... asked Lewinsky to lie about visits to his office. Turning her back on Lewinsky, Tripp taped telephone conversations between herself and Lewinsky about the affairs with Mr. to setup him up. Lewinsky, allegedly quoting Mr. , said, "Look them in the eye and deny it." After anonymous tips are given to a firm connected with the Paula Jones case, Lewinsky decided to leave the government and find a new job. On January 7, 1998, Monica Lewinsky signed a sworn affidavit in the Paula Jones sexual harassment case, stating she did not have an affair with the President. Following this, Linda Tripp brought the recorded phone conversations to Independent Counsel for the Paul ...
Words: 463 - Pages: 2
... as well over the same time period. This bias of the past 30 years as well as voter turn out has only recently began to change in the South. In the beginning of and prior to the 1960's the South was a Democratic stronghold and it was rare for there to be any competition from Republicans in these non competitive states (Mulcahy p.56). A poll taken in the 1960's showed that " the southern states were the obvious stronghold of Democratic identification. The extreme case was Louisiana, where 66% identified with the Democratic party"(Black p.44). This all began to change as the Democratic party became more liberal in its national policy views. The Democrats became to ...
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... real Candaians - feel loyal to a people who had conquered and humiliated them, and were Protestant anayway ? France herself was no better ; she had deserted her Canadians a century and a half ago, had left them in the snow and ice along the St. Lawernce surrounded by their enemies, had later murdered her anoited king and turned athiest... if a people deserted God they were punished for it, and France was being punished now. " 1This sort of sentiment was one that was shared by many French Candiens. French-English relations were already suffering and continued to do so before World War 1. But the biggest strains occurred when issues of Canadian participation in Worl ...
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... meet the current voting requirements. Paragraph 3 states that People who have been in rebellion are ineligible for federal and state office. In other words, if you were a military or political leader for the Confederate States of America, than you can't hold any United States, or individual state office. This is punishment to those leaders of the Confederacy who have committed an act of treason. This is a suitable punishment for these people who are not suited to hold any office. Paragraph 4 states that debts incurred in aid of rebellion are void. This drastically hurts the people who supported the south. If someone had sold products to the south, expectin ...
Words: 413 - Pages: 2
... action to people with disabilities and Vietnam veterans but there were no goals or timetables for these two groups. This type of affirmative action required recruitment efforts, accessability, accommodation and reviews of physical and mental job qualifications. President Jimmy Carter consolidated all federal agencies that were required by law to follow the affirmative action play into the Department of Labor. Before Carter did this, each agency handled affirmative action in its own individual way, some were not as consistant as other agencies were. He created the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Program (OFCCP) in 1978 to ensure compliance with the affirmat ...
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... population shares respectively. Meanwhile, African Americans, while slightly growing numerically, were a constant share of the county population (11%) during this period. (Oliver and Johnson:57-94) Thus, on the eve of the twenty-first century, Los Angeles has one of the most ethnically diverse populations of any metropolitan area in the country. What does this ethnic diversity mean for multiethnic coalition building in the politics of Los Angeles County? Does the changing demography increase the opportunity for ethnic cooperation? Or, has the ethnic changes increased rather than decreased the prospects of interethnic conflict? Introduction After the 1992 riots, ...
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... defining where certain powers lie. One of the novelties about this doctrine is that it does a clever job of dividing certain powers between the state and federal governments. Monetary units, for example, are issued exclusively by the federal government. This is not only more convenient for traveling purposes, but also allows for a more 'united' spirit. People in California can easily view a commercial for a product affiliated with New York without having to translate the cost or watch the television screen scroll down 50 different prices. The Stock Market functions fairly smooth now, but with an East Texas businessman trying to sell to a novice buyer from Min ...
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... a Responsible Federal Budget provided choices Congress has to use as its guide for the upcoming year. How hard can it be to balance the budget I thought? After doing the exercised I realized the title of the simulation exercise, "The FY 1997 Budget: An Exercise in Hard Choices," could not have been more appropriate. It is possible though to balance the Federal Budget, provided you follow 3 simple rules. First you must decide what you feel is important, then cut without consciousness, and if that doesn't work, alter your baseline. Important Choices When deciding on what I thought was important to protect in the budget, I felt like a politician myself. I protected ...
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... the ideas and beliefs of Carol Gilligan with information from our text, the packet read in class and the book, Faces of . Carol Gilligan is a lecturer and assistant professor at Harvard University as well as a psychologist. She has many theories that deal with moral reasoning and development. In her influential book In a Different Voice, she sets forth the idea that women make decisions “according to a criteria of ethics of care and that men make decisions according to an ethic of rights.”(3) In her book, Carol Gilligan also disagrees with Lawrence Kohlbergs' theory, which suggests that “Few people matured fully in their moral reasoning...but women hardly ever did.” ...
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... . Abstinence is when you give up something you desire or of pleasure to you. Abstaining from sexual activities is a great way to prevent , and the risk of getting a disease. In the past years less sex and more condoms use has meant lower rates of teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease. Abstinence is not a crime, as most teenagers and their peers seem to think. Most teens have sex because of their peers being sexually active. The percentage of sexually active males declined from 57.4 percent to 48.8 percent, essentially erasing the gender gap. In high school students alone the rate for being sexually active went from being 66.7 percent to 60.9 percent in ...
Words: 1080 - Pages: 4