... reliable date that recorded history gives for the first Olympics is 776 BC, although virtually all historians presume that the Games began well before then. It is certain that during the midsummer of 776 BC a festival was held at Olympia on the highly civilized eastern coast of the Peloponnesian peninsula. That festival remained a regularly scheduled event, taking place during the pre- Christian golden age of Greece. As a testimony to the religious nature of the Games, which were held in honor of Zeus, the most important god in the ancient Greek pantheon, all wars would cease during the contests. According to the earliest records, only one athletic event ...
Words: 1124 - Pages: 5
... Warner merges with Turner. Viacom merges with CBS. Disney merges with ABC. Merger mergers with Merger. Tongue-Twister? - Or a large fear from the public? Mergers have become rampant throughout the United States and all around the globe. Large media corporations are being gobbled up by even larger media corporations in a matter of months. With all this in light, conspiracy questions are rising to the surface, as to how much power and information these “mega-merged” companies hold. One more merger could mean massive control by only a few men over what is sent into American’s households. Now that networks are allowed to own their own programs, information flow ...
Words: 615 - Pages: 3
... companies by contrast, can hold some clear advantages. They are leaner, more focused and nimble than giants and relatively speaking, the can be more profitable.” Smaller companies, I believe, are out to make a living and care for the consumer’s satisfaction more then just the money they will receive. They know that if they don’t produce well and make people happy then they will go out of business or bought out by a bigger company. aren’t what I would call the most successful thing in the world either. Lots of don’t last very long or don’t succeed. This past year we had quite a few merger failures. Here are the top 10 Biggest Merger and Acquisition B ...
Words: 1014 - Pages: 4
... estate planning or strategy until it’s too late. Even when the owner tries to plan for the inevitable, he has minority shareholders or kids who don’t want to run the business. Every option for the owner has a downside. Selling usually means the owner must give up control. Going public often creates an orphan stock. Employee-stock-ownership plans can burden the CEO with "onerous regulatory-compliance issues," and leveraged recaps can load the firm with debt. Company owners come to firms such as Heritage Partners because they want to cash out but at the same time keep management control of their company and the Heritage system allows them to do that and ...
Words: 975 - Pages: 4
... our lockers back. There is always a positive side to it. If students had lockers, teachers would not have to worry about students bringing the wrong folder to class, or even forgetting it. The students would have as many supplies needed in order to be successful in class. This would make life easier for many students, instead of caring all of our folders and books we could just carry the ones that we need the most. The schools GPA would raise a bit. If we had lockers, it would end up being beneficial for the school. If there are no lockers, it can lead to potentially serious back problems. There is also the bad side. There is a bad side to having lockers. There ...
Words: 551 - Pages: 3
... The total amount of space, or column inches, devoted to radio in 1949 was 210 and 194 in 1954. It is interesting to note that while the number of radio stations and the number of broadcast hours increased significantly between this period, the number of column inches devoted to radio listings actually decreased slightly from 162 to 160. The number of reviews for radio decreased dramatically over the period, dropping from 8 in 1949 to only 2 in 1954. The total amount of space devoted to radio in the New York Times for Sunday, May 15, 1949, was 210 column inches. For the same time in 1954, Sunday May 16th, the total space was 194 column inches. During this per ...
Words: 971 - Pages: 4
... by, name calling, making fun of someone because they are different for example, handicapped or down syndrome children are often tormented because their appearance is unlike that of most of society. Also threatening, making people feel uncomfortable or scared, or making people do things they do not want to do. In support of this, bullies sometimes make the individuals that are being bullied act in ways that they prefer not to. Many people wonder, why does bullying occur? In Some of the cases of bullying, the bully hurts people because it makes them feel powerful and in charge. Bullies may see it as being popular. In some cases a bully has often been bullied by so ...
Words: 1222 - Pages: 5
... based on mining. It can however influence the future health of its present economy, and encourage the growth and development of new industries. It can maintain or change the appearance of the town. It can preserve or improve the quality of life within the community. Most communities are well aware of the importance of planning, when it comes to the economy of an area, but many small towns and cities seem to ignore other aspects of the planning process, which could greatly affect the town. Most people feel that the economy is the single most important aspect to a community's health and vitality. They overlook some simple things, which could easily be chan ...
Words: 966 - Pages: 4
... but also laid the foundation for the way that the main character would be treated the rest of his life among his brothers. Later on in his life, Equality 7-2521 encountered yet another major conflict, he was not allowed to question what he was taught. The troublesome young man was expected to be just like his brothers. This was quite possibly the greatest his many external conflicts because it started the war between his mind and soul. "It is a sin to write this." The very first sentence of the novel gives evidence that this person suffers from an internal struggle. The first display of this conflict was given to the reader in the Home of the Students ...
Words: 528 - Pages: 2
... some general layers to the rain forest. It starts 135 feet up in the air, with the lofty crowns of the tallest trees in the jungle. They take the most light, heat, rain and the most punishment from the winds. Woodpeckers hunt insects in this layer, and also the black and white Colobus monkey can be found here, ready to lauch into the air, using his specially developed tail as a rudder to guide his flight. Beneath this is the second layer of trees, whose crowns form a forest canopy. Rain filters through this canopy, and the top sides of the crowns hold a large amount of ferns and other small plants whose roots never touch soil. They live off the water and nutr ...
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