... the standard value system that is devised takes into account the species feelings and also the species purpose in life, and thereby all is fair. Speciesism prevents us from valuing human life over animal life and it gives animals equal rights to consideration, which is also known as the principle of equal consideration of interests. Finally, the term speciesism is a form of bigotry if we show unwarranted concern for one species over another. It is used to make us aware of all groups and realize that humans are important but other species are or can be just as important. In The Principles of Moral and Legislation, Bentham makes a statement that puts th ...
Words: 2264 - Pages: 9
... are everywhere. From the most depressing depths of poverty to the fenced in lives of the wealthy, we all find something to smile about. A smile helps us display our feelings to the world. Feelings of love, joy, or just pure uncensored laughter; all put on display with a smile. The darkest of days; brightened by a simple "flexing" of seventeen muscle in the mouth. Smiles are crooked teeth, perfect teeth and everything in between. Rich or poor, black or white, boy or girl, everyone deserves a smile. Smiles all convey some type of emotion that is tangible and real. A joy that can be felt and almost held. A smile is as warm as an embrace but as simple as a s ...
Words: 1065 - Pages: 4
... use them for protection. We still have as many wars as we did in the past, but now the new technology used in them helps bring about more casualties. Could this be crueler than our ancestors. Besides the wars, society has not grown in understanding other people. There is still prejudice today. Many hate groups like the KKK are still around today, and many new ones have come into being. In the past when our country was just starting to be formed, there were prejudices just because people were different. Over 100 years later, people haven't changed much, and there is still prejudice, making one wonder if we have become civilized yet. Technically we have becom ...
Words: 373 - Pages: 2
... song ends the croud screams extra loudly and the three girls leave the arena. Everyone in the croud takes their seats and prepares for the start of the rodeo. The first event is the bullriding. Im sitting behind the chutes waiting in anticipation for my turn with butterflys in my stomach and my heart wanting to jump out of my chest. The first bullrider climbs into the chute onto a big brown long horned bull thats just a snortin and blowing snot and moving around alot. The cowboy nods his head and the red and white chute gate opens with a clang. The crowd becomes silent for a second and then roars to the cowboy hiting the ground. He runs back to the chutes with a ...
Words: 769 - Pages: 3
... group Harris and Klebold belonged to, the Trench coat Mafia, told classmates of their plans to carry out a massacre at school, but fellow students jeered and dismissed their comments as empty threats. The preferred attire of the Trench coat Mafia were black trench coats, sunglasses and army berets. This code of dress was designed to stand out from the rest of the students, and to attract attention to them. This was not a wise decision made by the group as it attracted more abuse from students and became clearly recognised as ‘misfits’. This worsened the communication gap between the group and other students. The school should have identified thi ...
Words: 591 - Pages: 3
... with having achieved socially. We have achieved societal , typically, if we have met the right person, lived happily, started a family and raised our children well. A part of societal is also to learn to treat people well; to practice the “golden rule.” We need to fill these goals that society has for us and attempt to achieve societal in order to fill our need to belong to society and fit in as an every day, functioning member of society. We also realize the personal goals and dreams that we set for ourselves in this pursuit of conformity. Achieving this civic , as you might call it, is only a small part of our venture to living well. Persona ...
Words: 903 - Pages: 4
... in the reality of dreams, he comes to the conclusion that our senses are prone to error and thereby cannot reliably distinguish between certainty and falsity. To examine those ideas that have “objective reality," Descartes makes the improbable hypothesis of “an evil genius, as clever and deceitful as he is powerful, who has directed his entire effort to misleading me” ( ). By proposing this solution he is able to suspend his judgment and maintain that all his former beliefs are false. By using doubt as his tool, Descartes is now ready to build his following proofs with certainty. Meditation Two Comparing his task to that of Archimedes, Descartes embarks o ...
Words: 2745 - Pages: 10
... first is scientific and the other practical (Frost 42). Transcendentalists think there is a dimension of depth in everything that exists. They also think the spirit is what controls your physical side (Halverson 431). Some transcendentalists say the world has no beginning in time, everything takes place according to the laws of nature. The same people think there is not necessarily an absolute Being who causes the world to be (Frost 42). Transcendentalists think nature is a product of the mind, and without the mind nature would not exist (Santayana 42). These ideas come from the Romantic traditions which originated in England. The Romantics believed in ...
Words: 1016 - Pages: 4
... works. Efficiency has its advantages for both consumers, who get what they want quickly and with little effort, and for workers, who can perform their tasks in a simple manner. The fast food industry is very streamlined, because hamburgers are the simplest food there is to make. Other foods also do not need a lot of ingredients, and they are simple to make and to eat. Most of the food is also prepared so one can eat it with their hands, thereby reducing the need for utensils. In the process of McDonaldization, consumers are forced to do a good deal of work as well. They have to stand on line, carry their own food, and throw out the garbage. This is ...
Words: 1960 - Pages: 8
... 3 megabytes. With such a small size, MP3s are easily downloaded from the Internet and shared between people. Everything that can be done with MP3s can be done freely. The audio players that play the format, the rippers that compress the audio files with the MP3 format, and MP3s themselves can all be downloaded freely from the Internet. While this may sound like a great format, some may question its legality. Any music CD can be used to create MP3s, even commercial ones. While some users download these copyrighted songs from the Internet, which are very easy to find, the act is illegal. However, there are many bands that release their music online for pu ...
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