... are some parents out there who actually pay money each year to have this abuse inflicted upon their children). The whole idea of Santa Claus is one of the scariest I've come across and yet we embrace it. The entire story sounds like something you should threaten your kid with if he doesn't want to eat his veggies. As I understand it he's supposed to be a fat man wearing red underwear who is capable of sliding down your chimney unharmed in order to quietly slip into your house while you're sleeping. If he really existed I'd be sitting up with a loaded shotgun every Christmas Eve, not dreaming of gifts while this lunatic could be slicing the throats of ever ...
Words: 973 - Pages: 4
... in the 1980’s, people convicted of marijuana offenses face penalties ranging from probation to life imprisonment, plus fines and forfeiture of property. In addition to criminal justice efforts, the federal government, state government, and local communities spend hundreds of millions of dollars annually on prevention programs such as Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE), in which local police officers visit schools to teach young people to refrain from trying marijuana and other drugs. However, public controversy has been growing over the two assumptions-high abuse potential and no legitimate medical use-that underlie marijuana’s status as a ...
Words: 4470 - Pages: 17
... parents and my father’s parents have or had been married to the same person their whole lives. Parents believe that marriage is the friendship and closeness which two people share for the rest of their lives. I am a product of my parents and I have much of the same values and beliefs that they have. I was engaged to a girl for a year and a half before I came to a realization that she was not the one that I wanted to settle down with for the rest of my life. I think marriage is a life long companionship. I am glad that I did not get married to that girl because today I would have been divorced. I too have the belief that the person that you wed is to be a ...
Words: 573 - Pages: 3
... south met the coolness in the north the ice was thawed and it began to drip and by the might that sent the heat, life appeared in the drops of the running fluid and this fluid formed into the likeness of a man. He was given the name Ymir. As the frost continued to thaw another form was created. This form became a cow called Audhumbla. From her teats flowed four rivers of milk and it was upon this that Ymir was fed. While he fed, Ymir slept, and while he slept a male and female frost giant grew from his armpits and one leg fathered a six headed troll with the other leg. Audhumbla lived by licking the ice-blocks that were salty, and by the evening of the f ...
Words: 1512 - Pages: 6
... of the action. They would act as a middle man of sorts. On the security side, one company has started making personal card readers that they send to your house and you hook it up to your computer. The only reason gambling laws exist are so politicians and government officials can make more money. It's all about power and control. Many people still fear gambling on the Internet because of safety issues. They fear a hacker might break in and just keep letting himself win. Companies fear the Internet because they might come in too late and saturate the market with companies. It could become the same thing as what happened to Atlantic City. The companies that ru ...
Words: 653 - Pages: 3
... he had brought to them instead. Blessed with courage and strength, Heracles cleansed the earth of monsters and helped the growth of civilization. By accomplishing the twelve labors for Eurystheus, he exhibited his intelligence and creativity. The Greek's acceptance of flaws is one of the many ways we can learn from them. We should take advantage of the knowledge laid out in front of us to better the way we look at our own country's present day heroes. Thomas Jefferson made many great contributions to our nation, and we should not dismiss these noteworthy gifts because of his somewhat immoral lifestyle and beliefs. Knowing that a great man made mistakes is n ...
Words: 749 - Pages: 3
... have taken part in producing the movie. Mr. Leo makes visible to his readers what he believes to be stereotypes in the film. People may not have noticed these before, so he makes clear definitions and comparisons. To the rest of the audience, those who had a hand in making the movie, he makes a plea not to redevelop these characters in future films. Mr. Leo uses several analogies and examples in his presentation, and they are all tied to his thesis. He points out some images that strikingly resemble stereotypes that are commonly found in society today. He uses movie characters from Star Wars, such as Watto to support his claim. Mr. Leo finds that “Watto, the fa ...
... keeps him warm. A building rage accumulates in him, and drives him to seek freedom, a freedom he deserves. This scene repeats itself throughout time, all over the world. sends adrenaline surging through a mother's body in a time of crisis, giving her enough strength to lift a car off her struggling child. Without lives would be lost, tyranny would go unopposed, and inhumanities would be quietly accepted. becomes a powerful tool in the hands of those who know how to shape its energies into a useful form. There are people who cannot direct the energy given to them by . They allow to consume them, to run their lives. These people fall victim to the essence o ...
Words: 549 - Pages: 2
... away. For example, let's say we decide to use the key "+4." That would mean we'd switch each letter in our message with the letter that comes four places later in the alphabet. D would become H; R would become V, and so on. You, or anyone else who knows the key can easily switch the H back to a D, the V back to an R, and figure out where to meet. Theses two examples are on opposite sides of the spectrum, but both have their similarities and their differences. The major difference complexity, the government pays mathematicians to research complex algorithms by which to encode the messages, like the system used by Captain Video but these algorithms a ...
Words: 1215 - Pages: 5
... is up to the Estwte (or whom ever the harvester might be) but is commonly blended with Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Petite Verdot, or a Malbec. A lighter flavored, yet full bodied featured on our wine list is the Australian Shiraz. This grape variety is a descendant of the French Syrah, found in the northern Rhone region of France. Characteristically high in alcohol and full bodied, the Shiraz is of the same vine, just spelled differently. Working our way around the globe we find ourselves in Tuscany, Italy. Chianti, over the years, has developed a tarnished image of being a cheap table wine. Most of us have melted candles at one time or another, in a Chiant ...
Words: 580 - Pages: 3