... school late at night to take a leak or something and then wrote it on the wall. I kept picturing myself catching him at it, and how I'd smash his head on the stone steps till hew as good and goddam dead and bloody." (201) His deep concern with impeccability caused him to create stereotypes of a hooligan that would try to corrupt the children of an elementary school. Holden believed that children were innocent because they viewed the world and society without any bias. When Phoebe asked him to name something that he would like to be when he grew up, the only thing he would have liked to be was a "catcher in the rye." He invented an illusion for himself of a strange ...
Words: 1246 - Pages: 5
... comments Tom makes in the book. Tom very strongly gets his point across by using harsh words such as "told" and "couldn't". This shows how inferior he feels females are, he said, "I told you" almost scornfully as if he's trying to say that if he said it, it must be right which isn't the case. Tom's complete sexist attitude is shown by the word "girls" here he generalises about any females ability to learn Latin although I'm sure that isn't the case and he just makes the comment purely because of his sexist nature. Tom's sexism isn't just used against his sister, he uses it to put others down as well, "like a girl's: Tom thought that truly pitiable ...
Words: 1825 - Pages: 7
... “nuts,” but deep down inside Gene was jealous of Finny’s boldness. Another incident of Finny’s openness, or boldness is when he wore the school tie as a belt. Gene was anxiously waiting for Finny to get yelled at, but because of his openness he was able to talk his way out of getting into trouble. Finny claimed that he wore the tie as a belt because it represented “Devon in the War.” Again, Gene was envious of Finny’s openness to make up a story and “get away with everything.” Another one of Gene’s enemies is his anger. Alone, his anger is mild, but when mixed with his jealousy, prove to be a deadly co ...
Words: 764 - Pages: 3
... she cleans and raises the children. Jesse's father is usually angry. He works and tries to bring home some money. Until he gets laid off but even then he doesn't give up. He wakes up at the same time ever morning to go to the unemployment office. Jesse's two older sisters are Brenda and Ellie. All they do is whine to get off of doing their chores and criticize Jesse for anything. His younger sister May Belle, looks up to him but he tries to act like an older, tougher brother and doesn't give her much thought, even though he loves her. The youngest sister, Joyce Ann isn't really mentioned except when Jesse tries to push May Belle to her so she'll leave him alone and ...
Words: 695 - Pages: 3
... of mankind. Thus, one might say that both of these poems differ due to their subject matter. Both poems are written in a serous nature but evoke different emotions from the readers. The poem about whales evokes sad and compassionate feelings from the readers. Great whale, crying for your life Crying for your kind The poem Package for the Distant Future produces images of desperation new generations and the history and evolution of old civilisation being held on a scrap of paper. We had a lot of things we did not like And could have lived without Do not invent gods I hope the earth is nearly clean again. This image could be seen to be ...
Words: 701 - Pages: 3
... to lure me into killing my mother's lover and king. If true, I would never be able to live with myself, for that would be a horrible deed, done wrong. Yet, I cannot just dismiss this apparition, so I will carry out my plan. I have decided, that with the help of the players and a little improvising on my part with the script they will read, to check on Claudius' conscience. They shall perform a play in which the king is slain and shall watch my new king very closely, for if he so much as flinches I can be sure that the ghost has spake the truth. With that confirmation, I shall begin constructing my play to kill him. ...
Words: 306 - Pages: 2
... in turn, necessarily produces the audience. The implications of the spectacle could sensibly be applied to the complete texts of the cycle plays, and perhaps more appropriately to the full range of the pageant and its concomitant festivities. The direction of pseudo-historical criticism, especially of the Elizabethan stage, certainly provides a well-plowed ground for advancing the festive and carnivalesque inherently present in the establishment and event of theater. Nevertheless, my discussion here is both more limited and more expansive: its limits are constructed by the choice of an individual play recurrent through the four extant manuscripts of what has come t ...
Words: 4438 - Pages: 17
... got a little of his own back when he was sarcastic to Eliza. He used the phrase "You may take the whole damned houseful if you like. Will that satisfy you?". Henry Higgins said this to Eliza when Eliza asked him what she might take if she wanted leave. She said that she did not want to be accused of stealing. But Henry Higgins was very sarcastic, making Eliza appear calculating as she wanted to make sure of what she could take along with her. He was just trying to make her feel bad too. In Act V, Higgins tried to shake Eliza's composure with the phrase "You will jolly well see whether she has an idea that I Haven't put into her mouth." This is an insult to Eliza a ...
Words: 384 - Pages: 2
... treated as an "Outsider" but, in the film version it restricts the audience's comprehension of Piggy's emotions. Similarly, other characters such as Simon and Roger are so unclear in the movie that they may puzzle viewers because the movie fails to distinguish their role. The cinema is unsuccessful in establishing Simon as a "Christ" figure and Roger's murderous nature. On the other hand, the novel installs all these ideas and allows the reader to use their creativity. Therefore, due to the film's inability to give audiences more information about the characters, their role and their emotions, the novel is much more informative. Secondly, the novel is capable of g ...
Words: 555 - Pages: 3
... I felt that Vronsky changed and became closer to Anna. He seemed to care for her and not just in a sexual way but, in a way that he would do anything for her to make her happy. I felt that before he had met Anna it was hard for him to feel love, yet did he try. The first time you meet Vronsky you get the feeling that he is someone who does not take love very seriously, girls were more that less an object of amusement. When he meets Anna this changes over time. She softens his heart and he grows to understand and appreciate love and what goes along with it. When Anna doubts Vronsky's love in a sense she is right to. I think up until Anna says s ...
Words: 1177 - Pages: 5