... statue is a gift for the American people from the French. In 1886 Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi who is a French sculptor designed the statue and he devoted his 21 years to make this masterpiece. The model for the statue was Bartholdi’s mother and the 7 rays of the crown symbolises the seven seas and seven continents. The statue is 93m tall and 225 tonne weight and it dominates the whole New York harbour. 354 steps needed to be taken in order to reach the top where the Crown is. The crown is the highest point, which is open to the visitors. There is museum inside the statue “Statue of Liberty Museum” which has different posters and photos of the statue. A famil ...
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... in Plano, Texas (I used to hold a job as a server at this location) and on February 26th I visited East Side Mario’s in Orange, California. With the diversity of locations I was able to observe, I compared and contrasted many angles of the East Side Mario’s concept. East Side Mario’s Restaurants Inc. is one of the millions of business’ that has implemented the four principles of McDonaldization, which are: efficiency, calculability, predictability, and control. With the assistance of Bernard Platt, Vice President of Marie Callender’s Pie Shops, Inc., former Vice President of East Side Mario’s Restaurant, Inc., I will offer a condensed presentation of East Side Ma ...
Words: 3294 - Pages: 12
... love and respect our fellow man. Personally, I think the first promise of "integrity" is the most important one out of the ten. It would be difficult to promise to keep the other nine promises, while breaking the first promise of integrity. We promise to have integrity by serving no other gods but God. God wants us to our lives in his hands so he can guide us. We as Christians must devote ourselves to God. We must have faith in God. God wants us to put him first in our lives and not let any other gods or idols block our relationship with him. God wants to be the focus of our lives. For me, this promise is the hardest one for me to fulfill. Being a college student, ...
Words: 524 - Pages: 2
... students and not their own pockets. After dropping out of his first year engineering program at the university of Alberta, Jonathan Govias decided to sue his alma mater for a total of $140,000 claiming that the school failed to fully prepare him for what university had in store for him. Jonathan attended a private school, and as we all know private schools charge a large amount of money in order to provide a better education for its students. That is why parents enroll their children in private schools. Jonathan after graduating got accepted in the engineering program, which is a hard program to get into since a high average is necessary. Private education cost ...
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... have seen in one classroom at one time was about nineteen. The hallways in high school were always packed and you would have trouble even going to another classroom four rooms down. In college there is always plenty of room and you can get all the way across campus with no hassle at all. Another minor difference was the appearance and attitude of the teachers. In high school the teachers were always worried about discipline and trying to keep the students from tearing up the classroom. In college the teachers act like they could care less what you do, but you know they really do care.!? That's probably because it's not their money you are wasting when you go ...
Words: 393 - Pages: 2
... The pond’s surface would eventually become turbulent, and the water lilies were being pushed in all different directions. To the fish the water lilies would be getting pushed around by themselves without anything pushing them. Since the water around them would appear invisible, much like the air and space around us, they would be baffled that the water lilies could move around by themselves. Now imagine that there is fish “scientists” that would concoct clever invention called a “force” in order to hide their ignorance. Unable to comprehend that there could be waves on an unseen surface, they would conclude that lilies could move without being touched b ...
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... does it fit into the definition of architecture? Dace Campbell, Graduate student of the Human Interface Technology Lab at Washington University Seattle, offers his explanation. It is the ordering and definition of meaningful space as developed in response to a need or program. An expression of society in spatial experiential form. Thus virtual architecture, Campbell adds, is that which embodies and expresses values of society or culture in electronic form, with polygons vectors and texture maps as opposed to bricks and mortar (www.uni-weimar.de). The use of polygons and texture maps instead of bricks and mortar has an obvious advantage. It saves money. Bruce ...
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... consequences for them. For example some activities may help to develop muscles and concentration while others may help develop social skills and to act towards each other. Aggression is something that is present in most children’s play in different levels. There are a number of definitions of aggression. Psychologists refer to, hostile aggression, which is aggression that is intended to hurt someone or damage something. It can be verbal or physical or both. Instrumental aggression refers to behaviour that uses aggression to achieve a particular goal and is not used for the purpose of hurting another individual. Even very small children can exhibit instrumental agg ...
Words: 274 - Pages: 1
... to the “globalization of business activity and the increased awareness of the importance of culture for business,” (Laabs 24). is the study of existing people and corporations find this information useful in trying to understand human behavior within their own organization. “Business anthropologists have been studying the corporate world for years, on such varied topics as how to encourage more creativity or how best to integrate multicultural learning techniques into an organization’s training program,” (Laabs 25). Most anthropologists who work in the corporate environment do not use the title of anthropologist. There are currently over 200 anthropologists wor ...
Words: 3044 - Pages: 12
... customer to tell you what they want by giving them a short questionnaire. Most importantly, you do not want to pester the customer; if you bother the customer, they are not going to be happy. 2 Systems, not smiles. Saying please and thank you does not ensure you’ll do the job right the first time, every time. Only systems guarantee that. There are two major components of a system. The first being to do the job right the first time and the second one is having a plan in place to deal with things when they go wrong. Being nice to the customers is only 20% of providing good customer service, the other 80% of good customer service is providing the customer with ...
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