... are important element for life to depend on. The agency’s principle is to protect all Americans from significant risks to human and environment where they live, learn and work. It tries to reduce environmental risk nationally. Its federal laws are enforced fairly and effectively to protect human and environment. Environmental policy is based upon the concern for natural resources, human health, economic growth, energy, transportation, agriculture, industry, and international trade. All parts of the society are involved. The EPA is responsible in making our communities and ecosystems diverse, sustainable and economically productive. Overall, the United States plays ...
Words: 2630 - Pages: 10
... stripes accented with white. that live in cold climates (Siberian ) have thicker fur than that live in warm climates. A tiger's tail is 3 to 4 feet long, about half as long as its body. use their tails for balance when they run through fast turns. They also use their tails to communicate with other . Where did tigers come from? Tigers (and all other carnivores) are descended from civet-like animals called miacids that lived during the age of the dinosaurs about 60 million years ago. These small mammals, with long bodies and short flexible limbs, evolved over millions of years into several hundred different species, including cats, bears, dogs and weasels. A ...
Words: 1606 - Pages: 6
... combine with the water in the atmosphere to form what is known as . The negative effects has on the environment is the main reason legislation of industrial emissions from governments has been prompted. is harmful to the environment because of its low pH. It can harm the biotic components of earth, and also the abiotic components. It's high acidity degrades soil to the point where it cannot support any type of plant life. Trees in forests are killed over long-term exposure. When these trees are killed, an imbalance in the hydrologic cycle can occur. Without living trees to consume the precipitate, it must be consumed by the earth or any other plants. These will ...
Words: 766 - Pages: 3
... vertebrate zoologists & entomologists. Two reasons account for this .Firstly these are the groups that the authors of the BSC worked with. (Mayr is an ornithologist & Dobzhansky has worked mainly with Drosophila). More importantly Sexual reproduction is the predominate form of reproduction in these groups. It is not coincidental that the BSC is less widely used amongst botanists. Terrestrial plants exhibit much more greater diversity in their mode of reproduction than vertebrates and insects. There has been many criticisms of the BSC in its theoretical validity and practical utility. For example, the application of the BSC to a number of groups is problemati ...
Words: 1248 - Pages: 5
... the addiction, because they know, it might hurt to quit. They know that there will be a sense of loss. They know that smoking is as much a part of their personality as being a happy person, or being a morning person, or liking to go to the movies. Smoking becomes a part of who and what you are, An addict. It amazes me the number of people who smoke cigarettes who would never smoke a "marijuana" cigarette. They say "Oh no, that’s drugs" or "I’m not a dope fiend". Sorry pal tobacco is a drug and if you're a smoker, you are also a drug addict. The sooner you accept it, the sooner you will be able to get well again and kick the habit. Smoking, like any addiction ...
Words: 385 - Pages: 2
... about 84,000 km3. The subglacial flood hypothesis for drumlin origin has been applied to drumlins in New York, southern Ontario, the northeast shore of Georgian Bay in Ontario, and to the interpretation of hummocky terrain in southern Alberta, and other areas, by various workers. Shaw suggested as many as 10 meltwater discharges, similar to those which caused the Livingstone Lake drumlins, would be needed to account for drumlin fields in other areas [Shoemaker, 1995, p. 3]. The subglacial meltwater hypothesis of Shaw et al has several parallels to an interpretation of drumlins as streamlined landforms caused by the currents of flood waters generated by uplift, pre ...
Words: 3070 - Pages: 12
... down to -45 degrees Celsius are not harmful and do not dampen their activities ( Mammals Multimedia Encyclopedia 1990). Tigers usually live and hunt alone. When they hunt they can leap 5 to 6 or jump as far as 10 meters. Tigers do not usually prey on people, but some do become man eaters. If a Tiger becomes a man eater it is because of a wound, weakness, or just because it is to old. The young accompany their mother on the hunt when they are 5 to 6 months of age. Tigers begin to hunt alone when they are just eleven months old. Before the young can hunt alone, the mother will demonstrate how it is done(Comptons Interactive Encyclopedia 1993). T ...
Words: 1086 - Pages: 4
... they either dream about how aggressive they are or about the lack of aggression in their daily routine. Women, on the other hand, have typically been brought up to be more emotional than men. This up bringing has also affected the way women dream. ³Women are more likely to dial into their interior life whether awake or asleep² (Segell 42). This means that women will read into their more frequently then men. Researchers have found that problems that occur during the day either at work or home and are worked through in your sleep (Segell 42). While men would most likely look at these as nothing but a dream, women will try to face these problems thro ...
Words: 924 - Pages: 4
... each other ever since. Today the universe is still expanding, as astronomers have observed. The Steady State model says that the universe does not evolve or change in time. There was no beginning in the past, nor will there be change in the future. This model assumes the perfect cosmological principle. This principle says that the universe is the same everywhere on the large scale, at all times.2 It maintains the same average density of matter forever. There are observational evidences found that can prove the Big Bang model is more reasonable than the Steady State model. First, the redshifts of distant galaxies. Redshift is a Doppler effect which ...
Words: 1282 - Pages: 5
... may take a week to digest a housefly, and when the trap reopens, the shriveled shell of the insect is left behind. A trap may catch and digest up to three insects, after which the leaf turns black. Older leaves blacken and die regardless of how many insects are caught and the plant continually sends out new leaves during the growing season. Venus flytraps usually grow along the dampish edges of sandy, wet bogs or fens. The plant begins its growth each spring, sending out a resette of small leaves. Usually the plant flowers around April or May. Summer arrives and the plant produces its larger leaves, often on upright petrels. Some plants remain rosetted all season. W ...
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