... the humanities, romantic and classical and female intuition with male dogmatism. The play, takes on a number of different meanings when looked at from different perspectives; some would claim that it is satire on academia and the world of researchers such as Bernard, others would say that was more about history and the fallacies of studying primary evidence. The play utilizes many theories concerning science and philosophies on life, and so many might say this play is about living life, an existential thought in the play as Thomasina fulfills her potential in life and burns on the eve of her seventeenth birthday. Time is used in the play very cleverly and as we ...
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... The lawyer begins with the words, “I am a rather elderly man.” This first “I” begins a long, autobiographical narrative in which the lawyer reveals much of himself to the reader. Because the story is centered on the lawyer's life, it is imperative that the reader have this close view of him. The repetitive “I” in these paragraphs is important because it comes from the lawyer's thoughts of himself. For this text to flow in it's intended path, the reader must know a great deal about the lawyer and his employees. In fact, it is these characters which consummately defines the text. Therefore, without the lawyer's rather unbashful introduction, the story could no ...
Words: 223 - Pages: 1
... has a Western feel that would seem more "correct" to ears of European leaning (or learning). Much as we tend to view the past through the prism of today, those who eventually set these ancient chants in standardized notation saw them through an equally tainted gaze. The Benedictine monks left most ornamentation out of their chant settings (C. 1900) because they viewed it as an 18th Century tradition.1 This bias, along with a need to have an easily learnable piece of music, tended to simplify, rather than embellish, the standardized arrangement. True, it could be argued that the text has a certain rhythmic lilt (conspectum gentium . . . ); however, only o ...
Words: 938 - Pages: 4
... and the poor woman as “white-trashy”. When Mrs. Turpin converse with her black workers, she often uses the word “nigger” in her thoughts. These characteristics she gives her characters definitely reveals the Southern lifestyle which the author, Flannery O'Connor, was a part of. In addition to her Southern upbringing, another influence on the story is Flannery O'Connor's illness. She battled with the lupus disease which has caused her to use a degree of violence and anger to make her stories somewhat unhappy. The illness caused a sadness inside of Flannery O'Connor, and that inner sadness flowed from her body to her paper through her pen. Although she was sick, ...
Words: 1747 - Pages: 7
... As you can see, Owen has used figurative language so effectively that the reader gets drawn into the poem. The images drawn in this poem are so graphic that it could make readers feel sick. For example, in these lines: "If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood/ Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs/ Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud,"(21-23) shows us that so many men were brutally killed during this war. Also, when the gas bomb was dropped, "[s]omeone still yelling out and stumbling/ [a]nd flound'ring like a man in fire or lime.../ [h]e plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning."(11-12,16) These compelling lines indicate that men drowne ...
Words: 577 - Pages: 3
... Laertes on the other hand, I believe, is the character in the play that is meant to bring out Hamlet’s ‘evil’ qualities and present Hamlet as the villain. The sentence, "The virtues of his will; but you must fear, His greatness weigh’d, his will is not his own, For he himself is subject to his birth.", is an important one in contributing to Laertes’ character. He is saying to Ophelia that to be careful of Hamlet, because ‘he’s royalty, and she’s not!’. But he is also saying that Hamlet is subject to his birth, or in other words, Hamlet is only human such as she is, and subject to the same feelings and actions ...
Words: 442 - Pages: 2
... they didn't have school. The deaths in the two stories also differ. In “Dead Poets Society” there is 1 suicide and in “Day of the Last Rock Fight” there is 1 suicide and 1 murder. The suicide in “Day of the Last Rock Fight” is due to the fact that the cops found that Peter murdered the bully. And in “Dead Poets Society” it was because of pressure from the family. The father wanted him to be something that he didn't want for himself. The similarity is that all of these deaths could have been prevented by listening to each other and talking to each other. And finally there were similarities and differences in the activities they were into. The two stories differ ...
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... is scared of her and he begging anyone to marry her, but as her relationship with petruchio grows she began to be much less of a shrew, and she become an obedient and lovely person to everyone. At the other side Bianca at first is known as a sweet and gentle person who only care about studying, but as she reach her goal, to be married her true self appears. She becomes insensitive and unkind by not coming at the call of Lucentio. In the other word she becomes almost what her sister was. By making this contrast Shakespeare developed the theme that we can not decide about people by only look at them because, what a person really is, is more important than how they ...
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... described in the Prologue, is “white as a daisy-petal his beard./ A sanguine man, high-coloured and benign.” (p. 12). Before the tales of the pilgrims are actually told, Chaucer gives the reader a description of each pilgrim in order to understand the tales from the point of view of each pilgrim. Chaucer creates an affable and pious man with his portrait of the Franklin. The Franklin is a very pure man who is wealthy and kind to all. He has a delicate and plentiful taste for food and wine and is very hospitable. “He made his household free to all the County.” (p. 12) The Franklin is portrayed as an ideal and righteous noble, unlike mo ...
Words: 2030 - Pages: 8
... of existence, that knowledge is objective and thus clearly more real, and that only the processes of nature were valid entities. However, Aristotle attacks this theory on the grounds that Plato's arguments are inconclusive either his assertions are not al all cogent. Aristotle says, or his arguments lead to contradictory conclusions. For example, Aristotle claims that Plato's arguments lead one to conclude that entities (such as anything man-made) and negations of concrete ideas could exist - such as "non-good" in opposition to good. This contradicts Plato's own belief that only natural objects could serve as standards of knowledge. Also, Aristotle refutes Plat ...
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