... but the marchers took that chance sothat they could accept the responsibilities of first class citizens. "thenegro," King said in this speech, "lives on a lonely island of poverty inthe midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity and finds himself an exilein his own land." King continued stolidly: "it would be fatal for thenation to overlook the urgency of the moment and to underestimate thedetermination of the negro. this sweltering summer of the negro'slegitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality." when King came to the end of his prepared text, he swept right on into an exhibition of impromptu oratory th ...
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... most popular character, Mickey Mouse. This film was also the first to utilize sound in an animated cartoon. Besides Mickey Mouse, Disney created such cartoon characters as Donald Duck, Goofy, and Pluto. In 1937, Disney originated the feature-length cartoon with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Within the next five years, he produced other feature-length cartoons such as Pinocchio, Fantasia, and Bambi. In 1961, Disney was the first to produce a color television series which was called, "Disney's Wonderful World of Color". In the 1950's and 60's , Productions, Ltd., with Disney as executive producer, was one of the major producers of films for motion-pictu ...
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... consider Tiberius Gracchus. It is imperative to analyze his style of leadership and his political strategies. During his term as tribune, Tiberius’ major goal was to pass a land reform bill. This bill was biased toward the masses. Tiberius tried fairly and squarely to gain the support of the Roman senate, but this effort was to no avail. Tiberius then resorted to unfavorable tactics when he impeached another tribune, Octavius, the major opponent of Tiberius’ bill. Thus Tiberius willingly destroyed the long-held and quite favored notion of an immune tribune. However, this is what the common people wanted. Tiberius’ big mistake was blatantly opposing, thus ...
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... of the public, who were for and againts hangings. In the days of , gallows or scaffolds were rather crude contraptions. Early contraptions consisted of two post in the ground, with a cross-piece between them from which the victim swung. As the years passed by a second contraption was invented, a single stout post with a timber nailed at a right angle at the top, with supporting boards attached. A third contraption was made which was a platform erected nine or more feet from the ground, in the middle of which was a trap door which swung upon hinges. This latest invention was commonly used towards the end of . In private hangings the same contraption was used, bu ...
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... views to spend time together. The original members meant of the Ku Klux Klan to be a "hilarious social club" that would be full of aimless fun (Invisible Empire, p.9), though in later years the Ku Klux Klan became known for their violence against people outside the white race and people who associated with them. Contrary to what most people believe, the Ku Klux Klan was started because of a few people wanted to have some innocent fun, not because they were intending to start a chain of violence on anyone outside the white race.(The Klan, p.2) The Ku Klux Klan began in Pulaski, Tennessee, a small town south of Nashville. On the night of December 24, 1865 six ex- ...
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... lagoon. Midway was discovered in 1859 and annexed by the United States in August 1867. Between 1903 and 1940, it served both as a cable station on the Honolulu-Guam-Manila underwater telegraph line and as an airport for Pan American Airways China Clipper. In March 1940, after a report on U.S. Navy Pacific Bases declared Midway second only to Pearl Harbor in importance, construction of a formal naval air station began. Midway naval Air Station was placed in commission in August 1941. By that time Midway's facilities included a large sea plane hanger and ramps, artificial harbor, fuel storage tanks and several buildings. Hundreds of civilian construction worker ...
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... to first define how we will define guilt. Certainly if a man says he is guilt-stricken with conviction we can take this as adequate evidence of guilt. However, certainly not everyone takes this direct an approach. James Oakes makes a good point in recognizing that guilt is not always starkly obvious. "Guilt is the product of a deeply rooted psychological ambivalence that impels the individual to behave in ways that violate fundamental norms even as they fulfill basic desires."1 In other words, guilt creates such inner turmoil that a guilty man will deviate from normal behavior. In this case, we will have to show two things. First, a slaveholder is committing ...
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... to make them light sensitive and by exposing them in a camera using warm mercury vapors and setting the image with distilled water created wonderful life like images he called daguerreotypes, (named after the creator…). Daguerreotypes where developed in natural light in artist studios. The subject had to hold perfectly still for up to 45 minutes. Children where restrained with harnesses and metal neck braces which can’t have been the most comfortable thing for the children to put up with. The image itself is like chalk on a chalkboard and therefore has to be protected under glass and sealed with tape to keep out the elements. Yet these early daguerreotype photog ...
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... to cure the paralysis. Although Freud later abandoned his faith in hypnosis, hypnotic experiments taught Freud that mental processes that took place unconsciously could have a powerful effect on behaviour. It was Freud who drew our attention to the unconscious mind. If we liken the mind to an iceberg, the nine tenths below the surface is the unconscious in which there are many mental processes going on that we have little control of. Our conscious mind is above the surface; it is what we are fully aware of and contains our perception, thought and memory. Freud also spoke of the preconscious which might include material put out of our conscious mind but which ma ...
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... and harsh conditions, to be tortured on an island from which he couldn't escape from anyway. There were still a few minds who believed in Dreyfus's innocence, such as, his wife and brother; Golgar Demange, a highly respected devout catholic; and even Captain George Picquart.(5) George Picquart was one of the main figures in the unravelling of the Dreyfus affair, he was the officer asked by his supervisor to look into Dreyfus's motives. Picquart found many flaws and peculiar things,in his research and in March 1896 another letter which they called the "petit bleu," was intercepted by French intelligence. This puzzled Picquart, an investigation was now to be ord ...
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