... played a significant role in the rise of the Frankish Empire. Charlemagne’s role as the political leader of the empire is one of the key factors of the success of the . The basis for Charlemagne’s power was in essence his double royal authority; not only was he the king of the Frankish Empire, but he was also crowned, Emperor of Rome. Before Charlemagne and his father, Pepin’s, reigns, basis of political authority did not lie with the king. Einhard writes, "It had really lost all power years before and it no longer possessed anything at all of importance beyond the empty title of king. The wealth and the power of the kingdom were h ...
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... It was not an easy job. While all of the mothers were busy working in the fields of their master, Aaron Anthony, she was busy watching over their infants. Betsy Bailey was quite a woman. She was a master fisher, and spent most of her days in the river or in the field farming. She was very intelligent and physically able bodied. Most historians credit Frederick’s intelligence to his extraordinary grandmother. Douglass later recalled not seeing his mother very often, just on the few times she would come to visit later in his life. At the age of six, Frederick’s carefree days of running and playing in the fields and came to an abrupt end. He was taken away from ...
Words: 3523 - Pages: 13
... purpose. Even if you weren't alive during the '60s, you know what they meant when they said, "tune in, turn on, drop out." you know why the nation celebrates Martin luther king, jr.'s birthday. all of the social issues are reflected in today's society: the civil rights movement, the student movement, space exploration, the sexual revolution, the environment, medicine and health, and fun and fashion. The Civil Rights Movement The momentum of the previous decade's civil rights gains led by rev. Martin luther king, jr. carried over into the 1960s. but for most blacks, the tangible results were minimal. only a minuscule percentage o ...
Words: 2509 - Pages: 10
... was coming to an end, the United States liberated over 32,000 prisoners on April 29, 1945. This was one of the most devastating concentration camps of the Holocaust. Bergen-Belsen was another horrifying concentration camp. This camp was a holding center camp. This means that the people that were sent there were going to be kept there until they died, or until the war was over. The people at this camp were usually killed by diseases like tuberculosis and typhus. The bodies were thrown all over and just disregarded like they were nothing at all. They had some mass graves to put the bodies in, but most were just lying around. The most famous person from this c ...
Words: 595 - Pages: 3
... The ship was then fitted with ten twelve-pound cannons. There were four guns placed on the starboard and port sides, and one on the bow and stern sides. Due to its massive nature the ship's draft was enormous, it stretched twenty-two feet to the bottom. The ship was so slow and long, that it required a turning radius of about one mile. Likened to a "floating barn roof (DesJardien 2)" and not predicted to float, the only individual willing to take command of the ship was Captain Franklin Buchanan. After all the modifications were complete, the ship was rechristened the CSS Virginia, but the original name the CSS Merrimack is the preferred name. The USS Moni ...
Words: 1212 - Pages: 5
... a liberal may promote change, change was the only option in these desperate times. Both Hoover and Roosevelt were preserving the country through alteration. Hoover changed to keep it the same, to keep the tradition, to conserve the nation. Roosevelt changed to make it better, to help the common man, to restore liberty. Thus, deriving the terms that Roosevelt was a liberal and Hoover a conservative. The nation had taken a devastating plunge in 1929, the Great Depression had struck, Hoover President at the time. The country was plummeting and Hoover held out his hand, although the people too scared to be saved let themselves fall deeper (Document D). Hoover bel ...
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... and moral prestige in the world. Voters responded when he pledged to be tough on terrorists, a vow he repeated time and time again: “Let me further make it plain to assassins in Beirut and their accomplices, wherever they may be, that America will never make concessions to terrorists.“ Was this vow strictly a campaign promise made that he never intended to honor? In 1970 in Nicaragua, President Anastasio Somona Debayle fled the country. A civil war had been devastating the nation’s economy. The Nicaraguans were tired of the Somonzas ruling their tiny country. They wanted change. They wanted the Sandinistas. The Sandinistas promised free enterprise but w ...
Words: 2521 - Pages: 10
... meeting on coming havoc. The lines that are used do not outline individual objects in the painting but define the shapes of each. They show the direction that the artist took when painting this particular art piece. They are delicate and sensitive lines in the sense that they are not always visible but they still define the object. The painting has been painted to a deep 2D form. This form creates an illusion of a large amount of space. As if to create the illusion that you were looking out past the village towards the horizon. This was important so to capture the full effect of havoc reaching the harmony. The shape of the artwork is soft and f ...
Words: 473 - Pages: 2
... and to see off their loved ones the tugs playfully nudged the bow, and was off! The ship pulled around the corner and was greeted by only a couple of ships, the New York and the Philadelphia. All of a sudden, the moorings for the New York snapped like gun shots and the New York was ripped from the dock from the wake of . Closer and closer the stern of the New York got to the proud and still gleaming hull of the finished Titanic. Everyone watched in horror as the ship's stern came ever closer to the hull. However, with some quick thinking from the captain, Captain Edward James Smith had been chosen to accompany for her maiden voyage, ordered a full astern on the ...
Words: 845 - Pages: 4
... shown by their lack of discipline and disregard for the people of Egypt. We saw this in the movie when Frank Dunn and his mates caused trouble by harassing owners of shops and playing pranks on others and paying for prostitutes. During this time more steps were taken to develop a legend by giving the troops a form of National Identity and calling them The Anzacs. We know now that it is now a part of Australia’s cultural identity and origin on the battlefield. The Anzac’s didn’t have the firepower and weaponry of the Turks but they had brains and initiative which deemed them ready to hit the battlefields. On the 21st of April the Soldiers were given th ...
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