... was enhanced by the fact, being so fair, she seemed to have been wronged” (Florus). Cleopatra’s beauty was and still is to this day said to have been quite memorable. In 49 BC Cleopatra was in dire straits and had to cross enemy borders in order to speak with Caesar. This brief occurrence in her history can give us a somewhat hazy view of Cleopatra’s body size. (Fraser 36) If she was able to fit into Egypt’s tightly rolled carpets this may imply that Cleopatra was small and lithe. This is just rationalization. Cleopatra may not have been attractive as it is suggested throughout history. Her supposed “beauty” may have been one of the rare instances where intelli ...
Words: 2030 - Pages: 8
... Irish, and Slovaks. Other small, but notable groups included French Canadians, Chinese, and Japanese. This so called "new immigration" was different in many other ways from previous immigration. Until 1897, 90 percent of all overseas immigrants had come from Protestant northern and western Europe. But for the first time, Catholic and Jewish immigrants outnumbered Protestants, and still other arrivals were Muslims, Buddhists, or Greek or Russian Orthodox church members. Fleeing such hardships as poverty, religious persecution, and political unrest in their homelands, immigrants journeyed to the United States in search of freedom and opportunity. The immigran ...
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... so impressed her that she offered marriage. She is said to have been about 40, but she bore Muhammad at least two sons, who died young, and four daughters. The best known daughter was Fatimah, the wife of Muhammad's cousin 'Ali who is regarded as Muhammad's divinely ordained successor by the Shi'ah branch of Islam. Until Khadijah's death in 619, Muhammad took no other wife. The marriage was a turning point in Muhammad's life. By Arab custom, minors did not inherit, and therefore Muhammad had no share in the property of his father or grandfather. However, by his marriage he obtained sufficient capital to engage in mercantile activity on a scale commensurate w ...
Words: 3991 - Pages: 15
... to a deserted village. In the village they find some food. Immediately they cook up a feast. However, just as they were finishing their cooking, they were shelled. Paul and his friends decide they would rather risk their lives then leave the food. One by one they run to safety carrying their platters of food. Even when Paul is almost killed he doesn’t let go of his plate of pancakes. On the field it goes without saying how many men suffered. Shells were flying from above while rifles shot in all directions on the ground. Deadly gases were used in this war for the first time in history. Paul described the pain of gas. His lungs felt ripped and smashe ...
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... expansion goals. Another example of the United States taking advantage of Mexico is the Gasden Purchase. The Gasden Purchase was ratified in 1854 for the selling price of 10 million. Mexico was going through rough economical time and desperately needed the money. The United States seeing an opportunity to build a railroad through the region brought the land at a cheap price. The selling of the Gasden Purchase was the down fall of President Santa Ana, and led to his replacement. The conflicts along the border region were a direct result of U.S. expansion policies and Mexican fear for the United States. The Americans saw Manifest Destiny, westward expansion, as th ...
Words: 312 - Pages: 2
... for numbers of troops involved. In addition, there were hu ndreds of smaller battles, engagements, skirmishes, raids, etc. involving regular troops, militia units and loyalist units, and many actions off the coast of sea vessels. Washington's troops crossed NJ from NY in 1776, chased by the British after the fall of NY to the British. In late December 1776 to mid Jan 1777, he in turn chased the British out of most of NJ. This period of time is called the Crisis of the Revolution because it seemed the American army could not stand against the British, and the support for the Revolution came to a low ebb, until Washington reversed the military and polit ...
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... military means; Angola, Ethiopia, Kampuchea, Afghanistan, as a pattern of Soviet expansion, which was not consistent with détente. Many actually believed that these expansionist moves were encouraged by détente. Ultimately, the expectations that détente would achieve more were held by both powers. It was the failure to satisfy these expectations which led to its demise. Kissinger suggested that "détente, with all its weaknesses, should be judged not against some ideal but against what would have happened in its absence. Détente did not cause the Soviet arms build-up, nor could it have stopped it. However, it may have slowed it ...
Words: 2186 - Pages: 8
... and on behalf of her position of defending the Hawaiian Monarchy. “The U.S. Minister John Stevens was influenced by the annexationists. As a diplomat, his role was to foster a friendly, trusting relationship with the Hawaiian government. Instead, he often criticized the monarchy in public. I complained to the U.S. government about Stevens’ attitude and conduct but no action was taken.” (1) Since there was speculation concerning the reasons Stevens was sent to the islands, many people believe that Stevens did, in fact, have plans for annexation in Hawaii long before he reached shore. “Because of the prominent part that Stevens was to play in the dethrone ...
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... oppressed and whose tolerance level is dangerously low. An example of this is the Jewish people throughout history. The Celtic people were also highly independent. This characteristic became known as Celtic nature due to the fact that they were required to make the most of becoming a nomadic tribe at times. Due to the popularity of war and bloodshed the Celts had to become used to losing and winning, not only battles but members of the community also. Individual Celts became more individually independent and self-reliant do to the fact that loss was experienced so frequently. Examples of very independent people are the Germans. This is because of the loss they ha ...
Words: 532 - Pages: 2
... Agency, a service that distributed handwritten business news to banks and brokers, where he met two fellow financial reporters, Edward Jones and Charles Bergstresser. In 1882, the three jumped ship to form a publishing venture of their own. Poor Bergstresser. Not only did he bankroll Dow Jones & Company with the savings he'd acquired by working his way through college, but he also gave the company's publication, a daily two-page financial news bulletin called the Customer's Afternoon Letter, a more lasting appellation: The Wall Street Journal. But "Bergstresser" was deemed too long to be included in the company's name, and so when Dow invented his stock index 14 ye ...
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