... highly specialized tasks - one robot may spray paint car parts while another does spots welds while another pours radioactive chemicals. Robots are ideal workers: they never get bored and they work around the clock. What's even more important, they're flexible. By altering its programming you can instruct a robot to take on different tasks. This is largely what sets robots apart from other machines; try as you might you can't make your washing machine do the dishes. Although some critics complain that robots are stealing much-needed jobs away from people, so far they've been given only the dreariest, dirtiest, most soul- destroying work. The word robot is ...
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... such reef residents as groupers. The color patters change predictably from the "juvenile: to the "initial" subdued pattern of small adults to the "terminal" pattern in the largest adult males. The terminal male is the one with the brightest colors and gaudiest patterns. The moon seems to play an important role in fish reproduction. According to Peter H. Pressley, it appears that the moon/s light may be as important as its gravitational pull. "Some fishes may use periods of maximum moonlight for effective nest guarding during the week or so it takes for many demersal eggs to incubate. Since the larvae of many dermersal-spawning species are light sensitive, br ...
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... and start to divide, grow and spread in an uncontolled manner. At first the growth of the cancer occurs very slowly and is usually limited within the prostate gland. Later on in the course of the illness, the prostate gland cells can spread around the body, particulary to the bones where they can paues pain and disability. Estimates show that the cancer may have been growing in some men for up to 10 yearsbefore it causes symptoms and is diagnosed. Some men develop symptoms whereas others do not. In those who that do, the following symptoms are commonly found: BATHROOM TROUBLES: -Need to urinate frequently, especially at night -Sudden, i ...
Words: 517 - Pages: 2
... is forced to rotate with the black hole; in principle, energy can be emitted from the ergosphere. According to general relativity, gravitation severely modifies space and time near a black hole. As the horizon is approached from outside, time slows down relative to that of distant observers, stopping completely on the horizon. Once a body has contracted within its Schwarzschild radius, it would theoretically collapse to a singularity—that is, a dimensionless object of infinite density. Formation Black holes may form during the course of stellar evolution. As nuclear fuels are exhausted in the core of a star, the pressure associated with thei ...
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... modern computers are undoubtedly the result of the United States military’s early developments and technological advancements in computing. Because of the military’s need for the computer earlier this century, great advancements have been, and will continue to be made in the way of computers and other technologies. Truly the first computers, or tools made with the intention of being used for calculating, were made many centuries ago. Throughout history, people have used a diverse array of devices to help them do both simple and complex calculations. Tools have varied from fingers to computers. Tools such as the abacus have aided men for many centuries in doing m ...
Words: 1410 - Pages: 6
... that there is nothing to be afraid of and that there is no possibility of a major accident. They take the public's biggest fears, meltdowns and contaminations, and make them into "events" and "infiltrations." This use of doublespeak is misleading to the public and may make them believe that a major accident hasn't happened, or the accident was a normal event or minor incident. In 1979 a valve in the Three Mile Island stuck open, allowing coolant, an important part of the plant, to escape from the reactor. An installed emergency system did its job and supplied the reactor with necessary coolant, but the system was shot off for a few hours due to employee error. Co ...
Words: 504 - Pages: 2
... as much electricity as possible. Because of the loss of the meteoroid shield, however, this positioning caused workshop temperatures to rise to 126 degrees F. The launch of Skylab 2 was postponed 10 days while NASA engineers developed procedures and trained the crew to make the workshop habitable. At the same time, engineers "rolled" Skylab to lower the temperature of the workshop. Skylab's 2nd manned mission - May 25th to June 22nd Astronauts; Charles Conrad, Jr. Paul J. Weitz Joseph P. Kerwin The crew meats with Skylab on the fifth orbit. After making many repairs, including deployment of parasol sunshade which cooled the inside te ...
Words: 444 - Pages: 2
... various energy sources contribute 23.1 million tons of sulfur dioxide and 20.5 million tons of nitrogen oxides to our atmosphere worldwide. When fossil fuels are ignited like oil and coal, they release carbon dioxide, a so-called greenhouse gas that traps heat within the earth's atmosphere which causes global warming that is taking place right now. Also, it releases sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and various metals (mercury, aluminum) that are released into the atmosphere that reacts with other airborne chemicals (water vapor and sunlight) to produce sulfuric and nitric acid which later can be carried long distance from their source and be deposited as rain (a ...
Words: 1146 - Pages: 5
... can be helpful in painting a picture of what the lives of past civilizations were like, the act of digging up such artifacts can be considered immoral. A person claiming to be conducting an archeological study in a present-day cemetery would most definitely be apprehended and punished for his actions. Cemeteries are considered sacred places, and those who violate the laws made to protect them will be punished for their actions. There is no difference between the aforementioned act and that of unearthing sacred Native American burial grounds, for example. Great care was taken to ensure that the dead received proper and sacred burials in past civilizations. Une ...
Words: 245 - Pages: 1
... a cell are directly influential in the efficiency of the cell’s nutrient absorption and waste expulsion processes. Since the cell membrane of an eukaryotic cell is its only source of nutrition, its surface area must be large enough to allow the cell’s organelles to receive the material it needs or it will die. The eukaryotic cell does this by maximizing the surface area to volume ratio. By using the surface area and volume equations for a sphere you can estimate the surface area of a small cell. By modeling the growth rate of the surface area and volume of a sphere on a linear graph its easily discernible that as the size of the sphere increases the ratio of surfac ...
Words: 333 - Pages: 2