... to Alaska. Unfortunately, whales may not be able to receive communications from other whales, which are anymore distant than a few hundred kilometers anymore. Their communication is interfered with by the sound of ship’s motors, sounds that must be as painful to whales ears as a truck on a highway is to human’s ears. The decimation of great whales has been going on for centuries, one species after another hunted to levels so low that it is no longer profitable to hunt them. As early as the eighteenth century the Basques of northern Spain hunted the Atlantic Right Whale for meat and whalebone. It was so named by English whalers because it was "right" for th ...
Words: 659 - Pages: 3
... You want a puppy that's happy-go-lucky. It is always good to get the breeder's help. After all, breeders know their pups better than anyone doew. You really have to rely on what the breeder has observed through the eight weeks of the pup's life. If the breeder has many years of experience, they will know how their puppies moves about. The breeder must also be a person you can work with is case difficulties arise later on. When evaluating a litter of pupppies, look for simple signs of good health: proper weight, cleanliness, including clean surrounding; lack of oder; not runny or red, eyes and nose; clean ears; full hair coat without balding patches, and no exces ...
Words: 451 - Pages: 2
... because we have been cursed with a wealth of advantages and a lack of restrictions. For example: I am free to choose my own religion, I am not stifled by or subjected to economic disadvantage, I am not bound to subservience by an oppressive or tyrannical government, I am blessed with a myriad of conveniences by my technologically advanced society, and I come from a nurturing and supportive family, so who the hell am I to complain about my circumstances. The only explanation I can give, in retort to my profession that I have been cursed by my inherent advantages, is: since my life is completely devoid of any profound suffering, it is subsequently lacking any meanin ...
Words: 3851 - Pages: 15
... is a common answer to these questions, supposedly ending the infinite quest for knowledge. Yet before the "nothing", there must have been something else, maybe more nothingness, who knows? The fact simply is that humanity doesn't know what came first and have thrive to come up with answers which range from the scientific point of view to the religious. The religious answers, which are completely based on belief, used to be entirely accepted by people, but as science began to flourish, scientific answers, which use logic and reasoning, became the primary source for belief. Now a days it is important to have evidence in order to believe. Yet when scientists di ...
Words: 718 - Pages: 3
... with vanishing boundaries, competition becomes stronger, tighter, and smarter than ever before, ultimately forcing organizational change. The tidal strength of competition that has been upon us over the past few decades has fundamentally changed the “blueprints” of many corporations and how they now need to be led. Businesses have awakened to the hard fact that leadership can no longer be defined by the effective management of people and systems, but most importantly by the effective leading of change. Leadership, or the lack thereof, is proving to be one of the most crucial determinants of whether organizations will survive and flourish i ...
Words: 1778 - Pages: 7
... solution is to equip each and every student and teacher with a pocket size tube of super-glue, and require them to use it on any one caught showing unacceptable PDA's. We feel that if the two offenders want to be that close in school, why not make them that close always. Maybe when they see how annoying this gets to be then this will discourage them from committing these acts in school again. If this course of action does not prove effective then we will be forced to simply bring them all into a room where they can be alone. While they are alone however we will simply blow up the room and rid ourselves of this nuisance. We would all benefit of this second sol ...
Words: 416 - Pages: 2
... his downfall. Many times, Bismarck used foreign policy to insure German security. It is especially clear, when we read that history on the three emperors and the dual alliance. Because Germany was in the center of Europe, it had powerful neighbors along its borders. Germany did not want to fight against Russia and France at the same time, and fights two battlefronts could lead to the destruction of Germany. France alone had no immediate threat, but if, by chance, it formed an alliance, Germany would be in grave danger. To prevent this, Bismarck sought out two other countries ~ Germany, Russia and Austria-Hungary, to make the three emperor’s league. As ...
Words: 528 - Pages: 2
... Roots.] Usage Note: The form graffiti, based on the Italian plural, is far more common than the singular form graffito. Graffiti is often used as a singular noun. When the reference is to a particular inscription (as in There was a bold graffiti on the wall), the form graffito would be etymologically correct but might strike some readers as pedantic outside an archaeological context. There is no substitute for the singular use of graffiti when the word is used as a mass noun to refer to inscriptions in general or to the related social phenomenon. The sentence Graffiti is a major problem for the Transit Authority Police cannot be reworded Graffito is . . . (since ...
Words: 1516 - Pages: 6
... commercials give us the backbone we need to fall into all the schemes for selling. Designers such as Calvin Klein, Levi’s and many others try to catch our eye with their cool and crazy commercials. Television influences the way we shop. It accents to each and every one of our wardrobes with telling us what is hot and what is not. Teenagers, especially, give a lot of their attention to these television programs and try to be just like the models on the runway. The commercials try to target the younger generation because they will have them in the palm of their hands for the rest of their lives. Also they are easily influenced by Television with the billion ...
Words: 806 - Pages: 3
... less than three months, your 12-month separation will not be invalid. Though it is possible for you and your spouse to live under the same roof and say you live separate and apart. For this to take part both parties are not allowed to sleep together, not go out with each other, have a reason for still living together such as lack of finances or children, they should intend to separate in the future and there are many more. After a marriage has broken down the welfare of the children (if any) has to be settled. Some parents feel that the use of the terms 'custody' and 'access' belittled them as, it was a win or lose situation of who got the children. So jus ...
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