... be. Because of this my relationship with my family on a religious aspect has drifted wider and wider apart. This is why I choose the Buddhist religion , hoping to closing the gap which exist between me and the rest of the family on a religious aspect. This study which is being conducted is purely a observational study. This study was done at the located in Hacienda Heights. This temple is the Los Angeles branch, the original is located in Kaohsiung, Taiwan ( Fo Guang Shan ). The is about 102,432 sq. ft. The name Hsi Lai when translated means "coming to the west". This temple signifies the dedication of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist order to spread the teach ...
Words: 1420 - Pages: 6
... respect for nature. Mountains and valleys were created. The good mind kept destroying what ever he created for fear it was not perfect. Traces of animals from the beginning of time were left in the rocks known as fossils. The moon and the sun were created. Both the good and the evil mind attempted to create mankind. When the evil mind tries to create mankind he messes up and accidentally creates apes. When the evil mind is unable to create mankind as the good mind does, he becomes angry with him. The twins continue to argue with each other as they believed that the other was not creating the world as it should be. They both wanted control over of the unive ...
Words: 882 - Pages: 4
... if one performs wholesome actions such as donating money to charitable organizations, one will experience happiness. On the other hand, if one perform unwholesome actions, such ass killing a living being, one will experience suffering. This is the law of cause and effect at work. In this way, the effect of one's past karma determine the nature of one's present situation in life. The Buddha said, "According to the seed that is sown, So is the fruit you reap The door of good of will gather good result The door of evil reaps evil result. If you plant a good seed well, Then you will enjoyed the good fruits." The theory of karma has a definite ap ...
Words: 548 - Pages: 2
... He was a pharmacist, and he was experimenting with different flavors in soda. Also Americans ate oysters, oyster stew, New England clam chowder, many kinds of fruit pies, and seafood. Coffee was served with all meals. Breakfast was served around seven, dinner (now called lunch) at noon (except on Sunday where it was served around two), and supper at six. Americans wore completely different clothes than the Twentieth Century Americans. Many young boys and men would wear suits, even as play clothes. Many were dark blue, with or black. There were many ruffles and cuffs. Many men and boys would wear tan colored shoes. Most women wore long hooping skirts, also with ...
Words: 1073 - Pages: 4
... 1520's started the religion of Lutherism. Lutherinism conflicted directly with the Church. It said that only two sacraments were necessary: baptism and communion. This reduced would reduce the power of Lutheran ministers and also save peasants money. This encouraged peasant converts. This also encouraged lords and princes to convert. They would convert to sieze the holdings of the Church in their lands and also to gian power over the new religion. Instead of the Church controlling the officials, the officials controlled the (Lutheran) Church. Lutherinism also stressed intent. He said that, for God to forgive a person, the person would have to feel real regret, ...
Words: 319 - Pages: 2
... the editorial departments of the daily press. Had the mice toppled off Mount Kilimanjaro would this essentially scientific story about animal behaviour have found its way so prominently into the Canadian press? Had the priest been peacefully saying mass on the Mattawa would this religious item have been deemed worthy of coverage? Or was it the newspapers' sense of the irony of these events, of their news value as symbols depicting the pervasive conflict and violence we have come to associate with the Middle East that led to their selection for publication from the reams of teletype endlessly flowing into the editorial departments of the Canadian press? It would seem ...
Words: 4558 - Pages: 17
... writing the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence states that all men were, “endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” By eliminating the control of a monarchy, Jefferson envisioned a country where all men would have the opportunity to control their own destinies. Jefferson foresaw a government where individual rights would be recognized and the new government would represent the interests of all its citizens. In a democracy all these are possible to achieve. By writing this document, Thomas Jefferson was trying to separate himself and the great country he ...
Words: 504 - Pages: 2
... where she first encountered the idea of a settlement house. Addams invented the Hull House as a center for a higher civic and social life that would improve the many social problems. She and many others with the same interests as her, worked among the poor, established art classes, discussion groups, a kindergarten, a coffee house, a library, and a gymnasium. She tried to invent a place free of ethnic racism and stereotyping. In a time when Americans were beginning to feel threatened by immigrants, Hull House embraced them and showed them the true meaning of American democracy. She wanted to devise some educational enterprise that would build a bridge between ...
Words: 913 - Pages: 4
... a press conference on August in 1972, President Nixon said that nobody on the White House Staff was involved in the crime. Most of the public accepted Nixon's word and dropped the questioning. But when the burglars went to trial four months later, the story changed rapidly from a small story to a national scandal. It ended only when Richard Nixon was forced from office. Watergate was connected to Vietnam, it eventually exposed a long series of illegal activities in the Nixon administration. Nixon and his staff were found to have spied on and harassed political opponents, planned contributions to the campaign, and tried to cover-up their illegal act ...
Words: 1998 - Pages: 8
... Perhaps it would not have been best for the South to have won the war, but we should respect and uphold the men who fought so bravely for their cause. The mistaken idea that the Civil War was about slavery is one of the many causes that the flag's right to be above the capitol is questioned. This mistaken idea often causes problems between the races of this state. Slavery was wrong. I would never try to justify it, because it can not be justified. It was simply wrong, God made us all equal. A human being was never intended to be treated like an animal, animals even were not meant to be treated like slaves. Slavery is a sensitive area, but the flag does not reflec ...
Words: 656 - Pages: 3