... his sentence, they also wanted the reimbursement of the billions of dollars the Islamic government had accused the Shah of giving to the U.S.. In 1980, the Shah finally died in Egypt after suffering many years of blood cancer. Following this tragedy in January 1981, the 53 American hostages were released even though Iran didn’t get any of their demands. After the Shah’ s death and the release of the hostages, the revolution finally came to an end after 3 long and suffering years. Since then, the Iran and U.S. have been enemies even though not long ago Akbar Rafsanjani, ho took over Iran after Khomeiny’ s death in J ...
Words: 388 - Pages: 2
... injures us; it is rather the case that, if we were on friendly terms with you, our subjects would regard that as a sign of weakness in us, whereas your hatred is evidence of our power...(Our subjects think) that those who still preserve their independence do so because they are strong, and that if we fail to attack them it is because we are afraid. The Athenian people were not directly threatened by the Melians and therefore had no practical reason to attack them. Their primary motivation was, obviously, to assert their dominance, their excellence, upon the Melian people. In his "Funeral Oration", Pericles declares the excellence of the Athenian people ...
Words: 966 - Pages: 4
... Party did not dress like Native Americans. Instead they actually put soot from chimneys on their faces and wore strange costumes. This surprised the British and it also led to what is now known as the Boston Massacre. This massacre included some angry civilians and four ill-tempered British soldiers. With all these events occurring it angered the Americans so much that they waged war with Britain. The first battle of the American Revolution took place in Lexington, Massachusetts. There were many soldiers awaiting the first shot of the revolution, then suddenly a shot came from the dead silence. This was the first shot of the war and was known as “The Shot ...
Words: 575 - Pages: 3
... fled to Europe after the six articles, such as Hooper, Becon, and Turner, all returned. Many were writers banned under Henry VIII, along with Luther and other European Protestants. Guy points out that 159 out of 394 new books printed during the Protectorate were written by Protestant reformers. Reformers predominated the Privy council under Somerset, and reform was popular amongst the gentry of the time. But outside London and East Anglia Protestantism was not a major force. In terms of religious hardening, it is unlikely that the surge of Protestantism had any particular long term impact outside these areas. It was only in these areas that violent iconoclas ...
Words: 1992 - Pages: 8
... teacher. Lex on the other hand is a boy lacking self confidence and has a negative outlook on life. He is classed as a nerd because he studies and takes notice of his future planning. Girls are his problem. He is scared of communication and contact. This is one of his main fears, especially talking. In particular talking to one girl called Dai. Due to this not many people pay attention to him except his one and only true friend Rory. Lex is the type of person who is afraid to make the first move, but having a friend like Rory it starts to become easier. Lockie doesn’t change himself to make other people feel happy. He likes who he is and believes in himself. Loc ...
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... are stronger than women”. The majority of fighter planes were built by men and it was also men who worked in most of the factories that produced cars and other transportation vehicles, thus implying that technology was a man’s job. Women were relegated to being seamstresses, some were secretaries, nurse, phone operators, and the majority were house wives. The misnomer that very few women had jobs back in the 30’s and 40’s, is not true. In fact, the majority of women had jobs. Even during the Great Depression, almost all women leaving school looked for jobs, and eventually found one. Of the women born in 1915, 91% had a job by 1938, which was relatively goo ...
Words: 1192 - Pages: 5
... achievements. It ended a long civil war against the remnants of the old Tsarist military system and established institutions in government. During this period, censorship and the subordination of interest groups such as trade unions was imposed to stop dissension and increase conformity to the new government policies. After Lenin's death in 1924, Joseph Stalin quickly gained control of the Communist party and the oppressive reforms started by Lenin were continued and at length became completely totalitarian. Stalin was able to attain control as a result of a multitude of reasons. He was not, however, Lenin's choice for a successor. Lenin believed that Trotsky was ...
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... 1939 Roosevelt commanded an American effort to obtain atomic weaponry before the Germans. With an increasing threat from Germany, President Roosevelt needed to take an aggressive stance. He was in a position of nuclear threat. F.D.R needed to do something, and do something very fast. This is why the president called to order the “Manhattan Project.” Nothing happened until Vannevar Bush, coordinator of scientific activities for the war, took charge. The program was called the Manhattan Project. It came under United States Army control in 1942. The Manhattan Project is a code name for the United States efforts to complete the separation of uranium-235 out of the urani ...
Words: 2019 - Pages: 8
... of Reconstruction began to appear. "How were new governments to be formed? How and at whose expense was the South's economy to be rebuilt? What was to be done with the freed slaves?"(Tindall 451) "Reconstruction was intended as a device by which the defeated states of the Southern Confederacy would be joined again to the Union, the more than four million black freedmen living within them absorbed politically and economically in a nation reunited by the force of arms, and safeguards provided against any possible renewal of rebellion."(Carter 11) Reconstruction officially began with Lincoln's Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction in 1863.(Tindall 452) Lincoln's ...
Words: 5063 - Pages: 19
... Republican Herbert Hoover had just been recently elected. During the previous few years, the stock market had been steadily rising, and everyone wanted their piece of the profits. By this time, over 1.5 million people owned stock in various companies. People in every kind of financial situation owned stocks. It seemed that it was an easy way to make money, and most investors were getting rich. The stock market reached its all-time high on September 3, 1929. This caused even more people to buy stock. In October of 1929, ...
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