scream and Holmes ran to the other room and there was the stepfather dead and with a speckled band on him. It was no band it was a Indian snake that the stepfather used to kill Helens sister and was goi ...
Words: 316 - Pages: 2
... mistake (Updike 316). “She’s one of these cash-register-watchers, a witch about fifty with rouge on her cheekbones and no eyebrows, and I know it made her day to trip me up,” Sammy thinks about the old woman (Updike 316). Updike also makes humorous descriptions of all the other customers. They are referred to as sheep because of the way they move about the store without anything on their minds except what is on their lists (Updike 318). The setting also gives a sense of realism in the story, making everything described easily seen by a reader. Updike describes items in the store very vividly. As Sammy is watching the girls make their way t ...
Words: 743 - Pages: 3
... and still be physically attracted to. She knows that once this inferiority complex is gotten past, women will start to excel in all different fields. My interpretation is that Fuller feels if women are educated and skilled then they will be able to take care of themselves until the right man comes along. Their discretion will be tenfold, and they will be able to wait for the proverbial "Mr. Right". Fuller gives three wonderful examples of how equality gets broken down in a marriage. The first is the "household partnership"(42), where the man goes off to work and makes a living to support the family, and the woman stays home barefoot and pregnant, ...
Words: 1160 - Pages: 5