... thousand dollars down on a new house and sixty-five thousand into Walter’s care. All hope is lost when Walter loses the money and the family ends up back to where they started, with nothing. Though the money is lost, this lifetime dream of Mama and Ruth’s is not destroyed. They keep their pride and dignity and contribute to sacrificing their time into working endless hours to keep the house. Ruth says, “Lena—I’ll work… I’ll work twenty hours a day in all the kitchens in Chicago… I’ll strap my baby on my back if I have to scrub all the floors in America and wash all the sheets in America if I have to—but we got to move…”(Hansberry 112). Through the struggle of pover ...
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... people benefit from a war. No matter what side a man is on, he is killing other men just like himself, people with whom he might even be friends at another time. But Remarque doesn't just tell us war is horrible. He also shows us that war is terrible beyond anything we could imagine. All our senses are assaulted: we see newly dead soldiers and long-dead corpses tossed up together in a cemetery (Chapter 4); we hear the unearthly screaming of the wounded horses (Chapter 4); we see and smell three layers of bodies, swelling up and belching gases, dumped into a huge shell hole (Chapter 6); and we can almost touch the naked bodies hanging in trees and the limb ...
... from the upper classes formed the Boston Caucus and through their motivational speaking, molded and activated the laboring-class. After the Stamp Act of 1765, the British's taxation of colonists to pay for the Seven Year War, the lower-class stormed and destroyed merchant homes to level the distinction of rich and poor. A hundred lower-classmen had to suffer for the extravagance of one upper-classmen. They demanded more political democracy in which the working class could participate in making policies. In 1776 elections for the constitutional framing of Pennsylvania, a Privates Committee urged the opposition of rich-men in the convention. Even in the coun ...
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... events each which are written above the chapter number. The book contains many ideas and events but there are three main ideas portrayed throughout the book. The first idea that is portrayed is how African Americans are treated in this time period. This idea is portrayed throughout the book by Jim the run-away slave who floats down the river with Huck. The author portrays this idea through the way Jim acts, the way Huck and other whites treat Jim, and how Jim is forced into hiding whenever he is around whites other than Huck, king, and duke. The second main idea is how free everyone was back then. People could up and leave any time they wanted and live prosp ...
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... as a dance, club, or even a holiday program. Mr. Summers, the head of the lottery, has to gather the information of all the households the night before to make the list for the following day. He has to mix the papers up with the one with the black dot on it in the box. The head of the household picks the paper from the box to seen if their family drew the dot or not. This event takes just a few hours to accomplish. The losing family then has to draw to decide who will lose in the household. The person who draws the dot will then get stoned to death. This is a ritual for the townspeople each year. There are people who agree and disagree with this annual eve ...
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... by Billy. Vonnegut places the narrator in the novel in subtle ways. While describing the German prisoner trains, he merely states, “I was there.” By not referring to Billy as I, Billy is immediately an individual person. I is the narrator, while Billy is Billy. Their single connection is that they were both in the war. Kurt Vonnegut places his experiences and his views in the text. He begins the book by stating, “All this happened, more or less. The war parts, anyway, are pretty much true...I’ve changed all of the names.” Viewing war as a senseless act, Slaughterhouse-Five allows Vonnegut to express his feelings on th ...
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... in England is free. He continues to tell the animals that the their labor is stolen by man, who benefits alone. The animals in return get near nothing, just enough to keep them away from starvation. Old Major gave many speeches to the farm animals about hope and the future. He is the main animal who got the rebellion started even though he died before it actually began. Old Major's role compares to Lenin and Marx whose ideas would spark the communist revolution. Lenin became the leader and teacher of the working class in Russia, and their determination to struggle against capitalism. Like Old Major, Lenin and Marx wrote essays and gave speeches to the work ...
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... caused him so much mental anguish in the future, then Paul would not have been born premature and almost still. Ramsay took it upon himself to educate Paul, though the material he used to do this with was highly unheard of, in order to help reduce some of the guilt Dunstan still had with Pauls birth. This new interest of magic and saints is what later led Paul to chose the path he did when he ran away from home. Dunstan greatly altered Pauls life without it ever serving more than the purpose of just moving his life along. A lot of the events that changed Pauls life also effected that of Mary Dempster. The same "snowball" that caused the prem ...
Words: 613 - Pages: 3
... experiences that fiction produces in our imaginations." Jim reveals several things about himself through his actions and by what others say about his actions. I would like to examine a couple of scenes involving Jim to show some of his notable traits. The first passage I'll use is in chapter 11. This is the chapter where Huck finds out that some people are going to see if there is anyone on Jackson Island, where Huck and Jim currently are. After Huck tells Jim that men are coming, Huck says this about Jim's reaction: "Jim never asked no questions, he never said a word; but the way he worked for the next half an hour showed about how he was scared." This ...
Words: 2359 - Pages: 9
... him “that the lady Madeline [Usher's sister] was no more.” (212) He also informed him of his intentions of keeping her corpse for a fortnight in one of the many vaults in the house. Having no wish to oppose his wishes, the narrator helps him entomb the body at Usher's request. The mood in the house has worsened, and Usher is no longer himself. The narrator finds him ranting about the storm, and he explains to him its only a natural phenomenon, and turns to their earlier hobby of reading to distract him. He chooses the Mad Trist, which is apparently a story completely created by Poe (and is definitely in his style). It is a story of a Hero, Ethelred, who ...
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