... by many pro-life advocates. We believe that a fetus as early as seven weeks after conception can feel pain. Thus, they believe that a fetus can feel pain part way through the first trimester, whn most abortions are performed. Why would you want to take the chance of putting your un-born child through this agonizing pain. In truth abortion is the wrongful murder of a helpless and innocent human life. The right to abortion sends a message to people that says you can do away with things you do not want to deal with and not suffer any consequences- in this case even a human life. It's odd that the same liberals that have a problem with eating meat and wearing furs ...
Words: 455 - Pages: 2
... Where we are herded like cattle from room to room, chewing on our cud, while the hay of knowledge is force fed to us as we are trying our hardest to gulp it down as more and more is shovelled in. Another great source of pressure is ourselves. We try our hardest to be accepted among a certain group or circle. Whereas most of the time we are rejected and we become depressed. Depression, another problem, along with ignorance and apathy that thwarts our lives. A wise man when questioned about his view on ignorance and apathy, said "I don't know, and I don't give a damn. We find outlets for our emotions through either art, poetry or music, being the three most comm ...
Words: 647 - Pages: 3
... function. Some surgeries are performed to diagnose a problem. Surgery can also save our life. However, cosmetic surgeries are about pressure to look better. Many people believe that it is up to each individual to decide what they want to do with their body. Yet, does it really help to have your skin pulled up to your cheeks so you can’t smile? Cosmetic surgeries carry a high degree of risk, sometimes can cost one’s life. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, five patients did not survive undergoing liposuctions. Although the doctors could not say for sure that liposuctions caused the deaths, they strongly suspected the procedure contributed to ...
Words: 541 - Pages: 2
... way of life that varies from our western norm. First, we must have a quick look at the history of treating people with Chinese drug therapy. Treatment is accomplished by utilizing two basic theories, Traditional Chinese Medicine(TMC) and Tuina therapy. The practitioner questions their patient about their symptoms and examines their tongue, palpates their pulse and body, and observes condition of color, smell, voice, posture, or movement. This information is is arranged in a causal pattern and a diagnosis can be made. A specific formula is selected from a variety of traditional formulas and made to the exact dosage that the diagnosis requires. According to Ro ...
Words: 1358 - Pages: 5
... shape, then he/she is less likely to become sick and miss work. Many employers today have developed programs to assist the employee with any personal problems that they might have. Some employers offer smoking cessation programs and ergonomic supplies to prevent work-related injuries. With implementation of exercise and well-being programs, companies are not only helping employees, but also dramatically increasing the overall potential of the company. Exercise in the work place? True this sounds unusual, but look at all the benefits exercise has to offer, and with so many exciting choices in exercise programs, popularity of exercising at work has increased. " ...
Words: 511 - Pages: 2
... make the world go around! Politically women’s health care system is crap. Women fight and struggle with it everyday. Women are more prone for health care just for the single reason of being a woman. So do you think that the system would give women a break? Of course not, "Because women use the system more often, we should pay higher insurance premiums." "’Poor women and women of color are liabilities, while insured women are ‘markets’ and ‘billable’ resources." "doctors accuse ‘poor’ women of not taking proper care of ourselves or our children, or they see drug use and depression in ‘poor’ families as individual, preventable failures of character rather than ...
Words: 832 - Pages: 4
... the disorder. Them being from physical triumphs to just everyday kids harrassing him at school. The show was taken off the air in 1993 because of sponsers. Records of types of disorders are unknown along with many of other records of treatments to people inflicted with a disorder. This is mainly because in the early 1900's people thought that people with disorders were just stupid and they did not investigate further into the matter. The quanity of people that have a disorder is unknown. There is an estimated guess that 15% of the U.S. population has some sort of disorder but that is not factual. This is because the survey people only can estimate from the p ...
Words: 1483 - Pages: 6
... the DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) sequences in those molecules are disrupted and errors form in the structures, (Grolier, Genetic Code). This mutation spreads through surrounding tissue until it disrupts major systems in the body (such as respiratory, digestive and waste management) cause that system to fail. What causes Cancer to become active? Since it is believed that almost all people have some type of cancer in their body, (although benign), any person that comes in contact with a carcinogen, (any cancer-causing agent), will cause these benign cells to become malignant. It is when the cells become malignant, that cancer actually occurs. Cancer, in this contex ...
Words: 2876 - Pages: 11
... takes nourishment intravenously. This is a clear example where Mr. Smith is misusing his teeth. In addition to misuse, Levine states that this man will have a dim future on purely physiological grounds (Levin 355). Since Mr. Smith isn't using his teeth for chewing, his digestive system will suffer from disuse. The result will be Mr. Smiths deteriorating health. Levin incorporates the evolution process into this example. He states that Mr. Smith descended from creatures who enjoy the use of such parts. Creatures who do not enjoy using such parts of their bodies will tend to be selected out. In particular, human males who enjoyed inserting their penises into e ...
Words: 834 - Pages: 4
... a great variety of genetic variation. Drugs are tested on at most a few thousand people. When that same drug is taken by millions, some people may not respond in a predictable way to the drug. A person who has a so-called idiosyncratic response to a particular sedative, for example, may become excited rather than relaxed. Others may be hypersensitive, or extremely sensitive, to certain drugs, suffering reactions that resemble allergies. A patient may also acquire a tolerance for a certain drug. This means that ever-larger doses are necessary to produce the desired therapeutic effect. Tolerance may lead to habituation, in which the person becomes so dependent u ...
Words: 402 - Pages: 2