... I built an absolute trust (I, iv, 11-4). With this statement, Duncan illustrates his recognition of his inability to tell the character of an individual by looking at him. He is referring to the Thane of Cawdor who, during the civil war, helped try to overthrow Duncan's rule of Scotland. As a king, Duncan is well received which perhaps allows him to consider himself untouchable. He assumes that no one would have any reason to hurt or disobey him and so he allows his personal safety standards to fall to dangerous levels. This lack of concern also accounts for the manner in which he is unprotected while sleeping at Mabeth's castle. Duncan is governed by his ego to ...
Words: 797 - Pages: 3
... of due to broken jars of preserves or discovering dirty towels. All the men notice is clutter. The men do not look deeper behind the meanings of this disarray. However, the women do. The women understand that the reason that things such as the towels are not clean is because she more than likely was busy doing her many other chores of the household. They also considered how much trouble Mrs. Wright went to fix the preserves. The women reason that the uncaring concern John had for Minnie and the attention he paid to the house perhaps forced Minnie to resort to killing. Even the County Attorney, Sheriff, and Mr. Hale could not understand all the difficulties ...
Words: 461 - Pages: 2
... as a person who is not well dressed and very dirty and scruffy looking. When she encounters the Misfit she is surprised at how wrong she was. The Misfit is a very well dressed man who looks very clean and innocent, according to the grandmother. He would not be mistaken for a criminal. This surprises the grandmother, because he not only is very innocent looking but he is acting very intelligently. He presents himself in a very polite manner, and his facial expressions and his clothing speak very highly of himself. He acts very polite under the circumstances, which is out in the middle of nowhere. The atmosphere shows how calm and collected he can be whi ...
Words: 1039 - Pages: 4
... all declare a love and respect for this land we call “home.” It is our duty to regain a love and respect for the land, its beauty, and life ‘s comfort. The legacy of our natural resource heritage must be preserved. Education is the answer. Through writing my paper I have learned that endangered species is more than a name, it is a mission in-and-of-itself, a mission to keep safe our wildlife---forever. The earth is home to more than 5.2 billion people, each having certain needs, wants, and desires. The process of consumption drastically changes the natural landscape, an many cases to the wearing away of other species. Consumption transform ...
Words: 877 - Pages: 4
... much of her behavior it seems that at times she does. Maria and Little Chandler are very inadequate thereby not allowing themselves to achieve their full potential. This inadequacy is stressed throughout Clay and A Little Cloud and is emphasized by Maria’s and Little Chandler’s very childlike appearances and mannerisms. Maria is described as a “very, very small person” (Clay, pg. 87) as Little Chandler “gave one the idea of being a little man.” (Cloud, pg. 60) Little Chandler’s “frame was fragile...his voice was quiet...his hands were white and small” (Cloud, pg. 60) and he had a row of “childish w ...
Words: 1640 - Pages: 6
... men. This one concern was not scarce in the era. The second of the three reasons is convenience. Charlotte Lucas says it best: "I only ask a comfortable home; and considering Mr. Collins character, connections, and situation in life, I am convinced that my chance of happiness with him is as fair as most people can boast…" Collins isn't wealthy, but all that Charlotte wants, he can give her. This marriage is by far the most convenient of the novel. Another great example of a marriage of convenience is Mr. and Mrs. Bennet. This convenient marriage is not as easily seen, though one notices how formal they are with each other. Mr. and Mrs. Bennet don't seem to like e ...
Words: 479 - Pages: 2
... Longbourn Estate in the family so to speak. While his proposal was comical in aspect it was also a looking glass into English society, through his long drawn out protests at Elizabeth's rejection of him he gives the reader an insight into English society and particularly the roles of women. Elizabeth Bennet's character is put to a test by Mr Collins' proposal in Chapter 19, and it passes with flying colours. With great many advantages to be had by marrying Mr Collins, such as security for her sisters and mother after their fathers' death, she still chooses to reject him rather then humble herself before him. Mr Collins's manner in which he proposes to Elizabeth is ...
Words: 1321 - Pages: 5
... he could (Page 50). Buck could not have moved the sled if he didn't love John. Manuel shows his love for money by selling Buck, the family dog. "He loved to play Chinese lottery" (Page 2). If he didn't love to play lottery Buck might still live in California. Manuel is the gardener for the family and the first person who sold Buck. Buck shows his love for leadership by fighting with Spitz. "The dominant primortal beast was stong in Buck" (Page 15). If Buck didn't want to be leader Spitz might still be alive because Buck never fought with anyone unless he had to. Spitz was the leader of the pack until Buck killed him. The many different settings helped every ...
Words: 721 - Pages: 3
... religion in the story, not important and not serious. As the story progresses, Connie’s language takes an obvious turn. When Arnold Friend, someone she has seen but never talked to, shows up on her doorstep, she is somewhat defensive, but curious. “I ain’t late, am I?” is the first thing he says to her when she opens the screen door. Connie replies by saying, “Who the hell do you think you are?”, a typical response of someone in that situation. If a complete stranger showed up at my house and talked to me as though we were best friends I would respond the same way. Throughout the story Oates continues to use vulgar lang ...
Words: 586 - Pages: 3
... similar pants, shirts, ties, and shoes. Through a dress code and hair restrictions, everyone is helped to be made more comfortable by wearing similar clothes, otherwise, people may feel alienated with less trendy or "cool" clothes. Hairstyles help ease this integration as well by giving each person similar styles making everyone feel more at ease. The overall integration helps the students realize that although people may look similar, the idea that everyone exhibits will be greatly different. These different ideas are present in everyone, and the dress code and hair restrictions help illustrate that just because someone looks the same, they do not think the same. W ...
Words: 541 - Pages: 2