... the $3,000 operating inventory, and the other costs the total investment for a moderate cost store is roughly $104,500. There is an 8% weekly royalty fee and a 2.5% weekly advertising fee. The franchisee is responsible for the franchise fee, and the leasehold improvements. They also have to lease or purchase equipment, hire the employees, and do the daily operation of the store. The franchisee also has to pay the weekly advertising and royalty fees. The company provides access to proven formulas & operational systems site evaluation. The company also provides training at headquarters in Connecticut. They give the franchisee an operations manual and provide ...
Words: 415 - Pages: 2
... chance. Furthermore, although new groupings are constantly being formed, only the few that can survive are considered the “right” combinations. These are the combinations we recognize through our senses as being “real”, although they are not. However, the way in which this complex motion begins is a source of controversy and disagreement amongst the Atomists. Democritus assumes that the atoms' motion is perpetual. The atoms are never at rest. He presumes that their nature is to move, thereby avoiding “the problem of explaining the origin of the complex motion of atoms by simply affirming that it is in their nature to move so” (Jones 85). He believes that a ...
Words: 1290 - Pages: 5
... tragedy. Carver makes these points in the story through his use of subplot, imagery, and symbolism. The most obvious technique Carver uses in “What We Talk About When We Talk About Love” to make his point is through the subplots in the story. The subplots revolve around the two main couples in the story, and another couple that is introduced by one of the characters near the end of the story. The first couple, Mel and Terri, had been in very bad relationships before meeting one another. They have been together for five years, and married for four. Mel’s marriage to his ex-wife Marjorie apparently ended on a very bad note. Carver states near ...
Words: 1980 - Pages: 8
... million dollars if they found it? Even if the answer is, "Only Ghandi" it is still yes. Trying to get rid of temptation is like trying to fix a leaky boat by draining the ocean. A lot of people would have us believe that if God is all powerful, he is not all good, and if he is all good, he is not all powerful. I disagree. Some people would have tell you that life is about trying to become more like Jesus by letting God take us over and letting him "steer". This is pointless, if God wanted pieces of flesh to do what he wanted, he wouldn't have given us consciousness. That I think is the key. We are conscious over ourselves, and if God were to take that away, we woul ...
Words: 476 - Pages: 2
... long board, which was about 3’11. After he went into the water and caught his first wave, it was then he knew he had found a brilliant idea. He teamed up with a guy by the name of Steve Lis, and made the first short board design in the US. They called it the “Fish.” When the short board first started to become big, there was a big rejection from many surfers. Most of the older surfers refused to convert from the long board. This is because of all the extra paddling and movement required for the short board. The newer younger surfers were stoked on the idea of the short board, but because the older surfers wouldn’t convert, it caused a serious generation gap. The ...
Words: 499 - Pages: 2
... engineering (the major that I choose first semester) was a lot more than I expected. I ended up failing Physics, Calculus and Chemistry! In addition to that, I was subject to separation from < > college. Well, now a decision really had to be made; it was time for me to make a choice. My parents told me to think about other colleges and to think about other things to do instead of college, but I knew that < > was right for me. They often suggested that I go to community college for a semester or two and make sure that I was doing something that I wanted to do. I had attended the community college in my area during my last year in high school to take some ext ...
Words: 502 - Pages: 2
... truck. But no one ever asked because Jeff was only a man doing the job Richard paid him to do. Six months earlier Mayor Jamal had given himself one hell of a task choosing an official title for that job, one that would not make the men on his force laugh themselves sick. The mayor finally settled on The Highway Sanitation and Animal Removal Patrol. When Richard posted the job opening on the MorneauVille police station's bulletin board, the next morning only one man applied. Until that day Jeff's primary responsibility around the station house had been a janitor, cleaning up the mayor bathroom. During those six months Jeff had redefined the boundaries of hi ...
Words: 1618 - Pages: 6
... they have no attachment to their school. Too many parents are not firm enough with their children and their education. Parents fail to impress upon their children the importance of remaining in school and that dropping-out is detrimental to their future. Sometimes teens drop-out because of a lack of fear instilled into them by their parents. Many teens have little or no parental supervision. Coupled with a lack of communication skills between parents and teens, the result can be a lack of involvement with school. There is an absence of effort put forth by many of today's students. They seem quite lackadaisical and have no discipline when it comes to their ...
Words: 398 - Pages: 2
... alien beings. The Hills were the first individuals in modern history to state publicly that they had been abducted by extraterrestrial beings, leading to a new era, with reports of alien abductions occurring world wide. But to be abducted whilst outdoors like the Hills is considered to be extremely rare, with almost all cases being reported at night, while the abductee was in bed and without any independent witness corroboration. The description of the alleged alien abductors varied widely throughout the world but in the last ten years or so the descriptions of the abductors have become almost indistinguishable. Therefore, the object of this project is to try and es ...
Words: 6856 - Pages: 25
... for a stock reflects its actual underlying value, financial managers cannot time stock and bond sales to take advantage of "insider" information, sales of stocks and bonds will not depress prices, and companies cannot "cook the books" to artificially manipulate stock and bond prices. However, information technology and market dynamics are based upon the workings of ordinary people and diverse organizations, neither of which are arguably efficient nor consistent. Therefore, we have the basic contradiction of EMT: How can a theory based on objective mechanical efficiency hold up when applied to subjective human inefficiency? As a case in point, America Online (AOL) o ...
Words: 542 - Pages: 2