... to their readers, listeners, viewers, and each other. They are responsible to “test the accuracy of information from all sources and exercise care to avoid inadvertent error” (1). The society does not permit the deliberate misuse of information. Not only that, but “unethical practices of other journalists…should be uncovered and exposed” (2). The SPJ does contend however, that a journalist’s main interest should be the public’s right to know (2). Lastly the society states that if there is any miscommunication between the public and journalists, the public should be “encouraged to voice their grievances against ...
Words: 2772 - Pages: 11
... are the potential customers? One must ask this question because if the product that is going to be sold is used by only a small percentage of people, it may not be worth the risk of lost revenue. As opposed to deciding whom the product will be sold to, one must consider a vendor(s). It is important to find a vendor who is fair and will produce quality products that will be used to produce the product planning to be marketed. Another large factor that one must consider is expenses. There are many expenses to take into account: employee salaries, materials and supplies, tools, advertising costs, phone bills, bills paid for an office building (rent, electrical, etc. ...
Words: 797 - Pages: 3
... very, very wrong. It is certainly acceptable to look upon such people as heroes, but not expanding the horizons of the word also suggests a lack of scope or vision. Such people fit a dictionary's description of "hero", but in defining this word, one finds the dictionary falls short of the obligation of properly defining it. Everyone can be, and probably is, a hero. Even the person who is reading these words now is more likely than not worthy of this distinction and if they are not, then they inevitably will be. A hero is anyone who has forgotten themselves for another or anyone who has been positively influential in the life of another, for having done a de ...
Words: 1898 - Pages: 7
... None of these speculations were ever entirely explained. The UFO phenomenon entered the publics eye on June 24, 1947, at 2:44am, when private pilot Kenneth Arnold reported sighting nine circular objects in the skies over the state of Washington. He (Kenneth) described these objects like "saucers skipping over water". There the term Flying Saucer was born. [III] UFO Waves: Since 1947 there have been UFO sightings in almost every country. Sometimes there is something called a UFO wave, which for a short time UFO sighting increase rapidly in one certain area. For instance, UFO waves occurred in France and Italy in 1954, in New Guinea in 1958, ...
Words: 742 - Pages: 3
... dogs, cats do not bark or make loud noises. Most cats dont even meow very often. They are generally content to lead a quiet existence. Cats also don't often have "accidents." Mother cats train their kittens to use the litter box, and most cats will use it without fail from that time on. Even stray cats generally understand the concept when shown the box and will use it regularly. Cats do have claws, and owners must make provisions for this. A tall scratching post in a favorite cat area of the house will usually keep the cat content to leave the furniture alone. As a last resort, of course, cats can be declawed. Lastly, one of the most attractive features of cats ...
Words: 454 - Pages: 2
... used as a great example of a novel written in a movement coined as the "Naturalism" movement; which describes writers attempting to take scientific methods of observation and turn it into literature. Shiga Naoya is reported to have said that he never attempted to draw a line between story novels and non-fiction essays. He described his main function as a writer was to select, set and arrange materials into a story. If we look at the first sentence of the novel "I had been hit by a train on the Tokyo loop line and I went alone to Kinosaki hot spring to convalesce" we can immediately recognize his 'matter of fact' style of writing. He so efficiently sets up a ...
Words: 2281 - Pages: 9
... benefits of the new invention. Companies that already have other products for sale have a better chance of obtaining the consumers interest, especially if the company has a good reputation. One such company is Neutrogena. They have numerous products for sale for the face, hair, and body. One of their newest products is called Body Clear„§ Body Wash. I found this particular ad in a magazine strategically placed toward the front between two different articles. This magazine, YM, is typically intended for young females between the ages of 13 to 19. The target audience for the body wash would therefore have to be intended for these teenage girls. ...
Words: 1225 - Pages: 5
... animal health segment of Pfizer accounts for approximately 10% of their total revenues. (Note Appendix: ) Pfizer Animal Health revenues were $1,314 million in 1998. Some of Pfizer’s top selling animal health products are Rimadyl, Anipryl, Dectomax, and RespiSure.( Appendix: Pg 26 AR) The animal health segment is served in manufacturing by the 35 production plants around the world. Their products are sold through veterinarians, drug wholesalers, retail outlets, distributors, and directly to users. Animal Health gross revenues declined 1% to 1.3 billion in 1998. (Note Appendix:) This decrease is due to continuing weaknesses in the U.S. livestock market, ...
Words: 1341 - Pages: 5
... of oxygen that made them feel in such a bad mood. Those people were healthy. They were responding to their environment in the proper way. They were reacting to (I don't want to use the word) their stimuli in the normal way that any human being would. If they didn’t, they would get home with this anguish in their chests, due (no doubt) to adrenaline and learned behavior patterns. They would, then, shout to their wives, husbands, children, because they needed to exonerate the pain and the anguish. “Even a physically uncomfortable environment—overcrowding, loud noise, heat—can apparently help elicit aggressive behavior” (Book, pg. 692). ...
Words: 2226 - Pages: 9
... utilizes one or more of Microsoft's products and they have no choice but to use the other Microsoft's products because if everyone is using it and you will be out of the loop. The New York Times article reported that the software security breaches has been verified. This means that if one hacker has the knowledge of hacking through this loophole, then we are in great danger because everything you can imagine is stored in the computers and large databases. This article just proves my point on Microsoft's power to influence and danger our personal everyday lives. Did you know that there is a secret imbedded program called " The Hall Of Tortured Souls"? Yes, there i ...
Words: 423 - Pages: 2