... Molecular biologists have discovered many enzymes, which change the structure of DNA in living organisms. Some of these enzymes can cut and join strands of DNA. Using such enzymes, scientists learned to cut specific genes from DNA and to build customized DNA using these genes. They also learned about vectors, strands of DNA like viruses, which can infect a cell and insert themselves into its DNA. Scientists started to build vectors, which incorporated genes of their choosing and used vectors to insert these genes into the DNA of living organisms. Genetic engineers believe that they can improve the foods we eat by doing this. At first glance, this might look e ...
Words: 2016 - Pages: 8
... is due to an unusual interaction between cosmic rays and clouds as well as other natural occurring events. The National Weather Service announced that 1998 was the warmest year (on record on average, around the world). A recent tree-ring study indicated that this is the warmest decade in six hundred years (Allen & Herreid, 82). Undeniably, the weather is getting warmer. According to an article in The Economist, a conservative newsmagazine, "The sea is warming, the plankton dying; floods are sweeping the land. In California, the climate is acting in a peculiar way. So, too, in Antarctica, where unlooked-for flowers are blooming as the ice shelves disintegrate ...
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... has gone too far. At the University of Alabama, a short-term research has been done on 150 people on the effect of the intake of salt related to high blood pressure. Result shows that those with normal blood pressure experience no change at all when placed in a extremely low salt diet, or later when salt was introduced, Of the hypertensive subjects, half of those on the low salt diet did experience a drop in blood pressure, which returned to its previous leel when salt was introduced. Of course, these are other researcherswhgich tend to support the findings. A small Indiana study showed that when normal individuals took large amount of salt, the bolld pr ...
Words: 480 - Pages: 2
... and potassium iodide will be mixed at a number of dilutions. The reactions will then be observed to see at which point a precipitate no longer occurs. Ksp will then be stated as a range of values at room temperature, and the precipitate test tubes will be heated until the precipitate is dissolved so that Ksp may be observed and determined at different levels. In this experiment various solutions of lead nitrate and potassium iodide were mixed at a number of different dilutions. Through the observation of the amount – or lack of precipitate formed in each dilution, the mathematical relationship between the ions in a saturated dilution may be determin ...
Words: 536 - Pages: 2
... genes into a common infectious organism, such as the influenza virus, could be hazardous. We have come to believe that all human beings are equal; but even more firmly, we are taught to believe each one of us is unique. Is that idea undercut by cloning? That is, if you can deliberately make any number of copies of an individual, is each one special? How special can clones feel, knowing they were replicated like smile buttons. "We aren't just our genes, we're a whole collection of our experiences," says Albert Jonsen. But the idea, he adds, raises a host of issues, "from the fantastic to the profound." When anesthesia was discovered in the 19th century, ther ...
Words: 611 - Pages: 3
... down by energetic light rays (UV-C radiation) in a reaction that liberates an atom of chlorine, which destroys ozone by oxidising with the Ozone molecules, forming Cl-O and Oxygen. One atom of chlorine can destroy 10,000 ozone molecules! Atoms containing bromine, nitrous oxide, and hydrogen oxide radicals are also primarily dangerous. As a result, the Ozone in the stratosphere has been reduced to such an extent that ozone holes are appearing around the globe, in particular one over Antarctica that in 1995 measured 8.2 million square miles. This depletion has allowed more dangerous UV-B radiation to reach the earths surface. So what effects will ozone depletion ...
Words: 978 - Pages: 4
... a mystery to researchers. Within the field there are many correlates to biological (genetic) and social causes. The present paper seeks to explore current research through investigating the social and bio-genetic influence of . Testing and treatments of those with ADHD will also be discussed. In accordance with Dulcan et al. (1997) ADD, ADD-H, ADHD, although not identical, will be considered interchangeably due to similarity. Characteristics and Testing of ADHD Intelligence Even though ADHD occurs in people of every intelligence, a majority of children affected experience academic problems. These children may have specific learning disabilities, such as dysle ...
Words: 2216 - Pages: 9
... hypnosis at least twice daily, it is not a highly understood subject by most. To fully understand how hypnosis works, one has to understand the four different activity levels of the human mind. The first level is called beta. In beta the mind is in complete consciousness. Approximately 75 percent of this level is spent regulating vital bodily functions such as heartbeat, breathing, and digestion. The second state is called alpha. Alpha refers to when the mind is in 95 to 100 percent concentration. When hypnosis is induced, the mind is in the alpha level. In this state the mind is fully aware and conscious, but the outside appearance of the body suggests ...
Words: 2615 - Pages: 10
... other parts of the world. In practice, these categories are not clear-cut. The Draft Directive recognises variants, such as mono-disposal - where only a single waste type (which may or may not be hazardous) is deposited - and joint-disposal - where municipal and hazardous wastes may be co-deposited in order to gain benefit from municipal waste decomposition processes. The landfilling of hazardous wastes is a contentious issue and one on which there is not international consensus. Further complications arise from the difficulty of classifying wastes accurately, particularly the distinction between 'hazardous'/'non-hazardous' and of ensuring that 'inert' wastes are ...
Words: 2869 - Pages: 11
... because acid rain kills the crops and fish we eat, ruins homes, and the acid can release lead in the pipes and the lead could go into our drinking water. It is hard to determine where acid rain may fall next, because the wind from a pollueted area could carry pollution to another area and the acid rain could fall there. The regions effected more by acid rain is large parts of eastern North America, Scandinavia, and central Europe. In alot of places acid rain isn't a probelm because some soils can neutralize the acid and it doesn't effect the crops. Areas more sensitive to acid rain is in the western United States most of Washington all of Oregon, sectons of Cal ...
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