... the skin was rather reddish and livid, breaking out into small pustules and ulcers.” This precise description of the plague would be comparable to any description written today. The scientific objectivity demonstrated by the ancient Greeks had a direct influence on our medical, and non-medical, description today. Many ancient Greeks such as Socrates used logic, another invaluable tool of modern Western thought. Socrates, by asking simple questions, was able to draw answers from people that supported his argument. By thinking a problem through, step-by-step, Socrates was able to formulate answers to a problem or question. This laid down the foundation for modern l ...
Words: 716 - Pages: 3
... but gold. Today, many Germans live throughout the U.S.; especially in the mid-west. More likely then not, they came here in the late 1800's- 1900's. This would be because of the many revolutions in the 1860's and the poverty that almost always follows war. In one 20 year span in the late 1800's Germany went to war at least 7 times taking on neighboring countries such as: Austria, France, Belgium and Russia. Like I said, much money was spent on the war effort in Germany. People were taxed heavily just to buy bullets for the army. Through all this, word was spread like wild fire through Germany that a new country in the west across the water was offering fre ...
Words: 1200 - Pages: 5
... for the same audience. King's Dream speech was spoken in front of millions of people and was correctly addressed. King starts out by speaking with a lot of emotion, and repetition. King says in the Dream speech, "One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languishing in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land"(King). By repeating himself, the audience will have a ...
Words: 584 - Pages: 3
... This discussion will illustrate how regional differences contributed in developing two distinct styles of art within the same period. Therefore, I will briefly discuss the history and location of the Gandharan region. I will focus on the Gandharan Bodhisattva (2nd/3rd century, made of schist) displayed in the Art Institute. Next, the paper will discuss the Gupta Dynasty, this is period in which the culture of the period was more concerned with aesthetic values of sculpture, which I will illustrate through my discussion of the Preaching Buddha of Sarnath (c. 475 ad, Buff Sandstone). As a result, the art from the Gandharan region will show how regional lo ...
Words: 2923 - Pages: 11
... rates. The rates at which immigrants are willing to work at further burden the citizen's hope of finding a "good paying job". Business and industry owners do not care who they have working for them, as long as they hustle. So why, one may wonder would anyone hire an American worker at a higher rate, when an immigrant will do the same work for less pay? This increased competition for jobs is certainly related to the saturation of unemployed immigrants in the U.S. In addition to the economic problems that arise with , there are also many social issues as well. Some of these issues include education, communication, and assimilation. The public school system ...
Words: 639 - Pages: 3
... was born March 6, 1475, in the small village of Caprese near Arezzo. Michelangelo's father a Florentine official named Ludovico Buonarroti with connections to the ruling Medici family, placed his 13-year-old son in the workshop of the painter Domenico Ghirlandaio. After about two years, Michelangelo studied at the sculpture school in the Medici gardens and shortly thereafter was invited into the household of Lorenzo de' Medici, the Magnificent. There he had an opportunity to converse with the younger Medici. Michelangelo produced at least two relief sculptures by the time he was 16 years old, the Battle of the Centaurs and the Madonna of t ...
Words: 1639 - Pages: 6
... authorized the construction of a canal and the creation of a company to build it. Nothing came of this effort, however, and the revolt of the Spanish colonies soon took the control of possible canal sites out of Spanish hands. The republics of Central America instead tried to interest groups in the United States and Europe in building a canal, and it became the subject of debate in the US Congress. The discovery of gold in California in 1848, and the rush of would-be miners stimulated US interest in digging the canal. Various surveys made between 1850 and 1875 indicated that only two routes were practical, the one across Panama and that across Nicaragua. In 1876 ...
Words: 855 - Pages: 4
... was a foolproof method for controlling black slaves. He listed several differences among the slaves and created his own form of conditioning. He used fear, distrust and envy as his unconditioned stimulus to create a controlled response, which would lead to an obedient slave. His objective was to turn the slaves with visible differences in color, age, size and intelligence against one another. Turning slaves against one another would redirect any negative attention towards slave owners. Like chapter 6 Willie Lynch claims that if you expose a slave, in this case, to certain conditions that eventually he will adapt to certain responses. By creating distrust among slave ...
Words: 431 - Pages: 2
... guidelines for it. Medicine and libraries were the theme for the fourth book. Book five, was law and chronology. Volume six, was ecclesiastical books. God and of the heavenly and earthly hierarchies, volume seven was considered some of his best work. Book eight, of the Church and of the sects was another deeply thought out publication. The ninth book was of languages, peoples, kingdoms, and official titles. Book ten, etymology. Book eleven, man. The twelfth book was about birds and beasts. Book thirteen, of the world and its parts. The fourteenth was physical geography. Book fifteen, of public buildings and roadmaking. Volume number sixteen, was of stones and ...
Words: 348 - Pages: 2
... that there was not enough planning of the revolt against the government. They needed a new one and they didn’t plan their revolution good enough to build their new government, which is what their main purpose was, but they used their revolution for vengeance.service of the United States shall be divided or appropriated- of granting letters of marque and reprisal in times of peace- appointing courts for the trial of piracies and felonies committed on the high seas and establishing courts for receiving and determining finally appeals in all cases of captures, provided that no member of Congress shall be appointed a judge of any of the said courts. The United States ...
Words: 1780 - Pages: 7