... it’s high top speed of sixty miles per hour. It is regarded as one the fastest hunters in the world and of course, the fastest land animal in existence. I also found that it’s habitat is in the grassy plains of Africa. This is definitely a great place for it to hide based on it’s coat color. It is because of this combination of tall grass and camouflage coat which allows the cheetah to stalk and catch it’s prey. These usually consist of gazelles, wild boar, or pretty much any animal it can handle. However, the regular range for it’s food is about 88 pounds. The cheetah then drags the meat to it’s “home”, away from prying animals, and feasts on it immedia ...
Words: 374 - Pages: 2
... China. Modern Astrology has changed as new planets have been discovered. Astrology is about the interaction between the planets, including the Sun and the Moon, and the Star Signs. It studies the mathmatical cycles on which these interactions are based. In some ways, the forces between the planets involved in Astrology can be simplified into one word : gravity. The Sun has the greatest gravity and, therefore, the strongest affect on Astrology, followed by the Moon and the other planets. Astrology can be best understood as a philosophy that helpsd to explain life, rather than simply a tool used to predict one’s future or fate. Each of the twelve Star Signs is a u ...
Words: 552 - Pages: 3
... inside. Although water is the most important factor in the greenhouse effect, is a major reason why human regions experience less cooling at night than do dry regions. Changes in both water and carbon dioxide play an important role in climate changes. For this reason many scientist have expressed concerns over the global increase of carbon dioxide in resent decades, largely as a result of the burring of fossil fuels. In many other factors of the earth’s present climate remain more or less constant, the carbon dioxide increase should raise the average temperature at the earth’s surface. Because warm air can contain warm water before reaching saturation than cooler ...
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... but they could make a person unable to fight. Some of these are called blister agents, which cause big blisters on your skin. A blister agent called mustard gas caused a lot of deaths on both sides during World War I. Some other chemical agents can cause temporary blindness or mental confusion. But people still can defend themselves against all of these chemical agents. For example, gas masks, other protective coverings for the body, and injections of antidotes are used as defenses against chemical agents. Chemical agents also have nonmilitary uses. For example, riot control agents, including tear gas, can be used to control rioting crowds. These agents just affe ...
Words: 385 - Pages: 2
... The machine consisted of vacuum tubes and plugboards, and programming was done purely in machine code. Programming languages were unheard of during the early part of the period, and each machine was specifically assembled to carry out a particular calculation. These early computers had no need for an operating system and were operated directly from the operator's console by a computer programmer, who had immediate knowledge of the computers design. By the early 1950's punched cards were introduced, allowing programs to be written and read directly from the card, instead of using plugboards. Second Generation Computers (1955-1965) In the mid-1950's, ...
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... in milder or more sever forms leading to an overlap of the most obvious symptoms. (7) Chickenpox mostly occurs in children classifying it as a childhood disease although it can occur in adults who are not yet immune to it. This could lead to the belief of chickenpox being one of the oldest diseases. Since the chickenpox infection has two phases, one most common during childhood then a latent form that can become active again later in the persons life, doctors believe that this reactivation would start the cycle all over again. If everyone in the first cycle got the germ then became immune a whole new generation would be born by the time the virus “reawakened” to ...
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... the word Internet work. Internet work means a network of networks. At one time, all of the different networks used different protocols. A user could talk to others on their network, but not to someone on a different network. The protocol TCP/IP solves this problem. It is what allows a person on one network to communicate with a person on a different network. When I mentioned something to share in the network definition, it can be anything, an idea, document, or greeting. Networking allows use of applications on other computers, electronic mail (email), and real time discussions in chat rooms. The types of networks are classified as distributive or cen ...
Words: 448 - Pages: 2
... their external environment. Monkeys and walruses, for example, both have body temperatures of about 38„aC, despite living in very different habitats. However if body temperature rises above its optimum level (usually around 40„aC in mammals) then the enzyme rate inside the body will go into sharp decline. This is because enzymes are proteins, and become denatured. One of the first organs to be affected is the brain. Since the brain controls breathing and the circulation, the rise in body temperature disrupts the normal functioning of these important systems. If the body temperature decreases dramatically (hypothermia) then this will slow metabolic activity and im ...
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... result in the inheritance of a behavior. One of the most famous of experiments that illustrates classical conditioning is Pavlov's Dogs. In this experiment, Pavlov sat behind a one-way mirror and controlled the presentation of a bell. The bell was the conditioned stimulus. A conditioned stimulus was an originally neutral stimulus that could eventually produce a desired response when presented alone. Directly after the ringing of the bell, Pavlov gave the dog food. The food was the unconditioned stimulus. This means that the food caused an uncontrollable response whenever it was presented alone. That response would be the salivation of the dog. A tube that w ...
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... have no idea what a deuterium nucleus is, but is must be 10 times cooler than just a regular nucleus. Such a reaction is not self sustaining because the released energy is not readily imparted to other nuclei. thermonuclear fusion of deuterium and tritium will produce a helium nucleus and an energetic neutron that can help sustain further fusion. This is the basic principal of the hydrogen bomb which employs a brief, controlled thermonuclear fusion reaction. This was also how the car in the Back to the Future movie worked. It had a much more sophisticated system of producing a fusion reaction from things like, old coffee grounds, bananas, and old beer cans. Th ...
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