... the
Irish parliaments.
The Penal Laws were developed slowly over a span of one hundred and
three years as several desperate attempts to abolish the Catholics from
Ireland. The first penal law was implemented into the Irish community on
December 24, 1691 when William and Mary made an Anti Catholic declaration
for the oath of supremacy. The oath banned all Catholics from becoming
members of the parliament or any other position of power. Catholics could
not practice law, run for office, purchase land or own land, vote, enter
any profession, hold arms, guard a child or educated his/her child. The
purpose of setting up such laws was to lessen the overall power ...
... relax a person. Marijuana is cheap and easy to
produce, so if legalized, it would be plentiful and probably widely used. The
problem is that there are as many harmful effects from smoking marijuana as
there are benefits. It slows reflexes, dulls the brain, and sometimes causes
hallucinations and/or cancer. There's no mystery about why it is illegal in
most parts of the world� including the U.S.
There is a simple solution that is not being discussed by the hard-
headed bureaucracy. THC is easily removed from the plant and could be
administered as medicine in pill form. What a novel idea! No� actually it
isn't novel at all. Many other forms of illega ...
... the research of Drug Prohibition. Illegal drugs is a substance that is conflicting with the law, i.e. cocaine, or heroine. Legal drugs is a substance that is abiding with the law, i.e. buying Advil at the store. Prohibition is the legal ban on the manufacture and sale of intoxicating or harmful drugs, i.e. Alcohol Prohibition. Cartel is a formal or informal agreement among business firms designed to reduce or suppress competition in a particular market; for example, controlling the distribution and production of a drug. Imperialism is a practice by which powerful nations or people seek to extend and/or maintain control or influence over nations or people; ...
... this being a sin should have to be amended within oneself. However, the Bible also states "Don't judge others' personal convictions." It is the government's responsibility to punish people that disobey the law to keep our world in tact but is it their right to take away their lives? It is a Christian's responsibility to point out to those who sin that they do so and this country, trusting in God as it says it does, should do just that. So if the government stands strongly by this statement that's on the dollar bill, may they line up all the liars, adulterers, Buddhists, thieves, covetous and murderers at the chair. If they shall look into this one sin as so evil ma ...
... a man hasn't found
something he will die for, he isn't fit to live." A leader in the
Black community and the recipient of the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize,
King's accomplishment of attaining civil rights for Blacks was a
great one, but the road to achievement was long and full of
sacrifices. It was a time when Blacks had no rights and most of
them accepted this as the way it was and no one could do anything
about it. Most of them, but not King. When the police arrested a black
woman for sitting in the front of the bus and refusing to give up her
seat to a white woman, Ki ...
... year at St. Louis
University I had a roommate with the complete opposite view on this question.
He explained himself this way:
Human nature consists of three basic components. These are to
propagate, and to dominate. If humanity was left without any
parameters, this natural state of existence would govern its
behavior. Fortunately there are parameters, and they are laws.
What this basically says is that laws are made up to maintain order, monitor
actions, and work for the best interest of society as a whole. If their were no
laws chaos and anarchy would be widespread. This is why society has set up
gove ...
... placement of judged "mentally ill"
offenders, and the overall usefulness of such a defense. In all, I believe
that these problems, as well as others which will be mentioned later, lead
us to the conclusion that the insanity defense is useless and should be
abolished entirely. Insanity is a legal, not a medical definition.
Therefore, mental illness and insanity are not synonymous: only some mental
illness constitutes insanity. Insanity, however, includes not only mental
illness but also mental deficiencies. Due to this, there are problems in
exactly how to apply a medical theory to a legal matter (Herman, 1983;128).
The legal concepts of mental illness and ...
... also
grew up in a single-parent household. Research has found that 53% of these
children are more likely to be arrested, and 38% more likely to commit a violent
crime as an adult, then their counterparts who did not suffer such abuse. The
symptoms of child abuse are �high levels of aggression and antisocial behavior�
and these children are twice as likely to become juvenile offenders. Also
improper parental care has been linked to delinquency such as mothers who drink
alcohol or take drugs during pregnancy cause their babies to grow up with
learning disorders, a problem which leads them to be juvenile criminals.
Another risk factor is the effect of the media on ...
... 27 percent, robbery 21 percent
and murders 13 percent, but with new drugs on the market these numbers
are up. One contraversial solution is the proposal of legalizing
drugs. Although people feel that legalizing drugs would lessen crime,
drugs should remain illegal in the U.S because there would be an
increase of drug abuse and a rapid increase of diseases such as AIDS.
Many believe that legalizing drugs would lessen crime. They
point out that the legalization of drugs would deter future criminal
acts. They also emphasize and contrast Prohibition. When the public
realized that Prohibitio ...
... have no knowledge to the dangerous consequences'
steroids can have on their minds and bodies. Although steroids cause minimal
deaths in our society, banning of steroids is purely justified because steroids
have extremely perilous side effects on the unsuspecting user.
Though steroids are known as a somewhat dangerous substance, they are
legal to possess and consume, and there has not been a true clinical study that
proves such possible side effects are linked to medical problems of steroid
users. Sure, there has been several cases where someone has died and an otopsy
showed the person was using steroids, but this does not mean they are a lethal
dru ...