... against death; you should fight for your life and take it day by day. In the second stanza the poet says "Though wise men at their end know dark is right, because their words had forked no lighting they don not go gentile into that good night" I thin what the poet is trying to say is even though you’re getting older and you know the time is coming you haven’t shown a sign of death you ‘re still have life so fight against death. Then in third stanza the poet describes someone who lived a good life but doesn’t want to let go "Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright their deed might have danced in a green bay, rage rage against the dying of the light." It wa ...
Words: 605 - Pages: 3
... are important, but not as important as the voice behind them. Words alone contain literal and figurative meanings, but these meanings can be more easily understood with the human understandings of voice tones. Finally, after Mrs. Flowers reads the beginning of A Tale of Two Cities aloud with all the emotions of her spoken words, the only way Marguerite can respond is with a, “Yes Ma'am” (164). This shows that she is confused. Short phrases in response to long, heart filled elegies display one's confusion and awe-struck nature. Language, in terms of both the spoken and written word, has the power to awaken emotions in readers and listeners. For instance, Mar ...
Words: 717 - Pages: 3
... idea to fake a war with Albania. They kept asking “Why Albania?”, Conrad’s reply was “No one in the USA knows about Albania”. Conrad along with Winifred, a presidents advisor, decide to use a famous Hollywood producer to help create the illusion of war, so he asks Stanley Motss. Stanley is sketchy about it at first or seems to be at least. He mentions that he has never received an Academy Award but he has produced it. Conrad offers him as many awards as he wants to help him. Stanley agrees and begins planning the war, step, by step. He calls in a few people to help him. I can’t remember their names in the movie, but he used Den ...
Words: 886 - Pages: 4
... trees”, very desert like. However, the other hill on the other side of the station is beautiful, plentiful in nature, and had “fields of grain and tress along the banks of the Ebro River.” Also on each side of the station where each hill is, there is a train track. These objects are symbolic devices prepare the reader in realizing that the characters are in a place of decision. The railroad station is a place of decision where one must decide to go one way or the other. The tracks symbolize either decision that the girl must make. By the looks of the environment around each track, it is clear what kind of destination each track leads to. This proves that the g ...
Words: 911 - Pages: 4
... necessities of life. Because of this status, Ab and his family know from the start what the future will hold; hard work for their landlord and mere survival for them. No hope for advancement prevails throughout the story. Sarty, his brother and the twin sisters have no access to education, as they must spend their time working in the fields or at home performing familial duties. Nutrition is lacking “He could smell the coffee from the room where they would presently eat the cold food remaining from the mid-afternoon meal”(497). A consequence, poor health combined with inadequate opportunity results in low morale. A morale which the writer is identifyi ...
Words: 778 - Pages: 3
... and excited to have been included into the community. This gave her a feeling of belonging and acceptance. Another thing that is important to us is forming friendships with others. The brief time spent in each town made it hard for Helen to get to know others. She seemed to slip into her own “protective bottle”, moving from place to place almost mechanically, making it harder for people to get to know her. By joining the Mask and Wig Club, in North Crawford, she was given the opportunity to open up to others and meet new people, thus making many friends. We can see that by emerging from her protective shell, it was easier for her to get to know th ...
Words: 481 - Pages: 2
... Theme and plot collide into one sentence. The crux of Omelas. Le Guin asks if one can truly believe in Omelas. The reader finds himself/herself asking if the first part of the text is truly conceivable. The theme then takes over asking if one could accept the conditions that Omelas “happily” lives under. The plot then allows enough room for the reader to imagine the living conditions under which the child lives in with “a little light seeping in dustily between cracks in the boards.” The characters, though not drawn out in much detail, have such personalities as to make them recognizable in our own lives. Le Guin utilizes broad terms s ...
Words: 597 - Pages: 3
... dream along with, revisiting the crime sight contrasted with his reaction to finding Marmelodov run over in the street, both showcase his different sides. Raskolnikov can also be compared to a current event, that being the happenings in Littleton, Colorado. You would think that a swing in attitude and emotion that Raskolnikov has would follow a deep impacting event, like the murders of the Ivanovna sisters. This is not the case though, even before the horrendous crimes he commits, you can see him sway from one side to the other. This is prevalent during and after his first dream. The dream is of a man brutally beating to death a horse. Raskolnikov is a child in th ...
Words: 1722 - Pages: 7
... example of poetry writing in the Romantic Age, particulary its references to Greek mythological images and the celebration of natural enviroment. In the first part of the poem Keats forms a mental picture of a hemlock,which signifies a poisonous herb. He also creates a picture of a river of forgetfulness in Hades. Basically, the imagery Keats uses is that of Greek mythology and a fantasy world. In a different perspective, it is the end of one's life. Keats paints a picture , the desire to end one's life in a peaceful enviroment that is created by the Nightingale's song and light, and smells of the enviroment. In the first five lines of the poem the narrato ...
Words: 295 - Pages: 2
... intensified when we see Eliza’s wretched lodgings. These lodgings are much contrasted to those of Higgins in Wimploe Street. Not only does Shaw play on the audience’s sympathy for an impoverished Eliza, but also presents her insecurity to us. In the scene with the taxi-man, she appears significantly defensive in her response concerning the cost of the cab ride. Eliza feels humiliated by the taxi-man’s sarcastic response to her. From the start of Higgins and Eliza’s relationship, Eliza is treated like a child. Higgins says to her, “If your naughty and idle you will sleep in the back kitchen among the black beetles, and be walloped ...
Words: 607 - Pages: 3