... Also, the job that he holds can only provide so much to the family. He's not even capable of providing his son Travis with some pocket change without becoming broke himself. Walter Younger is thirty-five years old and all he is, is a limousine driver. He is unhappy with his job and he desperately seeks for an opportunity to improve his family standing. He tells his mother how he feels about his job when she wouldn't give him the ten thousand dollars to invest in a liquor Store," I open and close car doors all day long. I drive a man around in his limousine and I say, "Yes sir; no sir, very good sir; shall I take the drive, sir?" Mama, that ain't no kind of job.. ...
Words: 877 - Pages: 4
... and stick with them. Another technique that the author uses is imagery. Imagery is a technique that helps you picture the events that are being described. "Thick long, black hair with a starched, white nurse's cap when she went on duty" makes you picture her leaving and getting ready for work. This shows how the daughter admires the way she looks but still does not want to become her. In an essay by Carol Saline, the relationship between the daughter and mother is acontradiction. Meaning at one time they love each other, next minute they hate each other. Saline uses literary elements and techniques to show the daughters admiration for her mother but doe ...
Words: 516 - Pages: 2
... by fans to cool the body (act as a refrigerator), furniture was moved out to make room for everything. Clotilde Armenta's store is where a lot of the story took place. The Vicario twins were here since four o' clock in the morning waiting for Santiago Nasar. This is also where they first started telling everybody about the fact that they were going to kill Santiago nasar. The store was in direct view of Santiago Nasar's house so that the brothers Vicario could easily keep an eye on it. The store is also where the brothers had their first set of knives taken away by the police officer so that they couldn't kill Santiago Nasar. When this happened, the older o ...
Words: 596 - Pages: 3
... different. In "Hansel and Gretel male and female children are treated differently and are taught to behave like the typical man or woman. Throughout the Sexton's fairytale children are treated much differently than the typical child is treated. All of the adults in the story treat children as though they are property. They use them for what they are good for. "Little child, Little nubkin, Sweet as fudge,You are my blitz. I will spit on you for luck, For you are better than money" (Sexton, 101) In this quote Sexton is saying how parents have children in order to take advantage of the benefits of having children. If you have children society treats you much dif ...
Words: 1185 - Pages: 5
... aspirations and how these ideals corrupt the black man's identity and his family. Many black men have to deal with a systematic racism that effects their role in society. The frustrations that a black man has to deal with can affect the family a great deal. For example, if Walter gets upset at work or has a bad day, he can't get irate with his boss and risk loosing his job; instead he takes it out on his wife Ruth. Also, the job that he holds can only provide so much to the family. He's not even capable of providing his son Travis with some pocket change without becoming broke himself. What type of "breadwinner" can a black man be in America? Walter Younger is thi ...
Words: 965 - Pages: 4
... is a step On which I must fall down, or else o'erleap, For in my way it lies. Stars, hide your fires! Let not light see my black and deep desires. The eye wink at the hand; yet let that be, Which the eye fears, when it is done, to see. (Act 1:Scene 4:ln.55) When Lady Macbeth heard of her husband's success and read the letter, we almost immediately feel that a new source of power had appared in the drama. Her words reflected a great knowledge of her husband and her practical approach to problems as seen in the following two verses. Gla ...
Words: 2173 - Pages: 8
... have any contact with men. Through her betrothal to Edwin Drood, Rosa is the only woman within the nunnery that has a man to court her. She is the only woman mentioned, in the nunnery, that is going to be married off to a man, not God. Rosa capitalizes on this situation by leading the other girls in the nunnery to be her “poor pets”(118). She realizes that the girls as well as the head of the school, Miss Twinkleton, who describes Rosa as her “pet pupil”(14), look at her to be the embodiment of romance because of her prospective marriage. Miss Twinkleton and the girls live their love lives through Rosa, “over her shoulder”(51). Rosa feeds into the situation by ...
Words: 1622 - Pages: 6
... and his beliefs as a result of his love for Tadzio. The novella begins with Aschenbach considering the results of his latest writing. The reader is introduced to a man who cannot find fulfillment in his work, despite the world's approval of him. Aschenbach is loved by the world through the "national honor"(Mann, 199) his supporters give him. His desire concerning his career being "intent from the start upon fame" (Mann, 200), Aschenbach recognizes himself as the subject of his own reputation. Despite his own knowledge of the love for him, Aschenbach is depicted as an unhappy character who deliberates his being alone during the summer. It is evident from th ...
Words: 824 - Pages: 3
... her on her trips, on which she was educated in the management of women, wards, and how to beg for money. Yet the strangest part of her education was the Abbess's decision to send her to live with the Marquesa. The Marquesa was a crazy woman who made Pepita's life even worse then it already was. As her companion Pepita was ignored constantly and lived a life of solitude. Pepita is that life in the novel, she is the only good love that exist in a world of those who either love too much or those who love too little. The Marquesa drove her daughter away, because she loved too much. Although she was able to realize this before she died, it was too late. She was not ...
Words: 734 - Pages: 3
... but they can not control his destiny. Macbeth creates his own misery when he is driven by his own sense of guilt. This causes him to become insecure as to the reasons for his actions which in turn causes him to commit more murders. The witches offer great enticement, but it is in the end, each individuals decision to fall for the temptation, or to be strong enough to resist their captivation. The three Witches are only responsible for the introduction of these ideas and for further forming ideas in Macbeth head, but they are not responsible for his actions throughout the play. Lady Macbeth is shown early in the play as an ambitious woman with a single purpose. Sh ...
Words: 912 - Pages: 4