... in downtown Hanoi. As he parades down the street as a prize for the patriots to see and jeer at, he is struck in the head by rocks, lashed out at with sticks, and he was spat upon. At the end of the procession, Colonel Risner arrived at what was to be his home for the next five, grueling years. He had all of the comforts home: a bed to sleep in, meals, and medical care. Well, not exactly the way we think of home, however. His bed consisted of a concrete slab with a one-half inch bamboo mat for a mattress. The stocks on one end of the mat are used regularly. Every night, to be exact! His meals consisted mainly a soup made from a boiled pumpkin type vegetabl ...
Words: 2336 - Pages: 9
... are a few of the many pertinent UFO questions the mature individual must address. One of the most popular theories that support and explains the existence of alien beings is the ancient astronaut theory. This theory contains three main schools of thought. The first states that aliens bred with our primitive forebears thereby creating modern man. The second is quite similar. Aliens performed genetic engineering on apes thereby creating the Homo Sapiens and man's intelligence. The third, and least accepted, is that colonists from another galaxy came to Earth, mated with the primitives and established a high level of culture, before being destroyed by some n ...
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... My mother quit her job and became a stay-at-home mom. She was the one who made sure the homework was done, our chores got completed before we went out to play, and we were yelled at when necessary. My step-dad provided our financial backbone and took over the discipline when he got home to give mom a break. Sometimes he would work two jobs just to provide for the family and our well being. Society has always played a major role in aspects of and family. As a child I remember wanting to marry a handsome, rich man and adopting loads of children of every race and color to provide them with a happy home. But, of course, I would still have time to plan huge par ...
Words: 615 - Pages: 3
... problem 5. Prepare a list of steps (instructions) that will resolve the problem 6. Evaluate the solution. The soultions of other problems, such as how to buy the best stock or whether to expand the company, are not so straightforward. There solutions require reasoning built on knowledge and experience, and a process of trial and error. Solutions that cannot be reached through a direct set of steps are called heuristic solutions. The problem solver can use the six steps for both algorithmic and heuristic solutions. However, in step 6, evaluating the solution, the correctness and appropriateness of heuristic solutions are far less certain. It's easy to tell if yo ...
Words: 359 - Pages: 2
... of nature. It is no miracle that a man seemingly in good health should die on a sudden.” (Hume p.888) Hume states that this death is quite unusual, however it seemed to happen naturally. He could only define it as a true miracle if this dead man were to come back to life. This would be a miraculous event because such an experience has not yet been commonly observed. In which case, his philosophical view of a miracle would be true. Hume critiques and discredits the belief in a miracle merely because it goes against the laws of nature. Hume defines the laws of nature to be what has been “uniformly” observed by mankind, such as the laws of identity and gravity. ...
Words: 1912 - Pages: 7
... we now know that we must also protect there habitats. This is where they find food, water, shelter, and a place to have their young. Even if they are not hunted, animals will die out if these necessities cannot be met. In this century, loss of habitat has been one of the main caused of extinction (pg 8, Silverstein). People share the country and the planet with all the other creatures that live here. As human population grows, people spread out into areas that once were wild, and they compete with animals for living space. Mort times than not the animals lose in this battle. People cut down forests for lumber, clear fields for farms ...
Words: 1476 - Pages: 6
... forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny, motor vehicle theft, and arson. These crimes are also known as "index offenses". Information, or data collected on the index offenses, are more complete than the other twenty-one types of crimes. They are generally less serious, and would never come to the attention of the police unless an arrest was made. Some important factors used when collecting data are age, race, sex, geographic locations, etc. The Uniform Crime Reports have both positive and negative aspects. The Uniformed Crime Reports are crucial to the determination of the amounts of crimes solved. This is important because it can he ...
Words: 942 - Pages: 4
... learned to see things from his or her own sense of reason and logic. The many things that people experience throughout their lifetimes, help to determine the judgments toward the different issues and objects that they encounter. Because individuals has his or her own sense of reason and logic, the perceptions that people encounter are ultimately true, and not false. Life does not contain one truth for any idea or object, but truths can be found in one's perception. It is difficult to determine that anything is the absolute truth. One should not prove that any object contains a true meaning, but should develop conceptions surrounding the object. Attemptin ...
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... Bhakti- involves the dedication of all actions and thoughts to a chosen God. Hatha-, stresses difficult bodily postures and breathing techniques. It has become very popular as a method of gaining and improving health. Certain people also study this form of because of the control they develop over certain bodily functions. A new concept in fitness combines gentle stretching with techniques from Hatha to perform the most effective, relaxing ways of exercising. It is called cise. There are other forms of that are practiced in India. There is Prana , Brahma , Kriya , Kundalini , Raja , and Tantra . is used for many purposes. From cleansing the body, to ...
Words: 845 - Pages: 4
... in 490 BC. As told in the history books, a badly outnumbered Greek force defeated an invading Persian army on the plains of Marathon, 20 miles from Athens. Fearing that the defeated Persians would regroup and attack Athens and that the city would surrender without knowing of the victory, the Greek general dispatched his swiftest runner, Pheidippides. As he reached the city, Pheidippides stumbled, delivered his message, and fell dead of exhaustion. Paul Revere’s Ride "One if by land and two if by sea" refers to lanterns hung from the North Church in Boston in 1775 to indicate the route the British were taking. The lanterns were the signal for Paul Revere to begin hi ...
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