... what time of the day or night. This schedualing is important for the commercial television stations which rely on advertising revenues to exist. Television ads can be highly sophisticated and highly creative. Tremendous amounts of time and talent and resources are devoted to producing such images which are typically more expensive than programs. One of the gigantic swindles carried out on the public today is that commercial television is free. In fact consumers pay for the programming through higher prices for the goods they purchase. Many television series are themselves advertisments for wealth, luxury,fashion, and high consumption lifestyles. It is often stated ...
Words: 1791 - Pages: 7
... hostile jokes and sexual innuendo" (American Psychological Association, 1981, 1991). "Sexual joking, touching, and patting may be considered unwelcome sexual attention to some, but not others" (Gutek, Morasch, and Cohen, 1983). Women more often than men conclude that these forms of sexual harassment are serious and offending. Is there a difference between what men perceive as sexual harassment and what women consider sexual harassment? The purpose of this study is to determine if in fact there is a difference. According to earlier research, men and women would perceive and define sexual harassment differently (Ellison v. Brady, 1989). "The findings that wo ...
Words: 566 - Pages: 3
... an expense to raise, but later she needed a dowry to marry, and her most productive years were devoted to her husband's family and not her own. Therefore, some parent's attitude to children is such that when they bear a son they congratulate each other, but when they bear a daughter they kill her. Both children come from the parent's love, but they congratulate each other when it is a boy and kill it if it is a girl because they are considering their later convenience and calculating their long-term interests. It is impossible to draw a full and accurate picture of what happened to baby girls in China at any given time; all that is certain is that this form of ...
Words: 1554 - Pages: 6
... These classes cover proper and improper communication skills in various areas of communication. They also help managers to learn and practice communication techniques to aid them in creating strong, “open-door” communication with their employees. These types of classes should be offered to all employees, in all areas of the bank. When managers have stronger interpersonal relationships, it seems that their employees hold a higher regard for them. Because good communication is such a valuable skill, it is just as important for employees as it is for managers to receive communication training. Next, I will discuss my communication strengths and weaknesses. ar ...
Words: 504 - Pages: 2
... radios, books, magazines, and what we observe personally. The world is filled with a vast amount of information and each individual is responsible for obtaining, understanding, and making value judgments on this information. One must understand the world around him before he can understand himself. Making the choice of obtaining a college education is extremely important in the world today. There are so many different areas which ro choose. Each individual must find where his/her interest lay whether it be janitorial services or a rocket scientist. However, some people choose not to go to college and still lead a happy, fulfilled life. Everyone is different ...
Words: 654 - Pages: 3
... What the City of Seattle's affirmative action program does is very simple: first, it gives City managers and personnel officers a snapshot of the labor market, so that they are aware of the availability rates for different groups for a given job classification. Through these availability rates, the City can determine whether or not women, people of color, or persons with disabilities are underrepresented in a given job classification within the work force; second, the City's affirmative action program encourages managers and personnel officers to make special outreach efforts into groups and communities that are underrepresented in our work force, in order t ...
Words: 1046 - Pages: 4
... a census concluded that 25 million gallons of spirits were being produced in America. At this time America was not only a hard-working society, but a hard drinking society as well (Tindall and Shi 545). Males were mostly to blame for the mass consumption, and alcohol was beginning to be blamed for many social problems of the period. Temperance groups, such as the one in Lynn, Massachusetts, began to form and lobby for prohibition (Faler 369). Here, a group called The Society for Industry, Frugality and Temperance was formed. They believed, as did all other temperance groups, that the large amount of alcohol consumed, mostly by the male population, was a danger ...
Words: 1533 - Pages: 6
... boy, I have seen one particular group called colored, Negro, black, and now, African-American. I can't seem to find a consensus out there in any media, one moment the reference is to blacks, and the next to African-Americans, when they are referring to the same group of people. I'm not knocking what people want to call themselves, it's the mixed messages I'm getting and the inaccuracy of the terminology that frustrates me. Look around and you will see there is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the Black Muslims, and African-Americans. All of these terms are used to refer to members of one group of people. Is it any wonder I'm con ...
Words: 694 - Pages: 3
... businessmen. They were not barons because they all started penniless and they were not robbers because they did not take it from anyone else. Vanderbilt got rich by making travel and shipping faster, cheaper, and more luxurious. He built bigger, faster, and more efficient ships. He served food on his ships, which the customers liked is a selfish desire for more than one needs or deserves. can make honest men murderers. It has made countries with rich valuable resources into the poorest countries in the world. We are taught it is bad and not to practice it. But consider a world without , where everyone is as sharing as Mother Theresa was. The progress of humankin ...
Words: 1035 - Pages: 4
... because of the piercing the individual would automatically fit in with the group. This assumption might be related to the fact that the musicians the group listens to also have body piercing. The exact opposite also holds true for those who would be rejected from a group because of the piercing. Last, and most importantly body piercing may affect your job. There have been controversies over facial piercing in fast food restaurants. Also, if you are taking an interview and you have a visible piercing the interviewer may feel intimidated or think negatively toward you. The company may have a policy against piercing. They may make you seem immature or irresponsi ...
Words: 454 - Pages: 2