... they are drastically different. Ovid's purpose for writing the creation story is geared more towards explaining creation as it happens, in his opinion, whereas the Bible stresses the fact that the God of the Hebrews is responsible for the world's existence today. Overall, Ovid is very detailed in explaining the formless mass, creation of the earth, waters and land metaphorically. The Biblical account seems to be more plain, simple, and organized; not spending time on intricate detail. There seems to be no specific time frame for creation in Ovid's writing, whereas, the Bible states that it takes God six days to complete His creation; resting on the seventh. ...
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... one more perfect exists. {No one more perfect than God can exist} (Descarte) 2. If God exists, his existence is logically necessary considering he is “all knowing, all powerful, and all good.” {Since he is all knowing, all powerful, and all good he must exist because his powers are unlimited} (Malcolm) 3. Therefore the possibility of conceiving a being than which nothing greater can be conceived entails the logical necessity of the real existence of such a being. (Anselm) 4. Therefore to say that God does not exist is to contradict oneself. (Malcolm and Descarte) 5. The concept of God though, is not self contradictory, therefore Gods existence ...
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... that god is an observer. They do not believe in providence. They also denounce the church. Thomas Paine believed that the mind is the church. Deists also believed that the bible was hearsay. Thomas Paine thought that a revelation could only effect the person that it was directed to because after that the people that listen to the revelation have the right not to believe it because it can not be proven. The Deists also believe that through nature God is revealed. Puritanism is a religion and believe that god is active. They also believe in providence. They believe that god guides them through life. They also believe in predestination. The puritans think th ...
Words: 887 - Pages: 4
... nothing, I guess. His business has been through a lot of hardships over the last 16 years. Another difficulty was the building of the Blue Route near his business. The construction blocked almost everyone from entering the building. I don't know if you could blame God for that sort of problem or maybe it was just fate. But with these dilemmas and problems, he didn't question why God allowed these things to happen. He looked insstead to the way he benefited from the experiences. One benefit was it made him stronger mentally aand spiritually. To keep a business going for three years with minimal customers is hard. It takes dedication and will to show up ...
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... the Boston area in the early nineteenth century."5 Transcendental beliefs focused on "the importance of spirit over matter."6 Ralph Waldo Emerson, a well known Transcendentalist, felt that "all men aspire to the highest, and most of them spend their lives seeking money and power only because they see nothing higher."7 Followers also believed in a spiritual hunger, or the need to find themselves one with the world. In addition, they believed in "an ascending hierarchy of spiritual values rising to absolute good, truth, and beauty."8 Transcendentalists also believed in a supreme being, the Oversoul, and felt that "if the Oversoul is all powerful and at the sa ...
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... to resist evil, (3) not saying anything that will hurt someone else, (4) respecting life, (5) having a job that doesn't injure anyone, (6) striving free one's mind of evil, (7) controlling one's feelings, and (8) concentrating properly. Buddha preached that the life was a continuing cycle of death and rebirth. The well-being of oneself was determined on your behavior in your previous life. Buddha said that by ridding oneself of worldly things he would be in nirvana, peace and happiness. After Buddha's death, his followers collected his teachings that became the dharma. The sangha is what sometimes referred to as an ideal Buddhist community. All the people in the c ...
Words: 548 - Pages: 2
... divinity." Through the oppression of the salve trade, the Yoruba Africans worked to keep there own conception of region intact. "Even under slavery, and under post slavery persecution in the late nineteenth century, the Yoruba of Cuba and Brazil managed to maintain sporadic but precious contact with Africa through networks of friends and traders. They sought the sacred cowries, seeds, and beads of Africa for their religion." This example of perseverance of their native ritual and worship practices, shows the magnitude that region held for many Yoruba Africans. They kept their own religion alive through many hidden tactics such as unsuspected culinary art, by g ...
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... patch on their arm that said, "Heaven’s Gate, Away Team." The leader’s of heaven’ Gate were Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Nettles. They believed that the humans above all others sent Jesus to teach on how to get to the "Kingdom of God." They carried on this belief, but in a different form. They said that a UFO would come and take them to the level of the "Kingdom of God." The ability to accomplish this was by leaving behind the body in which their soul live. To prepare themselves, each person gave up possessions, hid who they were, watched their diets, and accepted abstinence. Upon the coming of the Hale-Bopp comet, were they thought the UFO maintained, thirty- ...
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... a huge family, no matter what gender, color, or background. We stick together. We fight together, we laugh together, we grieve together as Americans. Terms like democracy, individuality, self-reliance are all words we relate to as Americans. We teach our kids that we should be grateful everyday to be Americans. In this country we can choose our own destination. We can be whatever we want. I think that being a secular country brings us together and makes us stronger.We don't have questions we can't answer. We don't hear stories of people or things we can't prove exist. We know what we have overcome to be where we are today, and we know what we want to plan for ...
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... Satya is truthfulness and honesty at all costs. Brahmacharya is often translated incorrectly as sexual continence, but actually means the state of incessant search for the truth; the truth being Brahman. Notice that Brahman is not called God, merely "The Truth" whatever it may be. Maitri is the guidelines for friendship which is the principal relationship in Hindu society. Dharma is translated as "Fulfilling one's duty". Duty is the commitment to Society, Temple, and Family. Viirya is fortitude and includes the ability to understand the strains of a Hindu in society. Dama is self-restraint and is involved with chastity. Shaucha means purity and is ...
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