... his works. When I am done you can decide if his writing differs from novels to short stories. All fictional characters have certain qualities within themselves that no one else has. This is not always true. Most of Baxter's characters are all different in one way but yet are all very similar. Almost all of Baxter's characters have a desperate need to find peace in themselves. In "Kiss Away", Jodie seems to be not able to trust Walton after her encounter with Gleinya which makes me believe that she had been hurt before in the past, although we are never told this in the story. The same thing is seen in "Stained Glass", where Donna doesn't believe she can stay with Bo ...
Words: 1069 - Pages: 4
... he would chronicle this spiritual expedition throughout a series of novels that together would be called “The Duluoz Legend.” This was the name Kerouac had intended the novels to take on when he would assemble them in chronological order before he died. Unfortunately he died earlier than he expected and was unable to formally assemble them. However, the legend remains. Kerouac undoubtedly made his mark on the literary world with his prose. And his prose proves itself to be a very good example of his writing as spiritual commentary. Kerouac, while wandering the country in freight cars and the backs of pick-up trucks, saw himself as a modern da ...
Words: 2143 - Pages: 8
... to carry out (no offence or sexism is intended when I state this). Lady Macbeth continues to be a frightening and vicious figure as she becomes full of evil thoughts. This is evident by the context in which she states that she would sacrifice the life of her own infant, if it were her wish or order to do so: "…Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums And dashed the brains out, had I so sworn As you have done this…" [I.vii.57-59]. So enraged and overpowered by evil, that her purity and innocence (which is part of a woman) had all but depleted, and consequently she also lost her will to control herself and her sanity (sanity-later on in the deterior ...
Words: 1066 - Pages: 4
... not really fully understand what was happening to her race. The novel recounts the struggle of Naomi’s Aunt Emily to ensure that her family would be together in whatever place they were sent to. Aunt Emily wanted to head east to Toronto, but was unable to get the documentation for the entire family which included her sister children, who she was taking care of. The novel discuses the camps that the Japanese families were sent to in Hastings Park during the war. It described the treatment the families received while there, including the lack of food and the smell of manure. Naomi during this time was being sexually molested by her next door neighbor and di ...
Words: 741 - Pages: 3
... Hamlet wants to get him to admit that he is guilty of killing his father. Hamlet could possible be seen as being greedy here. Hamlets not only want to kill his Uncle Claudius but he wants to damn his soul and wants him to admit his guilt so that Hamlet can become King. To achieve his goal Hamlet writes a play that is called "Mouse Trap". In the play, a man kills his own brother and marries his sister -in-law. During Hamlets play the "mouse Trap" Claudius acts guilty by standing and making a commotion and stopping the play. But yet this is still not enough for Hamlet he has to have him admit his guilt. This is another reason why Hamlet delays on killing his Uncle. ...
Words: 832 - Pages: 4
... Claggart felt that Billy's big plan was to get in favor of all the men on the ship and then turn them against the captain. Captain Vere responds by having Billy and Claggart meet in private where Claggart can openly accuse Billy of this crime. Fortunately, Claggarts attempt to destroy Billy for mutiny fails because he is struck down by Billy in one blow, ending the matter, but opening a much more serious one. Claggart is also seen as attempting to destroy Billy due to his evil nature in general. Nothing depicts Claggart's evil nature better than the way he looks. His cleanly chiseled chin and cunning violet eyes that can cut lesser sailors with an evil glare. H ...
Words: 681 - Pages: 3
... king, and also his father. With the king away a sphinx shows up and causes mischief. Oedipus answers the riddle correctly and with it the sphinx leaves. Because of this Oedipus is given the throne. Fate has kept him alive and given him the chance to kill his father and overtake the thrown. Now that he is king, he meets the old queen and falls madly in love with her. He marries her and he has two children, who in all reality are actually his half sisters. Oedipus has no way of knowing that his wife is actually his mother. Just when it had seemed to Oedipus his life was becoming fulfilled, he runs into a blind prophet who explains why the city is having such p ...
Words: 427 - Pages: 2
... mankind to tell our friends we love them. If you do not care about your friends you will not be pusinshed. You will simply be ignored... forgotten... as you have done to others. DON'T EVER TRY Don't ever try to understand everything some things will just never make sense. Don't ever be reluctant to show your feelings when you're happy, give in to it! When you're not, live with it. Don't ever be afraid to try to make things better you might be surprised at the results. Don't ever take the weight of the world on your shoulders... Don't ever feel threatened by the future take life one day at a time. Don't ever feel guilty about the ...
Words: 4144 - Pages: 16
... very hard and she wants to reach her aims. Here we see Frank confronted by Rita whom is a pupil wanting nothing more or less than a total education e.g. Frank asks, "What can I teach you?" and Rita replies, "Everything." Later on she seems to think that she has acquired and learnt everything. "I've got what you got Frank, and you don't like it." At the beginning he finds himself faced with an unexpectedly fresh and uncluttered mind. Rita tests Frank's intellectual talents to the full, by requiring constant justification and explanation of statements that would usually be taken for granted and accepted in a conversation between a student and a tutor. Frank is intri ...
Words: 2087 - Pages: 8
... Jim, is badgered by a singular act that prevents him from living an honest life. However, both men are able to redeem themselves prior to their deaths. By confronting the lies and dying with dignity, the two men are able to regain some of their honor. The similarity between the two works emphasizes the effect of lies on the way an individual lives, and further stresses the internal struggle that Jim faced after he had jumped from the Patna. In their respective stories, Jim and Macbeth face the lies that dictated their lives and, consequentially, die with some of the dignity and honor that they had once experienced in their lives. This process is described as ...
Words: 1828 - Pages: 7