... his use of irony and at the same time he proposes a solution which he has radicalized. This early attempt at discounting imprisonment by comparing it with an extreme form of the punishment he is proposing, simply leaves the reader with a negative feeling towards both forms of punishment rather than bolstering his view. The third paragraph of this essay is primarily concerned with persuading the reader that the rate of imprisonment is on the rise, and that this form of punishment is now the form of choice in the United States. He cites the statistic,” 1.6 million Americans are behind bars today. That represents a 250 percent increase since 1980, and the number i ...
Words: 1217 - Pages: 5
... is to insert a tube in the vagina, and then hook it up to a suction machine. The fetus is then removed. This procedure takes about ten minutes. The second trimester abortions are called D&E, which stands for dilation and evacuation. These are preformed up to the twenty-fifth week of pregnancy, and usually take ten to twenty minutes. The way they are preformed is the woman is given absorbent dilators which open up the cervix and absorb the fluids. After this is left in overnight the woman then is ready for the evacuation stage. The fetus is easily removed with instruments and suction. In the last trimester of the pregnancy abortions are preformed mainly if the wom ...
Words: 524 - Pages: 2
... rounded up by Immigration Naturalization Services and deported back to Guatemala, Honduras, or Mexico. These are only two examples of the travesties that occur daily in the land of opportunity and freedom—the Unites States of America. The United States was built by immigrants, many seeking a new life in a new land. Before 1882, anyone could move to the United States. As the population grew, however, the Federal government decided to control immigration. But they have done this in a very inconsistent manner, letting some people in from one country more than others from another country. The current U.S. immigration policy is immoral, unethical and inconsistent in it ...
Words: 2225 - Pages: 9
... who come here. We can only begin to help the situation now, because it would take decades to solve a situation like this. There is a quickly growing problem of overpopulation in this country. As the population grows at an insane rate, our free space is going to get much smaller. Not only is the population rising extremely fast, but also we are letting thousands of people into the country. The more people there are, the less room there is for everyone. We can’t continue to place everyone together as close as possible. It will only result in a large population moving away to avoid being overcrowded. The more people that live in an area, the more traffic ...
Words: 1324 - Pages: 5
... i.e. fraternities and sororities, does it, then to be important, you must drink. Finally, without parent instilling morals and good judgment into their children, the students do not think that it is wrong to participate in these activities. All in all, the biggest problem on college campuses is the consumption of alcohol and drugs. If a person was never exposed to the heat of a flame their whole life, and then was thrown into a family barbeque, where they asked this person to cook, how well would they do? They would probably put too much lighter fluid in the grill. Or, they would light the grill while looking at it to see what it did. Or, they would light the gr ...
Words: 1003 - Pages: 4
... years, unless the PM wants one sooner. Elected members of the House of Commons (MPs) each represent a Constituency. How many members in the commons depends on how many people in Canada. MPs must be over 18, and not disqualified by law. The House only has to meet once a year, but usually there's so much to do they have to put in many months of work. Any MP can try to introduce a bill, but the Cabinet usually controls the number of bills introduced. Most bills come from the Cabinet, but the ideas can come from things like: A senator, public servant, the media, party platform etc. The PM chooses The Cabinet from fellow party members who have been elected to the ...
Words: 3804 - Pages: 14
... early history of our country, the protection of basic freedoms has been of the utmost importance to Americans. In Langston Hughes' poem, "Freedom," he emphasizes the struggle to enjoy the freedoms that he knows are rightfully his. He reflects the American desire for freedom now when he says, "I do not need my freedom when I'm dead. I cannot live on tomorrow's bread." He recognizes the need for freedom in its entirety without compromise or fear. I think Langston Hughes captures the essence of the American immigrants' quest for freedom in his poem, "Freedom's Plow." He accurately describes American's as arriving with nothing but dreams and build ...
Words: 2614 - Pages: 10
... the talk shows on the air today, such as the Oprah Winfrey Show and the Montel Wiliams Show are focused on improvement of society and the quality of life. They focus on topics such as children, the workplace, everyday life and sometimes have interviews with respectable celebrities. You can catch shows with titles such as “Teaching Your Children Responsibly”, or “How to Manage Your Work Week”. These shows actually educate people and teach the child right from wrong. They also have shows exposing things such as child or spousal abuse and make people aware of these dangers. People even feel a special attachment to their favorite talk show hosts and talk about them as ...
Words: 892 - Pages: 4
... child," usually because she is obedient, compliant, and a good student. Although most teenagers experience some feelings of youthful rebellion, persons with anorexia usually do not outwardly exhibit these feelings, tending instead to be childish in their thinking, in their need for parental approval, and in their lack of independence. Psychologists theorize that the patient's desire to control her own life manifests itself in the realm of eating--the only area, in the patient's mind, where she has the ability to direct her own life. In striving for perfection and approval, a person with anorexia may begin to diet in order to lose just a few pounds. Dieting ...
Words: 1562 - Pages: 6
... the authority to use cloning towards society’s benefit. Cloning is done by taking the genetic information from a person so that a clone may be made and placing the genetic information into an egg which has had the nucleus removed. This now becomes a zygote, which is then placed in a uterus of a woman, and the zygote will became a clone of the person. What I am trying to put forward or pose as a question is should cloning become a world wide act preformed in all doctors surgeries or should it be controlled and watched very closely by government or other authorities and used under tight restrictions. While the potential benefits of genetic engineering are considera ...
Words: 1008 - Pages: 4