... would be brought in to sniff out the drugs as well. Drug testing is essential and we need to crack down on these "crack heads." We have to face the fact that teenagers do have sex. We can not stop them from having sex but we can help them from making a big mistake. Condoms would be sold in our schools. Maybe they won’t be sold in public but they will be available in our schools. The selling of condoms in school will provide a way to protect themselves. Another form of protection for our schools is actual police officers and metal detectors in the schools. Kids now a day have so many issues and problems in their lives. Kids are being killed all over America because t ...
Words: 461 - Pages: 2
... they start losing weight, people might compliment them, which would make them feel good. They may start to believe that losing weight will make them happier, but no matter how much weight is lost, it is never enough, and they are never happy. Going through puberty early can be very upsetting, especially if the teenager is being subjected to sexual advances. These advances can be so upsetting it may cause them to feel ashamed of their bodies, fear becoming a woman, and they may try to make their bodies go back to a child like appearance through starvation. are under a lot of pressure to succeed and fit in. Many spend a lot of time worrying about what others think a ...
Words: 1158 - Pages: 5
... motivated businesswomen and scientific women. Actually, the subtle message that society gave was that the educated woman was actually selfish and evil. I remember in a particular story I once read and the effect it had on me. It was a story in the McCall Magazine dated December 1949, called “A Weekend with Daddy.” A little girl, who lives a lonely life with her mother, who is divorced, and intellectual know-it-all psychologist, goes to the country to spend a weekend with her farther and his new wife, who is wholesome, happy, a good cook and gardener. There is love, laughter, growing flowers, hot clams and a gourmet cheese omelet, and square dancing, and she d ...
Words: 2064 - Pages: 8
... Mothers who work, have less problems. For one this means there are two incomes in the family and it also helps with the pride of the mother. Another issue faced is the way a mother may feel about a child going to a child care, in the long run she knows it is the best. Mothers can find guidance if they are not able to find the steps of how to deal with continuing to work. Mothers also know how important it is, even if they work, to show love and want to be around their child(ren). When a couple are trying to raise a family, it is much easier when there are two incomes. This way the parents do not have to worry about the financial surprises that come up. ...
Words: 1752 - Pages: 7
... a different idea on what the perfect form of government is. Hitler thought it should be totalitarian, Washington thought it should be democratic, and Stalin thought it should be communist. So who is right? Is anyone right? Under a utopian society, totalitarianism wouldn't be the best because that society would be more perfect for one person than another. Communism wouldn't be the right choice because the government would have too much control over everyone's lives and being controlled isn't ideal for many people. A democratic society wouldn't work either because you would always have people like Hitler and Stalin walking around that wouldn't agree with it theref ...
Words: 1056 - Pages: 4
... problems. After my dad re-married, we went through some rough times. However, my father and ‘step’ mom have always been there for me during all of the problems that every teenager must face. For example, I just went through a rough time after my boyfriend broke up with me Saturday night, the day before Valentine’s Day. Not only was my best friend able to comfort me, but also my parents. My best friend told me that I should no longer let guys beguile their way into stressing me out, and that all guys are ‘jerks’. It was touching to have my parents willing to listen to my situation, giving me advice that I could use. It’s hard watching my friends walk down th ...
Words: 362 - Pages: 2
... storm troopers and communists had contested the streets on fairly equal terms. Now, three days after the formation of Hitler's cabinet, communist meeting were banned in Prussia. To enforce such measures, there was a new and ominous agency. A minor department in the Berlin police, detailed to watch anticonstitutional activities, was put under Goring's command. As of April 26, 1933, this old Department IA of the Prussian political police was replaced by the Geheime Staatspolizei ("Secret State Police"), better known as the Gestapo. Within two years its actiones would be free from judicial review and it would take its place beside the SD (Sicherheitsdienst, or "S ...
Words: 1097 - Pages: 4
... dances, customs, religion and many others. Some people take great pride in where they came from and others do not care. How important heritage is to a person depends of the individual. The more you learn about your own heritage, the more enlightened you are to others. Some families celebrate their heritage by cooking certain types of food, with recipes handed down from generation to generation. Others celebrate holidays differently or not at all. America is known as the “melting pot,” where people of different backgrounds live together. People with different background marry and start their own traditions. These differences are not visible, but skin color and ...
Words: 2690 - Pages: 10
... The Houston Historical Society had enforced a multi- million dollar order to refurbish the district. Unfortunately, they were not going to grant the owner’s of the elderly woman’s rental house government money to improve the home. Why? Well, the owner’s of the home were not financially in the poverty zone. They actually were making above $35,000, which did not allow them access to government funding. Even though the $35,000, before taxes, was to feed a husband, wife, two children, pay mortgage, insurance, taxes, utilities, college and buy clothes. The district insisted that the owners should have enough money to remodel the home. The owner’s however di ...
Words: 754 - Pages: 3
... The instinctive reaction is to scold the older brother and "baby" the younger brother. This helps neither brother. The younger brother feels more dependent, which damages his self-image, while it makes the older brother resent the attention his younger brother receives even more. In this situation my personal belief is that a person should calmly explain to the older brother that what he did was wrong, but forgivable. You should also explain why it was wrong in a way the child can understand. In my opinion the worst thing a person could do in this situation is to force the child to apologize. It will reestablish that what he did was wrong, and, since his baby br ...
Words: 529 - Pages: 2