... to divine." Apparently, to keep them occupied and thus "out of trouble," the natives are forced to do meaningless, pointless exercises. Marlow is shocked by this total subjugation of the Africans and the completely pointless work which they are forced to perform. Prior to 1807, the Europeans directly enslaved the Africans. After 1807, Britain, and eventually most European countries, banned the slave trade. However, this did not stop the Eldorado Exploring Expedition, whose members Marlow described as "reckless without hardihood, greedy without audacity, and cruel without courage," from using natives as forced labor for their benefit--the classic definition of s ...
Words: 976 - Pages: 4
... principle of self-preservation." In other words, necessity is not a justification for killing, even when this necessity is beyond human control. Since Billy is unable to defend himself verbally, he "responds to pure nature, and the dictates of necessity" by lashing out at Claggart. I agree with Reich's notion that Vere was correct in hanging Billy, and that it is society, not Vere, who should be criticized for this judgement; for Vere is forced to reject the urgings of his own heart and his values to comply with the binding laws of man. First, the moral issue aside, Captain Vere had no choice but to convict Billy. As captain of a ship under pressure of war and th ...
Words: 521 - Pages: 2
... the same opinion. Holden meets some more people, but non of them can solve his problems. He feels more depressed and lonely. He walks around in the rain soaking wet, he is sure he is going to catch pneumonia. But before he leaves this world he wants to visit his little sister, Phoebe, to say good bye. He admires her a lot and they communicate very well. Holden realises that there are things he cannot solve by him self, and decides to rejoin his family. The style of the book is very unusual because it is told by a sixteen-year-old boy. It can give you some problems because some of the things he tells about and observe might not be true, but extremely exaggerate ...
Words: 660 - Pages: 3
... his surroundings (an important feature in becoming a good soldier) and lives with what he has. In the 17th century, the Catholic reform was sweeping through many parts of Europe. The period from 1600 to about 1750 is known as the Baroque Era. Throughout this period the Catholic Church was fighting back against the effects of the Renaissance. The people of the Renaissance society started to question their beliefs in the church and tried to rationally explain the world around them. Several crusades were fought throughout this period and in the end England and France became "Christianized." Robinson Crusoe was published during the Baroque Era and it contained a grea ...
Words: 1402 - Pages: 6
... for their legendary marketing. Frito's potato chip salesmen strive to achieve a 99.5% service level. This is the foundation of its extraordinary success. Analysts showed how much could be saved if Frito would reduce its commitment to service The analysts are right, Frito would save money. However, analysts can not begin to predict the impact of service unreliability on the sales force, retailers, and eventually on the market share loss. The successful companies limited themselves to a handful of themes that were intense and repetitive, and highly successful in helping employees buy into themes. Quality and service were the hallmarks of these companies. In addition, ...
Words: 1835 - Pages: 7
... her of being a “hipocrite” because she worked on the Sabbath day. Sykes not only abused Delia emotionally but also physically. One night after an argument between the two where Delia actually had the courage to stand up to him, Sykes got into to bed and threatened that, “[he] oughter mash [her] in [her] mouf fuh drawing dat skillet [on him].” After they been married only a short few months he gave her the first beating. Others in town knew of the abuse Delia suffered from. One gentlemen from town made the comment one day, “[Sykes] done beat [Delia] ‘nough tuh kill three women.” Many people in the town had little to no r ...
Words: 497 - Pages: 2
... Two Minute Hate. The main focus of the telescreens is the image of Big Brother. Big Brother is always shown on the screen to make the people believe that Oceania is winning the war. Big Brother is the leader of the Inner Party, and Emmanuel Goldstein plays the role of keeping the citizens fearful that they might do or say, or even think, something harmful to the State and the Party. The telescreens attempt to control the intellect and emotions of its citizens. The telescreens prove the emotional loyalty to Big Brother, who alone has the power to create and to destroy anyone he wants. The people know that every move they make is being constantly watched by the ...
Words: 1074 - Pages: 4
... and he began fighting with no fear. Tom Wilson is another young sodier in the 304th regiment who is called the loud soldier. When he is in the tent talking to Henry and conklin he talks about how he will not run and take on the whole army on by himself. When he is in the first battle he tries to run but is caught by an officer and made to go back and fight. His attitude changed from being confident to being scard of fighting. Jim conklin is also a soldier in the 304th regiment who talks with Henry and tom. When Conklin was talking to Henry and Wilson about how they felt about fighting their first battle, he says that he will run if he sees everyo ...
Words: 522 - Pages: 2
... stray towards savagery when they are w! ithout adult authority. Therefore, Golding succeeds in effectively portraying the interests and attitudes of young children in this novel. When children are given the opportunity, they would rather envelop themselves in pleasure and play than in the stresses of work. The boys show enmity towards building the shelters, even though this work is important, to engage in trivial activities. Af ter one of the shelters collapses while only Simon and Ralph are building it, Ralph clamours, "All day I've been working with Simon. No one else. They're off bathing or eating, or playing." (55). Ralph and Simon, though only childr ...
Words: 1530 - Pages: 6
... through the presidential car by the time it comes abreast of the van. By God we've got it." All this points to Fredrick Forsyth's amazing mood setting talent in this novel. The reader feels at one with the many characters as they each take part in the many small ventures that give rise to the climax. In a scene where the Jackal is purchasing a fake identification card, the reader can tell that the man making the card is an expert. Not because it was mentioned, but because the man has such a large amount of information about I.D. cards to offer. This same writing talent that displays the characters with subtle suggestion instead of giving specific details is als ...
Words: 495 - Pages: 2